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== 노트 ==
== 노트 ==
* The following points highlight the three main types of cost functions.<ref name="ref_fabe">[http://www.economicsdiscussion.net/cost/3-main-types-of-cost-functions/19976 3 Main Types of Cost Functions]</ref>
* The loss function is used to measure how good or bad the model is performing.<ref name="ref_937a">[https://www.analyticssteps.com/blogs/what-are-different-loss-functions-used-optimizers-neural-networks What Are Different Loss Functions Used as Optimizers in Neural Networks?]</ref>
* that statistical cost functions will have a bias towards linearity.<ref name="ref_fabe" />
* Also, there is no fixed loss function that can be used in all places.<ref name="ref_937a" />
* We have noted that if the cost function is linear, the equation used in preparing the total cost curve in Fig.<ref name="ref_fabe" />
* Loss functions are mainly classified into two different categories that are Classification loss and Regression Loss.<ref name="ref_937a" />
* Most economists agree that linear cost functions are valid over the relevant range of output for the firm.<ref name="ref_fabe" />
* We implement this mechanism in the form of losses and loss functions.<ref name="ref_b293">[https://data-flair.training/blogs/keras-loss-functions/ Keras Loss Functions]</ref>
* In traditional economics, we must make use of the cubic cost function as illustrated in Fig. 15.5.<ref name="ref_fabe" />
* Neural networks are trained using an optimizer and we are required to choose a loss function while configuring our model.<ref name="ref_b293" />
* However, there are cost functions which cannot be decomposed using a loss function.<ref name="ref_2c4d">[http://image.diku.dk/shark/sphinx_pages/build/html/rest_sources/tutorials/concepts/library_design/losses.html Loss and Cost Functions — Shark 3.0a documentation]</ref>
* Different loss functions play slightly different roles in training neural nets.<ref name="ref_b293" />
* In other words, all loss functions generate a cost function, but not all cost functions must be based on a loss function.<ref name="ref_2c4d" />
* This article will explain the role of Keras loss functions in training deep neural nets.<ref name="ref_b293" />
* This allows embarrassingly parallelizable gradient descent on the cost function.<ref name="ref_2c4d" />
* At its core, a loss function is incredibly simple: it’s a method of evaluating how well your algorithm models your dataset.<ref name="ref_ffc8">[https://iq.opengenus.org/types-of-loss-function/ Types of Loss Function]</ref>
* hasFirstDerivative Can the cost function calculate its first derivative?<ref name="ref_2c4d" />
* If your predictions are totally off, your loss function will output a higher number.<ref name="ref_ffc8" />
* The cost function, , describes how the firm’s total costs vary with its output—the number of cars, , that it produces.<ref name="ref_d624">[https://www.core-econ.org/the-economy/book/text/leibniz-07-03-01.html The Economy: Leibniz: Average and marginal cost functions]</ref>
* There are variety of pakages which surropt these loss function.<ref name="ref_ffc8" />
* Now think about the shape of the average cost function.<ref name="ref_d624" />
* This paper studies a variety of loss functions and output layer regularization strategies on image classification tasks.<ref name="ref_3230">[https://paperswithcode.com/paper/what-s-in-a-loss-function-for-image What's in a Loss Function for Image Classification?]</ref>
* A cost function is a MATLAB® function that evaluates your design requirements using design variable values.<ref name="ref_ead5">[https://www.mathworks.com/help/sldo/ug/writing-a-custom-cost-function.html Write a Cost Function]</ref>
* , we’ll be discussing what a loss function is and how it’s used in an artificial neural network.<ref name="ref_e14f">[https://deeplizard.com/learn/video/Skc8nqJirJg Loss in a Neural Network explained]</ref>
* When you optimize or estimate model parameters, you provide the saved cost function as an input to sdo.optimize .<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* Recall that we’ve already introduced the idea of a loss function in our post on training a neural network.<ref name="ref_e14f" />
* To understand the parts of a cost function, consider the following sample function myCostFunc .<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* The loss function is what SGD is attempting to minimize by iteratively updating the weights in the network.<ref name="ref_e14f" />
* Value; % Compute the requirements (objective and constraint violations) and % assign them to vals, the output of the cost function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* This was just illustrating the math behind how one loss function, MSE, works.<ref name="ref_e14f" />
* Specifies the inputs of the cost function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* However, there is no universally accepted definition for other loss functions.<ref name="ref_2c78">[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1022899518027 Variance and Bias for General Loss Functions]</ref>
* A cost function must have as input, params , a vector of the design variables to be estimated, optimized, or used for sensitivity analysis.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* Most approaches have focused solely on 0-1 loss functions and have produced significantly different definitions.<ref name="ref_2c78" />
* For more information, see Specify Inputs of the Cost Function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* Using this framework, bias and variance definitions are produced which generalize to any symmetric loss function.<ref name="ref_2c78" />
* In this sample cost function, the requirements are based on the design variable x, a model parameter.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* We illustrate these statistics on several loss functions with particular emphasis on 0-1 loss.<ref name="ref_2c78" />
