"준결정 (quasicrystal)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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==리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트==
==리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트==
* Faustin Adiceam, Open Problems and Conjectures related to the Theory of Mathematical Quasicrystals, arXiv:1604.06280 [math-ph], April 16 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.06280
* Baake, Michael, David Damanik, and Uwe Grimm. “What Is Aperiodic Order?” arXiv:1512.05104 [math-Ph], December 16, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.05104.
* Baake, Michael, David Damanik, and Uwe Grimm. “What Is Aperiodic Order?” arXiv:1512.05104 [math-Ph], December 16, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.05104.
* Fang Fang, Klee Irwin, An Icosahedral Quasicrystal as a Golden Modification of the Icosagrid and its Connection to the E8 Lattice, arXiv:1511.07786 [math.MG], November 20 2015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07786
* Michael Baake, David Ecija, Uwe Grimm, A guide to lifting aperiodic structures, arXiv:1606.07647 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci], June 24 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.07647
* Emilio Zappa, Eric C. Dykeman, James A. Geraets, Reidun Twarock, A group theoretical approach to structural transitions of icosahedral quasicrystals and point arrays, http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02101v2
* Palamodov, Victor P. “Uniformly Discrete Quasicrystals Are Crystals.” arXiv:1601.07049 [math], January 26, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07049.
* Lev, Nir, and Alexander Olevskii. “Fourier Quasicrystals and Discreteness of the Diffraction Spectrum.” arXiv:1512.08735 [math-Ph], December 29, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08735.
* Lev, Nir, and Alexander Olevskii. “Fourier Quasicrystals and Discreteness of the Diffraction Spectrum.” arXiv:1512.08735 [math-Ph], December 29, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08735.
* Bédaride, Nicolas, and Thomas Fernique. “Weak Local Rules for Planar Octagonal Tilings.” arXiv:1512.04679 [math-Ph], December 15, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04679.
* Bédaride, Nicolas, and Thomas Fernique. “Weak Local Rules for Planar Octagonal Tilings.” arXiv:1512.04679 [math-Ph], December 15, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04679.
* Puelz, Charles, Mark Embree, and Jake Fillman. “Spectral Approximation for Quasiperiodic Jacobi Operators.” arXiv:1408.0370 [math], August 2, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.0370.
* Puelz, Charles, Mark Embree, and Jake Fillman. “Spectral Approximation for Quasiperiodic Jacobi Operators.” arXiv:1408.0370 [math], August 2, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.0370.
== 노트 ==
# Forming a quasicrystal is a little like tiling a floor.<ref name="ref_dfb84d70">[https://www.brown.edu/news/2018-12-20/quasicrystal Chemists create new quasicrystal material from nanoparticle building blocks]</ref>
# The same goes for this new quasicrystal structure — they require secondary “tiles” that can fill the gaps between decagons.<ref name="ref_dfb84d70" />
# The arrangement of atoms in a quasicrystal displays a property called long-range order, which is lacking in amorphous metals.<ref name="ref_63f3a1e5">[https://www.britannica.com/science/quasicrystal quasicrystal]</ref>
# The 1D quasicrystal is obtained as a section of the decorated periodic lattice by E par : each time the E par line intercepts a segment line, an atomic position is generated.<ref name="ref_95a81cbf">[https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/quasicrystal Quasicrystal - an overview]</ref>
# More complex structures can be generated: for instance, the segment line can be given a longer length; this will generate additional positions in the 1D quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_95a81cbf" />
# Illustration of the 2D description of a 1D quasicrystal, here the Fibonacci chain (see text).<ref name="ref_95a81cbf" />
# This procedure generalizes to the case of a 3D quasicrystal such as icosahedral phases.<ref name="ref_95a81cbf" />
# In a quasicrystal, imagine atoms are at the points of the objects you’re using.