"딥 러닝"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(section 'articles' updated)
4번째 줄: 4번째 줄:
== articles ==
* Luke de Oliveira, Michael Kagan, Lester Mackey, Benjamin Nachman, Ariel Schwartzman, Jet-Images -- Deep Learning Edition, arXiv:1511.05190[hep-ph], November 16 2015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05190v2
* Nicolas Papernot, Patrick McDaniel, Xi Wu, Somesh Jha, Ananthram Swami, Distillation as a Defense to Adversarial Perturbations against Deep Neural Networks, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04508v2
* Nicolas Papernot, Patrick McDaniel, Xi Wu, Somesh Jha, Ananthram Swami, Distillation as a Defense to Adversarial Perturbations against Deep Neural Networks, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04508v2
* https://github.com/kuz/DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner
* https://github.com/kuz/DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner

2016년 4월 5일 (화) 01:12 판


  • Deep learning algorithms have been shown to perform extremely well on many classical machine learning problems.