* The cost function first extracts the current values of the design variables and then computes the requirements.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* The results obtained with their bi-temperature loss function was then compared to the vanilla logistic loss function.<ref name="ref_b4d0">[https://www.kdnuggets.com/2019/11/research-guide-advanced-loss-functions-machine-learning-models.html Research Guide: Advanced Loss Functions for Machine Learning Models]</ref>
* Specifies the requirement values as outputs, vals and derivs , of the cost function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* This loss function is adopted for the discriminator.<ref name="ref_b4d0" />
* A cost function must return vals , a structure with one or more fields that specify the values of the objective and constraint violations.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* As a result of this, GANs using this loss function are able to generate higher quality images than regular GANs.<ref name="ref_b4d0" />
* For more information, see Specify Outputs of the Cost Function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* This loss function is used when images that look similar are being compared.<ref name="ref_b4d0" />
* However, sdo.optimize and sdo.evaluate accept a cost function with only one input argument.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* We will use the term cost function for a single training example and loss function for the entire training dataset.<ref name="ref_6b69">[https://analyticsindiamag.com/hands-on-guide-to-loss-functions-used-to-evaluate-a-ml-algorithm/ Hands-On Guide To Loss Functions Used To Evaluate A ML Algorithm]</ref>
* To use a cost function that accepts more than one input argument, you use an anonymous function.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* Depending on the output variable we need to choose loss function to our model.<ref name="ref_6b69" />
* Suppose that the myCostFunc_multi_inputs.m file specifies a cost function that takes params and arg1 as inputs.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* MSE loss is popularly used loss functions in dealing with regression problems.<ref name="ref_6b69" />
* For example, you can make the model name an input argument, arg1 , and configure the cost function to be used for multiple models.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* The args and kwargs will be passed to loss_cls during the initialization to instantiate a loss function.<ref name="ref_aa20">[https://docs.fast.ai/losses.html Loss Functions]</ref>
* You create convenience objects once and pass them as an input to the cost function to reduce code redundancy and computation cost.<ref name="ref_ead5" />
* + 1(e < 0)c 2 (e ) will be a loss function.<ref name="ref_6adc">[https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/loss-functions Encyclopedia.com]</ref>
* We will conclude that theT-policy optimumN andD policies depends on the employed cost function.<ref name="ref_a167">[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02888260 A unified cost function for M/G/1 queueing systems with removable server]</ref>
* Optimal forecasting of a time series model depends extensively on the specification of the loss function.<ref name="ref_6adc" />
* What we need is a cost function so we can start optimizing our weights.<ref name="ref_a976">[https://ml-cheatsheet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/linear_regression.html Linear Regression — ML Glossary documentation]</ref>
* Suppose the loss functions c 1 (·), c 2 (·) are used for forecasting Y t + h and for forecasting h (Y t + h ), respectively.<ref name="ref_6adc" />
* Let’s use MSE (L2) as our cost function.<ref name="ref_a976" />
* Granger (1999) remarks that it would be strange behavior to use the same loss function for Y and h (Y ).<ref name="ref_6adc" />
* To minimize MSE we use Gradient Descent to calculate the gradient of our cost function.<ref name="ref_a976" />
* Loss functions are used to train neural networks and to compute the difference between output and target variable.<ref name="ref_e490">[https://mxnet.apache.org/versions/1.7/api/python/docs/tutorials/packages/gluon/loss/loss.html Loss functions — Apache MXNet documentation]</ref>
* Math There are two parameters (coefficients) in our cost function we can control: weight \(m\) and bias \(b\).<ref name="ref_a976" />
* A critical component of training neural networks is the loss function.<ref name="ref_e490" />
* This applet will allow you to graph a cost function, tangent line to the cost function and the marginal cost function.<ref name="ref_8500">[https://www.geogebra.org/m/Rva9PED2 Cost Functions and Marginal Cost Functions]</ref>
* A loss function is a quantative measure of how bad the predictions of the network are when compared to ground truth labels.<ref name="ref_e490" />
* The cost is the quadratic cost function, \(C\), introduced back in Chapter 1.<ref name="ref_83c2">[https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Computer_Science/Book%3A_Neural_Networks_and_Deep_Learning_(Nielsen)/03%3A_Improving_the_way_neural_networks_learn/3.01%3A_The_cross-entropy_cost_function 3.1: The cross-entropy cost function]</ref>
* Some tasks use a combination of multiple loss functions, but often you’ll just use one.<ref name="ref_e490" />
* I'll remind you of the exact form of the cost function shortly, so there's no need to go and dig up the definition.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* Loss functions are to be supplied in the loss parameter of the compile.keras.engine.training.<ref name="ref_e4cb">[https://keras.rstudio.com/reference/loss_mean_squared_error.html Model loss functions — loss_mean_squared_error]</ref>
* Introducing the cross-entropy cost function How can we address the learning slowdown?<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* How do you capture the difference between two distributions in GAN loss functions?<ref name="ref_5206">[https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/gan/loss Generative Adversarial Networks]</ref>
* It turns out that we can solve the problem by replacing the quadratic cost with a different cost function, known as the cross-entropy.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* The loss function used in the paper that introduced GANs.<ref name="ref_5206" />