<ref name="ref_c6929e49">[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/quasicrystals-win-chemistry-nobel What are Quasicrystals, and What Makes Them Nobel-Worthy?]</ref>
# The first synthetic quasicrystal was grown in the lab in 1982, and there are now more than 100 types of lab-grown ones.<ref name="ref_e2fa2383">[https://www.newscientist.com/article/2115570-third-ever-natural-quasicrystal-found-in-siberian-meteorite/ Third-ever natural quasicrystal found in Siberian meteorite]</ref>
# The new quasicrystal has a similar molecular structure to the first one, but slightly different chemistry: both are made of aluminium, copper and iron, but in different proportions.<ref name="ref_e2fa2383" />
# With the composition of this new quasicrystal in hand, it should be easy to synthesise it.<ref name="ref_e2fa2383" />
# A quasiperiodic crystal, or quasicrystal, is a structure that is ordered but not periodic.<ref name="ref_0e9191f1">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasicrystal#:~:text=A%20quasiperiodic%20crystal%2C%20or%20quasicrystal,but%20it%20lacks%20translational%20symmetry. Quasicrystal]</ref>
# In 1982 materials scientist Dan Shechtman observed that certain aluminium-manganese alloys produced the unusual diffractograms which today are seen as revelatory of quasicrystal structures.<ref name="ref_0e9191f1" />
# This quasicrystal, with a composition of Al 63 Cu 24 Fe 13 , was named icosahedrite and it was approved by the International Mineralogical Association in 2010.<ref name="ref_0e9191f1" />
# A further study of Khatyrka meteorites revealed micron-sized grains of another natural quasicrystal, which has a ten-fold symmetry and a chemical formula of Al 71 Ni 24 Fe 5 .<ref name="ref_0e9191f1" />
# He didn’t know it yet, but he had just discovered the first quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_ad945b07">[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00026-y Quasicrystals: the thrill of the chase]</ref>
# Steel hardened by small quasicrystal particles is used in needles for acupuncture and surgery, dental instruments and razor blades.<ref name="ref_ad945b07" />
# Perhaps, he surmised, one of these was a misidentified quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_ad945b07" />
# On 2 January 2009, the researchers became certain that they had discovered a natural quasicrystal (later named icosahedrite).<ref name="ref_ad945b07" />
# A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystal formed as a dodecahedron, the dual of the icosahedron.<ref name="ref_122643af">[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quasicrystal quasicrystal]</ref>
# The force of the Trinity test had forged a new quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_5419c0fc">[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quasicrystal Quasicrystal Definition & Meaning]</ref>
# The data show that electron momenta and energies are correlated with the structure of the quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_61bba954">[https://www2.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/quasicrystal-states.html Quasicrystal Electronic State Studies]</ref>
# Peter Gille of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, grew the quasicrystal, and the samples were prepared and characterized by Horn and by Wolfgang Theis of the Free University of Berlin.<ref name="ref_61bba954" />
# The electrons aren't localized to clusters, instead they feel the long-range quasicrystal potential," Rotenberg says.<ref name="ref_61bba954" />
# A quasicrystal, however, is a permanent physical fingerprint of the conditions inside the nuclear fireball it formed within.<ref name="ref_b6fd6550">[https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/the-first-atomic-bomb-created-this-forbidden-quasicrystal The First Atomic Bomb Created This ‘Forbidden’ Quasicrystal]</ref>
# As scientists whip up more elemental combinations in a lab or uncover them in remote atomic blast sites, they may stumble across a quasicrystal useful for all sorts of applications, he says.<ref name="ref_b6fd6550" />
# So, by examining all of the polygons, you can locate the verticies of your quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_440e2f00">[http://www.physics.emory.edu/~weeks/software/exquasi.html How to make a quasicrystal]</ref>
# Each polygon corresponds to a vertex of the quasicrystal you are trying to make.