* In fact, frankly, it's not even obvious that it makes sense to call this a cost function!<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* A GAN can have two loss functions: one for generator training and one for discriminator training.<ref name="ref_5206" />
* Before addressing the learning slowdown, let's see in what sense the cross-entropy can be interpreted as a cost function.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* There are several ways to define the details of the loss function.<ref name="ref_dcd8">[https://cs231n.github.io/linear-classify/ CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition]</ref>
* Two properties in particular make it reasonable to interpret the cross-entropy as a cost function.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* There is one bug with the loss function we presented above.<ref name="ref_dcd8" />
* These are both properties we'd intuitively expect for a cost function.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* We can do so by extending the loss function with a regularization penalty \(R(W)\).<ref name="ref_dcd8" />
* But the cross-entropy cost function has the benefit that, unlike the quadratic cost, it avoids the problem of learning slowing down.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* The demo visualizes the loss functions discussed in this section using a toy 3-way classification on 2D data.<ref name="ref_dcd8" />
* This cancellation is the special miracle ensured by the cross-entropy cost function.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* In SLF, a generic loss function is formulated as a joint optimization problem of network weights and loss parameters.<ref name="ref_8a58">[https://aaai.org/ojs/index.php/AAAI/article/view/5925 Stochastic Loss Function]</ref>
* For both cost functions I simply experimented to find a learning rate that made it possible to see what is going on.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* The loss function for linear regression is squared loss.<ref name="ref_21cb">[https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/logistic-regression/model-training Logistic Regression: Loss and Regularization]</ref>
* As discussed above, it's not possible to say precisely what it means to use the "same" learning rate when the cost function is changed.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* The way you configure your loss functions can make or break the performance of your algorithm.<ref name="ref_e8ab">[https://neptune.ai/blog/pytorch-loss-functions PyTorch Loss Functions: The Ultimate Guide]</ref>
* Part of the reason is that the cross-entropy is a widely-used cost function, and so is worth understanding well.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* In this article, we’ll talk about popular loss functions in PyTorch, and about building custom loss functions.<ref name="ref_e8ab" />
* So the log-likelihood cost behaves as we'd expect a cost function to behave.<ref name="ref_83c2" />
* Loss functions are used to gauge the error between the prediction output and the provided target value.<ref name="ref_e8ab" />
* The average cost function is formed by dividing the cost by the quantity.<ref name="ref_db24">[https://scholarlyoa.com/what-is-an-average-cost-function/ What is an average cost function?]</ref>
* A loss function tells us how far the algorithm model is from realizing the expected outcome.<ref name="ref_e8ab" />
* Cost functions are also known as Loss functions.<ref name="ref_aeab">[https://machinelearningknowledge.ai/cost-functions-in-machine-learning/ Dummies guide to Cost Functions in Machine Learning [with Animation]]</ref>
* In fact, we can design our own (very) basic loss function to further explain how it works.<ref name="ref_8213">[https://algorithmia.com/blog/introduction-to-loss-functions Introduction to Loss Functions]</ref>
* This is where cost function comes into the picture.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* For each prediction that we make, our loss function will simply measure the absolute difference between our prediction and the actual value.<ref name="ref_8213" />
* weight for the next iteration on training data so that the error given by cost function gets further reduced.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* Notice how in the loss function we defined, it doesn’t matter if our predictions were too high or too low.<ref name="ref_8213" />
* The cost functions for regression are calculated on distance-based error.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* A lot of the loss functions that you see implemented in machine learning can get complex and confusing.<ref name="ref_8213" />
* This also known as distance-based error and it forms the basis of cost functions that are used in regression models.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* An optimization problem seeks to minimize a loss function.<ref name="ref_7bae">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_function Loss function]</ref>
* In this cost function, the error for each training data is calculated and then the mean value of all these errors is derived.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* The use of a quadratic loss function is common, for example when using least squares techniques.<ref name="ref_7bae" />
* So Mean Error is not a recommended cost function for regression.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* The quadratic loss function is also used in linear-quadratic optimal control problems.<ref name="ref_7bae" />
* Cost functions used in classification problems are different than what we saw in the regression problem above.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* So how does cross entropy help in the cost function for classification?<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* We could have used regression cost function MAE/MSE even for classification problems.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* Hinge loss is another cost function that is mostly used in Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classification.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* There are many cost functions to choose from and the choice depends on type of data and type of problem (regression or classification).<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) are popular cost functions used in regression problems.<ref name="ref_aeab" />
* We will illustrate the impact of partial updates on the cost function J M ( k ) with two numerical examples.<ref name="ref_fcc2">[https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/cost-function-contour Cost Function Contour - an overview]</ref>
* The cost functions of the averaged systems have been computed to shed some light on the observed differences in convergence rates.<ref name="ref_fcc2" />
* This indicates that the cost function gets gradually flatter for M -max and is the flattest for sequential partial updates.<ref name="ref_fcc2" />
* Then given this class definition, the auto differentiated cost function for it can be constructed as follows.<ref name="ref_965b">[http://ceres-solver.org/nnls_modeling.html Modeling Non-linear Least Squares — Ceres Solver]</ref>
* The algorithm exhibits considerably higher accuracy, but does so by additional evaluations of the cost function.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* This class allows you to apply different conditioning to the residual values of a wrapped cost function.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* This class compares the Jacobians returned by a cost function against derivatives estimated using finite differencing.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* Using a robust loss function, the cost for large residuals is reduced.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* Here the convention is that the contribution of a term to the cost function is given by \(\frac{1}{2}\rho(s)\), where \(s =\|f_i\|^2\).<ref name="ref_965b" />
* Ceres includes a number of predefined loss functions.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* Sometimes after the optimization problem has been constructed, we wish to mutate the scale of the loss function.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* This can have better convergence behavior than just using a loss function with a small scale.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* The cost function carries with it information about the sizes of the parameter blocks it expects.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* This option controls whether the Problem object owns the cost functions.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* If set to TAKE_OWNERSHIP, then the problem object will delete the cost functions on destruction.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* The destructor is careful to delete the pointers only once, since sharing cost functions is allowed.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* This option controls whether the Problem object owns the loss functions.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* If set to TAKE_OWNERSHIP, then the problem object will delete the loss functions on destruction.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* The destructor is careful to delete the pointers only once, since sharing loss functions is allowed.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* * loss_function, double* x0, Ts... xs) Add a residual block to the overall cost function.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* apply_loss_function as the name implies allows the user to switch the application of the loss function on and off.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* Users must provide access to pre-computed shared data to their cost functions behind the scenes; this all happens without Ceres knowing.<ref name="ref_965b" />
* I think it would be useful to have a list of common cost functions, alongside a few ways that they have been used in practice.<ref name="ref_4a94">[https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/154879/a-list-of-cost-functions-used-in-neural-networks-alongside-applications A list of cost functions used in neural networks, alongside applications]</ref>
* A cost function is the performance measure you want to minimize.<ref name="ref_0df0">[https://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371894J-01/lvsimconcepts/sim_c_costfunc/ Defining a Cost Function (Control Design and Simulation Module)]</ref>
* The cost function is a functional equation, which maps a set of points in a time series to a single scalar value.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* Use the Cost type parameter of the SIM Optimal Design VI to specify the type of cost function you want this VI to minimize.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the absolute value of the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the square of the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the time multiplied by the absolute value of the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the time multiplied by the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the time multiplied by the square of the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* A cost function that integrates the square of the time multiplied by the square of the error.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* After you define these parameters, you can write LabVIEW block diagram code to manipulate the parameters according to the cost function.<ref name="ref_0df0" />
* However, the reward associated with each reach (i.e., cost function) is experimentally imposed in most work of this sort.<ref name="ref_d68d">[https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2130788 Statistical decision theory for everyday tasks: A natural cost function for human reach and grasp]</ref>
* We are interested in deriving natural cost functions that may be used to predict people's actions in everyday tasks.<ref name="ref_d68d" />
* Our results indicate that people are reaching in a manner that maximizes their expected reward for a natural cost function.<ref name="ref_d68d" />