<ref name="ref_440e2f00" />
# In fact, the indices of these four polygons are very similar, and these four polygons correspond to the four vertices of a single tile in your quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_440e2f00" />
# Since in principle these imaginary sets of lines can be infinitely big, the program stops at some arbitrary point (basically some point past when the page is filled with a quasicrystal).<ref name="ref_440e2f00" />
# For one, they realized a 2D quasicrystal optical lattice tuned far from any internal atomic resonance, reducing problematic atom-light scattering effects.<ref name="ref_63c054fc">[https://physics.aps.org/articles/v12/31 A Quasicrystal for Quantum Simulations]</ref>
# Schneider’s team also showed that the time evolution of the BEC on the quasicrystal is quite distinct from that on a periodic lattice.<ref name="ref_63c054fc" />
# The successive population of these smaller momentum states constitutes a quantum walk in the quasicrystal’s momentum space.<ref name="ref_63c054fc" />
# In the present work, Schneider and colleagues interpret their 2D quasicrystal as an incommensurate projection of a 4D cubic lattice onto a 2D plane.<ref name="ref_63c054fc" />
# This was the discovery (later recognized by Nobel Prize) of a "quasicrystal" (QC), a curious solid that shows long-range ordering similar to crystals but lacks their periodicity.<ref name="ref_3452f0db">[https://www.tus.ac.jp/en/mediarelations/archive/20211119_0222.html Clear as (Quasi) Crystal: Scientists Discover the First Ferromagnetic Quasicrystals]</ref>
# This enables us to describe the whole quasicrystal structure with a finite set of parameters.<ref name="ref_3015322b">[http://www.jcrystal.com/steffenweber/qc.html Introduction to Quasicrystals]</ref>
# After the discovery of quasicrystals in 1984 a close resemblance was noted between the icosahedral quasicrystal and the 3D-Penrose pattern.<ref name="ref_3015322b" />
# By putting atoms at the vertices of a 3D-Penrose pattern one can obtain a Fourier Transform which explains very well the diffraction patterns of the found Al-Mn quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_3015322b" />
# However, the structural solution of the quasicrystal is still under debate and it will provide a broad aspect for future development and guide the investigations of different aspects of quasicrystals.<ref name="ref_10b51f7b">[https://medcraveonline.com/MSEIJ/quasicrystal-a-beautiful-morphology-and-diffraction-pattern.html Quasicrystal: a beautiful morphology and diffraction pattern]</ref>
# The diffraction patterns simulated from these structures are startlingly close to those observed for the icosahederal phase and this phase was termed as a quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_10b51f7b" />
# The transmission electron microscopy selected area electron diffraction pattern form Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_10b51f7b" />
# Moreover, the quantum quasicrystal patterns are found to emerge as the ground state with no need of moderate thermal uctuations.<ref name="ref_98408bf0">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.12299?context=cond-mat.soft Exploring quantum quasicrystal patterns: a variational study A. Mendoza-Coto,1, ∗ R. Turcati,1 V. Zampronio,2 R. D´ıaz-M´endez,3, 4 T. Macr`ı,5 and F. Cinti6, 7, 8, †]</ref>
# Our calculations show that, in an intermediate region between the homogeneous superuid and the normal quasicrystal phases, these exotic states indeed exist at zero temperature.<ref name="ref_98408bf0" />
# Yet, by increasing uctuations, a structural transition from quasicrystal to cluster triangular crystal takes place.<ref name="ref_98408bf0" />
# The blue curve separates the homogeneous from the dodecagonal cluster quasicrystal phase.<ref name="ref_98408bf0" />
# It's been nearly four decades since he set out to convince the chemist community of a discovery most considered impossible – a material called a quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_23666aed">[https://www.sciencealert.com/quasicrystals-were-once-impossible-we-re-still-finding-new-ways-to-make-them Physicists Just Created a Strange New Type of 'Quasicrystal' in The Lab]</ref>
# "It's a fundamentally new type of quasicrystal, and we've been able to figure out the rules for making it, which will be useful in the continued study of quasicrystal structures.