* Y* one of the parameters of the cost-minimization story, must be included in the cost function.<ref name="ref_6f05">[https://cruel.org/econthought/essays/product/cost.html The Cost Function]</ref>
* Property (6), the concavity of the cost function, can be understood via the use of Figure 8.2.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* We have drawn two cost functions, C*(w, y) and C(w, y), where total costs are mapped with respect to one factor price, w i .<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* The corresponding cost function is shown in Figure 8.2 by C*(w, y).<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* , the cost function C(w, y) will lie below the Leontief cost function C*(w, y).<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* Now, recall that one of the properties of cost functions were their concavity with respect to individual factor prices.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* Now, as we saw, カ C/ カ y ウ 0 by the properties of the cost function.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* As we have demonstrated, the cost function C(w, y) is positively related to the scale of output.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* One ought to imagine that the cost function would thus also capture these different returns to scale in one way or another.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* The cost function C(w 0 , y) drawn in Figure 8.5 is merely a "stretched mirror image" of the production function in Figure 3.1.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* The resulting shape would be similar to the cost function in Figure 8.5.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* We can continue exploiting the relationship between cost functions and production functions by turning to factor price frontiers.<ref name="ref_6f05" />
* Relying on the observation of flexible cost functions is pivotal to successful business planning in regards to market expenses.<ref name="ref_bff8">[https://www.thoughtco.com/cost-function-definition-1147988 What is a Cost Function?]</ref>
* One of these algorithmic changes was the replacement of mean squared error with the cross-entropy family of loss functions.<ref name="ref_8699">[https://machinelearningmastery.com/loss-and-loss-functions-for-training-deep-learning-neural-networks/ Loss and Loss Functions for Training Deep Learning Neural Networks]</ref>
* One of these algorithmic changes was the replacement of mean squared error with the cross-entropy family of loss functions.<ref name="ref_8699">[https://machinelearningmastery.com/loss-and-loss-functions-for-training-deep-learning-neural-networks/ Loss and Loss Functions for Training Deep Learning Neural Networks]</ref>
* Importantly, the choice of loss function is directly related to the activation function used in the output layer of your neural network.<ref name="ref_8699" />
* Importantly, the choice of loss function is directly related to the activation function used in the output layer of your neural network.<ref name="ref_8699" />
* The choice of cost function is tightly coupled with the choice of output unit.<ref name="ref_8699" />
* The choice of cost function is tightly coupled with the choice of output unit.<ref name="ref_8699" />
* A cost function is a mathematical formula used to used to chart how production expenses will change at different output levels.<ref name="ref_4afc">[https://www.myaccountingcourse.com/accounting-dictionary/cost-function What is a Cost Function? - Definition]</ref>
* The model can be updated to use the ‘mean_squared_logarithmic_error‘ loss function and keep the same configuration for the output layer.<ref name="ref_ead3">[https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-choose-loss-functions-when-training-deep-learning-neural-networks/ How to Choose Loss Functions When Training Deep Learning Neural Networks]</ref>
* Gradient descent is an iterative optimization algorithm used in machine learning to minimize a loss function.<ref name="ref_3e49">[https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/05/5-concepts-gradient-descent-cost-function.html 5 Concepts You Should Know About Gradient Descent and Cost Function]</ref>
* Loss functions are used to determine the error (aka “the loss”) between the output of our algorithms and the given target value.<ref name="ref_39e5">[https://deepai.org/machine-learning-glossary-and-terms/loss-function Loss Function]</ref>
* Let’s use supervised learning problem ; linear regression to introduce model, cost function and gradient descent.<ref name="ref_983b">[https://medium.com/@dhartidhami/machine-learning-basics-model-cost-function-and-gradient-descent-79b69ff28091 Machine Learning Basics: Model, Cost function and Gradient Descent]</ref>
* The quadratic loss is a commonly used symmetric loss function.<ref name="ref_39e5" />
* Also, as it turns out the gradient descent for the cost function for linear regression is a convex function.<ref name="ref_983b" />
* The Cost function and Loss function refer to the same context.<ref name="ref_e085">[https://dev.to/imsparsh/most-common-loss-functions-in-machine-learning-57p7 Most Common Loss Functions in Machine Learning]</ref>
* An optimization problem seeks to minimize a loss function.<ref name="ref_7bae">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_function Loss function]</ref>
* The cost function is a function that is calculated as the average of all loss function values.<ref name="ref_e085" />
* The use of a quadratic loss function is common, for example when using least squares techniques.<ref name="ref_7bae" />
* The Loss function is directly related to the predictions of your model that you have built.<ref name="ref_e085" />
* The quadratic loss function is also used in linear-quadratic optimal control problems.<ref name="ref_7bae" />
* This is the most common Loss function used in Classification problems.<ref name="ref_e085" />
* In ML, cost functions are used to estimate how badly models are performing.<ref name="ref_3099">[https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning-fundamentals-via-linear-regression-41a5d11f5220 Machine learning fundamentals (I): Cost functions and gradient descent]</ref>