<ref name="ref_23666aed" />
# A quasicrystal is an aperiodic crystal that is not an incommensurate modulated structure, nor an aperiodic composite crystal.<ref name="ref_fdab6711">[https://dictionary.iucr.org/Quasicrystal Online Dictionary of Crystallography]</ref>
# However, presence of such a forbidden symmetry is not required for a quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_fdab6711" />
# The term quasicrystal stems from the property of quasiperiodicity observed for the first alloys found with forbidden symmetries.<ref name="ref_fdab6711" />
# The material was a quasicrystal, a solid in which atoms could exist in stable patterns of peculiar irregular symmetry.<ref name="ref_3ea0bc4e">[https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/may-22-solving-our-sand-crisis-nuclear-quasicrystals-voyager-hears-an-interstellar-hum-and-more-1.6035006/world-s-first-nuclear-detonation-forged-the-first-human-made-quasicrystal-1.6035016 World's first nuclear detonation forged the first human-made quasicrystal]</ref>
# His theorizing was soon proved right, as another researcher, Dan Schectman, created a quasicrystal in his lab, a feat that won Shechtman the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011.<ref name="ref_3ea0bc4e" />
# Now in new work they've found a quasicrystal unlike anything ever seen before from ground zero of the Trinity atomic test.<ref name="ref_3ea0bc4e" />
# After analyzing the sample that came from the nuclear blast site, Steinhardt and his colleagues found the quasicrystal had fivefold, threefold and twofold symmetries.<ref name="ref_3ea0bc4e" />
# Other puzzling cases have been reported, but until the concept of quasicrystal came to be established they were explained away or simply denied.<ref name="ref_42005e72">[https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Quasicrystal.html Quasicrystal]</ref>
# Since 2004 different research groups have reported evidence for quasicrystal ordering in liquids and polymers.<ref name="ref_42005e72" />
# The new quasicrystal, formed of silicon, copper, calcium and iron, is “brand new to science,” says mineralogist Chi Ma of Caltech, who was not involved with the study.<ref name="ref_752d6908">[https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-quasi-crystal-formed-first-atomic-bomb-test A newfound quasicrystal formed in the first atomic bomb test]</ref>
# Asimow and colleagues hypothesized that the energy released by the shock could have caused the quasicrystal's formation by triggering a rapid cycle of compression, heating, decompression, and cooling.<ref name="ref_12563628">[https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/natural-quasicrystals-may-be-result-collisions-between-objects-asteroid-belt-50984 Natural Quasicrystals May Be the Result of Collisions Between Objects in the Asteroid Belt]</ref>
# And now we know that when you shock the starting materials that were available in that meteorite, you get a quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_12563628" />
# For example, it is unclear at what point the quasicrystal formed during the shock's pressure and temperature cycle.<ref name="ref_12563628" />
# This was something thought to be impossible until their Nobel prize-winning discovery by Dan Schechtman in 1982, with Steinhardt suggesting the name ‘quasicrystal’.<ref name="ref_33420604">[https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/oldest-human-made-quasicrystal-discovered-in-remains-of-first-nuclear-blast/4013708.article Oldest human-made quasicrystal discovered in remains of first nuclear blast]</ref>
# The trinitite sample is likely to be the first quasicrystal humans ever synthesised, albeit unknowingly.<ref name="ref_33420604" />
# At low temperatures motion of atoms within the solid is difficult, and phason strain may be easily frozen into the quasicrystal, limiting its perfection.<ref name="ref_6193386d">[https://www.britannica.com/science/quasicrystal/Properties quasicrystal - Properties]</ref>
# The term quasicrystal should simply be regarded as an abbreviation for quasiperiodic crystal, possibly with two provisos, as discussed below.