* The group of functions that are minimized are called “loss functions”.<ref name="ref_faa0">[https://medium.com/@phuctrt/loss-functions-why-what-where-or-when-189815343d3f Loss functions: Why, what, where or when?]</ref>
* At this point the model has optimized the weights such that they minimize the cost function.<ref name="ref_3099" />
* Loss function is used as measurement of how good a prediction model does in terms of being able to predict the expected outcome.<ref name="ref_faa0" />
* Cost Function quantifies the error between predicted values and expected values and presents it in the form of a single real number.<ref name="ref_0625">[https://towardsdatascience.com/coding-deep-learning-for-beginners-linear-regression-part-2-cost-function-49545303d29f Coding Deep Learning for Beginners — Linear Regression (Part 2): Cost Function]</ref>
* A loss function is a mathematical function commonly used in statistics.<ref name="ref_cb5b">[https://radiopaedia.org/articles/loss-function Radiology Reference Article]</ref>
* Depending on the problem Cost Function can be formed in many different ways.<ref name="ref_0625" />
* There are many types of loss functions including mean absolute loss, mean squared error and mean bias error.<ref name="ref_cb5b" />
* The goal is to find the values of model parameters for which Cost Function return as small number as possible.<ref name="ref_0625" />
* Loss functions are at the heart of the machine learning algorithms we love to use.<ref name="ref_2088">[https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2019/08/detailed-guide-7-loss-functions-machine-learning-python-code/ Loss Function In Machine Learning]</ref>
* let’s try picking smaller weight now and see if the created Cost Function works.<ref name="ref_0625" />
* In this article, I will discuss 7 common loss functions used in machine learning and explain where each of them is used.<ref name="ref_2088" />
* Loss functions are one part of the entire machine learning journey you will take.<ref name="ref_2088" />
* Here, theta_j is the weight to be updated, alpha is the learning rate and J is the cost function.<ref name="ref_2088" />
* Machines learn by means of a loss function.<ref name="ref_8f8d">[https://towardsdatascience.com/common-loss-functions-in-machine-learning-46af0ffc4d23 Common Loss functions in machine learning]</ref>
* If predictions deviates too much from actual results, loss function would cough up a very large number.<ref name="ref_8f8d" />
* Gradually, with the help of some optimization function, loss function learns to reduce the error in prediction.<ref name="ref_8f8d" />
* There’s no one-size-fits-all loss function to algorithms in machine learning.<ref name="ref_8f8d" />
* The loss function is the function that computes the distance between the current output of the algorithm and the expected output.<ref name="ref_7ee5">[https://towardsdatascience.com/what-is-loss-function-1e2605aeb904 What are Loss Functions?]</ref>
* This loss function is convex and grows linearly for negative values (less sensitive to outliers).<ref name="ref_7ee5" />
* The Hinge loss function was developed to correct the hyperplane of SVM algorithm in the task of classification.<ref name="ref_7ee5" />
* At the difference of the previous loss function, the square is replaced by an absolute value.<ref name="ref_7ee5" />
* Square Error (MSE) is the most commonly used regression loss function.<ref name="ref_a0e0">[https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/5-regression-loss-functions-all-machine-learners-should-know-4fb140e9d4b0 5 Regression Loss Functions All Machine Learners Should Know]</ref>
* Whenever we train a machine learning model, our goal is to find the point that minimizes loss function.<ref name="ref_a0e0" />
* Problems with both: There can be cases where neither loss function gives desirable predictions.<ref name="ref_a0e0" />
* Another way is to try a different loss function.<ref name="ref_a0e0" />
* Generally cost and loss functions are synonymous but cost function can contain regularization terms in addition to loss function.<ref name="ref_d4f7">[https://medium.com/@zeeshanmulla/cost-activation-loss-function-neural-network-deep-learning-what-are-these-91167825a4de Cost, Activation, Loss Function|| Neural Network|| Deep Learning. What are these?]</ref>
* Loss function is a method of evaluating “how well your algorithm models your dataset”.<ref name="ref_d4f7" />
* Cost Function quantifies the error between predicted values and expected values and presents it in the form of a single real number.<ref name="ref_d4f7" />
* Depending on the problem Cost Function can be formed in many different ways.<ref name="ref_d4f7" />
* In this example, we’re defining the loss function by creating an instance of the loss class.<ref name="ref_477b">[https://neptune.ai/blog/keras-loss-functions Keras Loss Functions: Everything You Need To Know]</ref>
* Problems involving the prediction of more than one class use different loss functions.<ref name="ref_477b" />
* During the training process, one can weigh the loss function by observations or samples.<ref name="ref_477b" />
* It is usually a good idea to monitor the loss function, on the training and validation set as the model is training.<ref name="ref_477b" />
* Loss functions are typically created by instantiating a loss class (e.g. keras.losses.<ref name="ref_3d67">[https://keras.io/api/losses/ Losses]</ref>
  <references />
  <references />
* ID :  [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1036748 Q1036748]
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [{'LOWER': 'loss'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
* [{'LOWER': 'loss'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
* [{'LOWER': 'error'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
* [{'LOWER': 'cost'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]

2021년 2월 17일 (수) 00:59 기준 최신판


  • The loss function is used to measure how good or bad the model is performing.[1]
  • Also, there is no fixed loss function that can be used in all places.[1]