<ref name="ref_6c743825">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0008152 The Definition of Quasicrystals  RON LIFSHITZ]</ref>
# Here we construct the one-dimensional Anbry-Andre-Harper (AAH) model based on the coupled ring chain structure to reveal diusive quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_43826de8">[http://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.06765 Non-Hermitian Diffusive Quasicrystal Zhoufei Liu1 and Jiping Huang1,]</ref>
# The quasicrystal is an ordered but not periodic phase that has received much attention theoretically and experimentally over the last several decades.<ref name="ref_43826de8" />
# Here, we reveal through real-time and 3D imaging the formation of a single decagonal quasicrystal arising from a hard collision between multiple growing quasicrystals in an Al-Co-Ni liquid.<ref name="ref_a9d75b9b">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.14074 Formation of a single quasicrystal upon collision of multiple grains Insung Han1, †, Kelly L. Wang2, †, Andrew T. Cadotte3, Zhucong Xi1, Hadi Parsamehr1,]</ref>
# 6. 2 Structures of quasicrystals Quasicrystal was a special form of solid matter that is ordered but not periodic.<ref name="ref_fc185657">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2108.01560 TOPOLOGICAL STATES IN QUASICRYSTALS Jiahao Fan]</ref>
# One can ask what the eects of disorder are in a quasicrystal, and how critical states are aected by randomness.<ref name="ref_ed2a6e8c">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.14744 The Fibonacci quasicrystal: case study of hidden dimensions and multifractality]</ref>
# When is irrational, the potential Vn = V cos(2n + ) is quasiperiodic in n, and HAAH describes a 1D quasicrystal.<ref name="ref_249e08bf">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.03302 Non-Hermitian quasicrystal in dimerized lattices Longwen Zhou1, ∗ and Wenqian Han1]</ref>
# In this work, we consider another extension of the AAH quasicrystal by introducing hopping dimerizations.<ref name="ref_249e08bf" />
# DEPLOYABLE QUASICRYSTAL DESIGN Kirigami is a traditional Japanese paper crafting art that has recently become popular among scientists and engineers.<ref name="ref_62f928d3">[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.13399 Quasicrystal kirigami Lucy Liu,1, ∗ Gary P. T. Choi,2, ∗ and L. Mahadevan3, 4, †]</ref>
# Here we show that we can achieve deployable symmetry-preserving patterns, with the special quasicrystal rotation orders preserved upon deployment in all three approaches.<ref name="ref_62f928d3" />
# Deployable quasicrystal patterns created using the expansion tile method.<ref name="ref_62f928d3" />
# B. The tile removal method Our second approach for achieving deployability is re- moving tiles from a given quasicrystal pattern, changing the lattice connectivity and introducing negative space.<ref name="ref_62f928d3" />
<references />
== 메타데이터 ==
* ID :  [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q263214 Q263214]
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [{'LOWER': 'quasicrystal'}]

2022년 9월 16일 (금) 03:27 기준 최신판

사전 형태의 자료

리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트

  • Faustin Adiceam, Open Problems and Conjectures related to the Theory of Mathematical Quasicrystals, arXiv:1604.06280 [math-ph], April 16 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.06280
  • Baake, Michael, David Damanik, and Uwe Grimm. “What Is Aperiodic Order?” arXiv:1512.05104 [math-Ph], December 16, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.05104.


  • Fang Fang, Klee Irwin, An Icosahedral Quasicrystal as a Golden Modification of the Icosagrid and its Connection to the E8 Lattice, arXiv:1511.07786 [math.MG], November 20 2015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07786
  • Michael Baake, David Ecija, Uwe Grimm, A guide to lifting aperiodic structures, arXiv:1606.07647 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci], June 24 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.07647
  • Emilio Zappa, Eric C. Dykeman, James A. Geraets, Reidun Twarock, A group theoretical approach to structural transitions of icosahedral quasicrystals and point arrays, http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02101v2
  • Palamodov, Victor P. “Uniformly Discrete Quasicrystals Are Crystals.” arXiv:1601.07049 [math], January 26, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07049.