  • Loss functions are mainly classified into two different categories that are Classification loss and Regression Loss.[1]
  • We implement this mechanism in the form of losses and loss functions.[2]
  • Neural networks are trained using an optimizer and we are required to choose a loss function while configuring our model.[2]
  • Different loss functions play slightly different roles in training neural nets.[2]
  • This article will explain the role of Keras loss functions in training deep neural nets.[2]
  • At its core, a loss function is incredibly simple: it’s a method of evaluating how well your algorithm models your dataset.[3]
  • If your predictions are totally off, your loss function will output a higher number.[3]
  • There are variety of pakages which surropt these loss function.[3]
  • This paper studies a variety of loss functions and output layer regularization strategies on image classification tasks.[4]
  • , we’ll be discussing what a loss function is and how it’s used in an artificial neural network.[5]
  • Recall that we’ve already introduced the idea of a loss function in our post on training a neural network.[5]
  • The loss function is what SGD is attempting to minimize by iteratively updating the weights in the network.[5]
  • This was just illustrating the math behind how one loss function, MSE, works.[5]
  • However, there is no universally accepted definition for other loss functions.[6]
  • Most approaches have focused solely on 0-1 loss functions and have produced significantly different definitions.[6]
  • Using this framework, bias and variance definitions are produced which generalize to any symmetric loss function.[6]
  • We illustrate these statistics on several loss functions with particular emphasis on 0-1 loss.[6]
  • The results obtained with their bi-temperature loss function was then compared to the vanilla logistic loss function.[7]
  • This loss function is adopted for the discriminator.[7]
  • As a result of this, GANs using this loss function are able to generate higher quality images than regular GANs.[7]
  • This loss function is used when images that look similar are being compared.[7]
  • We will use the term cost function for a single training example and loss function for the entire training dataset.[8]
  • Depending on the output variable we need to choose loss function to our model.[8]
  • MSE loss is popularly used loss functions in dealing with regression problems.[8]
  • The args and kwargs will be passed to loss_cls during the initialization to instantiate a loss function.[9]
  • + 1(e < 0)c 2 (e ) will be a loss function.[10]
  • Optimal forecasting of a time series model depends extensively on the specification of the loss function.[10]
  • Suppose the loss functions c 1 (·), c 2 (·) are used for forecasting Y t + h and for forecasting h (Y t + h ), respectively.[10]
  • Granger (1999) remarks that it would be strange behavior to use the same loss function for Y and h (Y ).[10]
  • Loss functions are used to train neural networks and to compute the difference between output and target variable.[11]
  • A critical component of training neural networks is the loss function.[11]
  • A loss function is a quantative measure of how bad the predictions of the network are when compared to ground truth labels.[11]
  • Some tasks use a combination of multiple loss functions, but often you’ll just use one.[11]
  • Loss functions are to be supplied in the loss parameter of the compile.keras.engine.training.[12]
  • How do you capture the difference between two distributions in GAN loss functions?[13]
  • The loss function used in the paper that introduced GANs.[13]
  • A GAN can have two loss functions: one for generator training and one for discriminator training.[13]
  • There are several ways to define the details of the loss function.[14]
  • There is one bug with the loss function we presented above.[14]
  • We can do so by extending the loss function with a regularization penalty \(R(W)\).[14]
  • The demo visualizes the loss functions discussed in this section using a toy 3-way classification on 2D data.[14]
  • In SLF, a generic loss function is formulated as a joint optimization problem of network weights and loss parameters.[15]
  • The loss function for linear regression is squared loss.[16]
  • The way you configure your loss functions can make or break the performance of your algorithm.[17]
  • In this article, we’ll talk about popular loss functions in PyTorch, and about building custom loss functions.[17]
  • Loss functions are used to gauge the error between the prediction output and the provided target value.[17]
  • A loss function tells us how far the algorithm model is from realizing the expected outcome.[17]
  • In fact, we can design our own (very) basic loss function to further explain how it works.[18]
  • For each prediction that we make, our loss function will simply measure the absolute difference between our prediction and the actual value.[18]
  • Notice how in the loss function we defined, it doesn’t matter if our predictions were too high or too low.[18]
  • A lot of the loss functions that you see implemented in machine learning can get complex and confusing.[18]
  • An optimization problem seeks to minimize a loss function.[19]
  • The use of a quadratic loss function is common, for example when using least squares techniques.[19]
  • The quadratic loss function is also used in linear-quadratic optimal control problems.[19]
  • One of these algorithmic changes was the replacement of mean squared error with the cross-entropy family of loss functions.[20]
  • Importantly, the choice of loss function is directly related to the activation function used in the output layer of your neural network.[20]
  • The choice of cost function is tightly coupled with the choice of output unit.[20]
  • The model can be updated to use the ‘mean_squared_logarithmic_error‘ loss function and keep the same configuration for the output layer.[21]
  • Loss functions are used to determine the error (aka “the loss”) between the output of our algorithms and the given target value.[22]
  • The quadratic loss is a commonly used symmetric loss function.[22]