  • Lev, Nir, and Alexander Olevskii. “Fourier Quasicrystals and Discreteness of the Diffraction Spectrum.” arXiv:1512.08735 [math-Ph], December 29, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08735.
  • Bédaride, Nicolas, and Thomas Fernique. “Weak Local Rules for Planar Octagonal Tilings.” arXiv:1512.04679 [math-Ph], December 15, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04679.
  • Puelz, Charles, Mark Embree, and Jake Fillman. “Spectral Approximation for Quasiperiodic Jacobi Operators.” arXiv:1408.0370 [math], August 2, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.0370.



  1. Forming a quasicrystal is a little like tiling a floor.[1]
  2. The same goes for this new quasicrystal structure — they require secondary “tiles” that can fill the gaps between decagons.[1]
  3. The arrangement of atoms in a quasicrystal displays a property called long-range order, which is lacking in amorphous metals.[2]
  4. The 1D quasicrystal is obtained as a section of the decorated periodic lattice by E par : each time the E par line intercepts a segment line, an atomic position is generated.[3]
  5. More complex structures can be generated: for instance, the segment line can be given a longer length; this will generate additional positions in the 1D quasicrystal.[3]
  6. Illustration of the 2D description of a 1D quasicrystal, here the Fibonacci chain (see text).[3]
  7. This procedure generalizes to the case of a 3D quasicrystal such as icosahedral phases.[3]
  8. In a quasicrystal, imagine atoms are at the points of the objects you’re using.[4]
  9. The first synthetic quasicrystal was grown in the lab in 1982, and there are now more than 100 types of lab-grown ones.[5]
  10. The new quasicrystal has a similar molecular structure to the first one, but slightly different chemistry: both are made of aluminium, copper and iron, but in different proportions.[5]
  11. With the composition of this new quasicrystal in hand, it should be easy to synthesise it.[5]
  12. A quasiperiodic crystal, or quasicrystal, is a structure that is ordered but not periodic.[6]
  13. In 1982 materials scientist Dan Shechtman observed that certain aluminium-manganese alloys produced the unusual diffractograms which today are seen as revelatory of quasicrystal structures.[6]
  14. This quasicrystal, with a composition of Al 63 Cu 24 Fe 13 , was named icosahedrite and it was approved by the International Mineralogical Association in 2010.[6]
  15. A further study of Khatyrka meteorites revealed micron-sized grains of another natural quasicrystal, which has a ten-fold symmetry and a chemical formula of Al 71 Ni 24 Fe 5 .[6]
  16. He didn’t know it yet, but he had just discovered the first quasicrystal.[7]
  17. Steel hardened by small quasicrystal particles is used in needles for acupuncture and surgery, dental instruments and razor blades.[7]
  18. Perhaps, he surmised, one of these was a misidentified quasicrystal.[7]
  19. On 2 January 2009, the researchers became certain that they had discovered a natural quasicrystal (later named icosahedrite).[7]
  20. A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystal formed as a dodecahedron, the dual of the icosahedron.[8]
  21. The force of the Trinity test had forged a new quasicrystal.[9]
  22. The data show that electron momenta and energies are correlated with the structure of the quasicrystal.[10]
  24. Peter Gille of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, grew the quasicrystal, and the samples were prepared and characterized by Horn and by Wolfgang Theis of the Free University of Berlin.[10]
  25. The electrons aren't localized to clusters, instead they feel the long-range quasicrystal potential," Rotenberg says.[10]
  26. A quasicrystal, however, is a permanent physical fingerprint of the conditions inside the nuclear fireball it formed within.[11]
  27. As scientists whip up more elemental combinations in a lab or uncover them in remote atomic blast sites, they may stumble across a quasicrystal useful for all sorts of applications, he says.[11]
  28. So, by examining all of the polygons, you can locate the verticies of your quasicrystal.[12]
  29. Each polygon corresponds to a vertex of the quasicrystal you are trying to make.[12]
  30. In fact, the indices of these four polygons are very similar, and these four polygons correspond to the four vertices of a single tile in your quasicrystal.[12]
  31. Since in principle these imaginary sets of lines can be infinitely big, the program stops at some arbitrary point (basically some point past when the page is filled with a quasicrystal).[12]
  32. For one, they realized a 2D quasicrystal optical lattice tuned far from any internal atomic resonance, reducing problematic atom-light scattering effects.[13]
  33. Schneider’s team also showed that the time evolution of the BEC on the quasicrystal is quite distinct from that on a periodic lattice.[13]
  34. The successive population of these smaller momentum states constitutes a quantum walk in the quasicrystal’s momentum space.[13]
  35. In the present work, Schneider and colleagues interpret their 2D quasicrystal as an incommensurate projection of a 4D cubic lattice onto a 2D plane.[13]
  36. This was the discovery (later recognized by Nobel Prize) of a "quasicrystal" (QC), a curious solid that shows long-range ordering similar to crystals but lacks their periodicity.[14]
  37. This enables us to describe the whole quasicrystal structure with a finite set of parameters.[15]
  38. After the discovery of quasicrystals in 1984 a close resemblance was noted between the icosahedral quasicrystal and the 3D-Penrose pattern.[15]
  39. By putting atoms at the vertices of a 3D-Penrose pattern one can obtain a Fourier Transform which explains very well the diffraction patterns of the found Al-Mn quasicrystal.[15]
  40. However, the structural solution of the quasicrystal is still under debate and it will provide a broad aspect for future development and guide the investigations of different aspects of quasicrystals.[16]
  41. The diffraction patterns simulated from these structures are startlingly close to those observed for the icosahederal phase and this phase was termed as a quasicrystal.[16]
  42. The transmission electron microscopy selected area electron diffraction pattern form Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystal.[16]
  43. Moreover, the quantum quasicrystal patterns are found to emerge as the ground state with no need of moderate thermal uctuations.[17]
  44. Our calculations show that, in an intermediate region between the homogeneous superuid and the normal quasicrystal phases, these exotic states indeed exist at zero temperature.[17]
  45. Yet, by increasing uctuations, a structural transition from quasicrystal to cluster triangular crystal takes place.[17]
  46. The blue curve separates the homogeneous from the dodecagonal cluster quasicrystal phase.[17]
  47. It's been nearly four decades since he set out to convince the chemist community of a discovery most considered impossible – a material called a quasicrystal.[18]
  48. "It's a fundamentally new type of quasicrystal, and we've been able to figure out the rules for making it, which will be useful in the continued study of quasicrystal structures.[18]
  49. A quasicrystal is an aperiodic crystal that is not an incommensurate modulated structure, nor an aperiodic composite crystal.[19]
  50. However, presence of such a forbidden symmetry is not required for a quasicrystal.[19]
  51. The term quasicrystal stems from the property of quasiperiodicity observed for the first alloys found with forbidden symmetries.[19]
  52. The material was a quasicrystal, a solid in which atoms could exist in stable patterns of peculiar irregular symmetry.[20]
  53. His theorizing was soon proved right, as another researcher, Dan Schectman, created a quasicrystal in his lab, a feat that won Shechtman the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011.[20]
  54. Now in new work they've found a quasicrystal unlike anything ever seen before from ground zero of the Trinity atomic test.[20]
  55. After analyzing the sample that came from the nuclear blast site, Steinhardt and his colleagues found the quasicrystal had fivefold, threefold and twofold symmetries.[20]
  56. Other puzzling cases have been reported, but until the concept of quasicrystal came to be established they were explained away or simply denied.[21]
  57. Since 2004 different research groups have reported evidence for quasicrystal ordering in liquids and polymers.[21]