  • The Cost function and Loss function refer to the same context.[23]
  • The cost function is a function that is calculated as the average of all loss function values.[23]
  • The Loss function is directly related to the predictions of your model that you have built.[23]
  • This is the most common Loss function used in Classification problems.[23]
  • The group of functions that are minimized are called “loss functions”.[24]
  • Loss function is used as measurement of how good a prediction model does in terms of being able to predict the expected outcome.[24]
  • A loss function is a mathematical function commonly used in statistics.[25]
  • There are many types of loss functions including mean absolute loss, mean squared error and mean bias error.[25]
  • Loss functions are at the heart of the machine learning algorithms we love to use.[26]
  • In this article, I will discuss 7 common loss functions used in machine learning and explain where each of them is used.[26]
  • Loss functions are one part of the entire machine learning journey you will take.[26]
  • Here, theta_j is the weight to be updated, alpha is the learning rate and J is the cost function.[26]
  • Machines learn by means of a loss function.[27]
  • If predictions deviates too much from actual results, loss function would cough up a very large number.[27]
  • Gradually, with the help of some optimization function, loss function learns to reduce the error in prediction.[27]
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all loss function to algorithms in machine learning.[27]
  • The loss function is the function that computes the distance between the current output of the algorithm and the expected output.[28]
  • This loss function is convex and grows linearly for negative values (less sensitive to outliers).[28]
  • The Hinge loss function was developed to correct the hyperplane of SVM algorithm in the task of classification.[28]
  • At the difference of the previous loss function, the square is replaced by an absolute value.[28]
  • Square Error (MSE) is the most commonly used regression loss function.[29]
  • Whenever we train a machine learning model, our goal is to find the point that minimizes loss function.[29]
  • Problems with both: There can be cases where neither loss function gives desirable predictions.[29]
  • Another way is to try a different loss function.[29]
  • Generally cost and loss functions are synonymous but cost function can contain regularization terms in addition to loss function.[30]
  • Loss function is a method of evaluating “how well your algorithm models your dataset”.[30]
  • Cost Function quantifies the error between predicted values and expected values and presents it in the form of a single real number.[30]
  • Depending on the problem Cost Function can be formed in many different ways.[30]
  • In this example, we’re defining the loss function by creating an instance of the loss class.[31]
  • Problems involving the prediction of more than one class use different loss functions.[31]
  • During the training process, one can weigh the loss function by observations or samples.[31]
  • It is usually a good idea to monitor the loss function, on the training and validation set as the model is training.[31]
  • Loss functions are typically created by instantiating a loss class (e.g. keras.losses.[32]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 What Are Different Loss Functions Used as Optimizers in Neural Networks?
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Keras Loss Functions
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Types of Loss Function
  4. What's in a Loss Function for Image Classification?
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Loss in a Neural Network explained
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Variance and Bias for General Loss Functions
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Research Guide: Advanced Loss Functions for Machine Learning Models
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Hands-On Guide To Loss Functions Used To Evaluate A ML Algorithm
  9. Loss Functions
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Encyclopedia.com
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Loss functions — Apache MXNet documentation
  12. Model loss functions — loss_mean_squared_error
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Generative Adversarial Networks
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
  15. Stochastic Loss Function
  16. Logistic Regression: Loss and Regularization
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 PyTorch Loss Functions: The Ultimate Guide
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Introduction to Loss Functions
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Loss function
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Loss and Loss Functions for Training Deep Learning Neural Networks
  21. How to Choose Loss Functions When Training Deep Learning Neural Networks
  22. 22.0 22.1 Loss Function
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Most Common Loss Functions in Machine Learning
  24. 24.0 24.1 Loss functions: Why, what, where or when?
  25. 25.0 25.1 Radiology Reference Article
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Loss Function In Machine Learning
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Common Loss functions in machine learning
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 What are Loss Functions?
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 5 Regression Loss Functions All Machine Learners Should Know
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Cost, Activation, Loss Function|| Neural Network|| Deep Learning. What are these?
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Keras Loss Functions: Everything You Need To Know
  32. Losses



Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'loss'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'loss'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'error'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'cost'}, {'LEMMA': 'function'}]