  58. The new quasicrystal, formed of silicon, copper, calcium and iron, is “brand new to science,” says mineralogist Chi Ma of Caltech, who was not involved with the study.[22]
  59. Asimow and colleagues hypothesized that the energy released by the shock could have caused the quasicrystal's formation by triggering a rapid cycle of compression, heating, decompression, and cooling.[23]
  60. And now we know that when you shock the starting materials that were available in that meteorite, you get a quasicrystal.[23]
  61. For example, it is unclear at what point the quasicrystal formed during the shock's pressure and temperature cycle.[23]
  62. This was something thought to be impossible until their Nobel prize-winning discovery by Dan Schechtman in 1982, with Steinhardt suggesting the name ‘quasicrystal’.[24]
  63. The trinitite sample is likely to be the first quasicrystal humans ever synthesised, albeit unknowingly.[24]
  64. At low temperatures motion of atoms within the solid is difficult, and phason strain may be easily frozen into the quasicrystal, limiting its perfection.[25]
  65. The term quasicrystal should simply be regarded as an abbreviation for quasiperiodic crystal, possibly with two provisos, as discussed below.[26]
  66. Here we construct the one-dimensional Anbry-Andre-Harper (AAH) model based on the coupled ring chain structure to reveal diusive quasicrystal.[27]
  67. The quasicrystal is an ordered but not periodic phase that has received much attention theoretically and experimentally over the last several decades.[27]
  68. Here, we reveal through real-time and 3D imaging the formation of a single decagonal quasicrystal arising from a hard collision between multiple growing quasicrystals in an Al-Co-Ni liquid.[28]
  69. 6. 2 Structures of quasicrystals Quasicrystal was a special form of solid matter that is ordered but not periodic.[29]
  70. One can ask what the eects of disorder are in a quasicrystal, and how critical states are aected by randomness.[30]
  71. When is irrational, the potential Vn = V cos(2n + ) is quasiperiodic in n, and HAAH describes a 1D quasicrystal.[31]
  72. In this work, we consider another extension of the AAH quasicrystal by introducing hopping dimerizations.[31]
  73. DEPLOYABLE QUASICRYSTAL DESIGN Kirigami is a traditional Japanese paper crafting art that has recently become popular among scientists and engineers.[32]
  74. Here we show that we can achieve deployable symmetry-preserving patterns, with the special quasicrystal rotation orders preserved upon deployment in all three approaches.[32]
  75. Deployable quasicrystal patterns created using the expansion tile method.[32]
  76. B. The tile removal method Our second approach for achieving deployability is re- moving tiles from a given quasicrystal pattern, changing the lattice connectivity and introducing negative space.[32]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chemists create new quasicrystal material from nanoparticle building blocks
  2. quasicrystal
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Quasicrystal - an overview
  4. What are Quasicrystals, and What Makes Them Nobel-Worthy?
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Third-ever natural quasicrystal found in Siberian meteorite
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Quasicrystal
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Quasicrystals: the thrill of the chase
  8. quasicrystal
  9. Quasicrystal Definition & Meaning
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Quasicrystal Electronic State Studies
  11. 11.0 11.1 The First Atomic Bomb Created This ‘Forbidden’ Quasicrystal
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 How to make a quasicrystal
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 A Quasicrystal for Quantum Simulations
  14. Clear as (Quasi) Crystal: Scientists Discover the First Ferromagnetic Quasicrystals
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Introduction to Quasicrystals
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Quasicrystal: a beautiful morphology and diffraction pattern
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Exploring quantum quasicrystal patterns: a variational study A. Mendoza-Coto,1, ∗ R. Turcati,1 V. Zampronio,2 R. D´ıaz-M´endez,3, 4 T. Macr`ı,5 and F. Cinti6, 7, 8, †
  18. 18.0 18.1 Physicists Just Created a Strange New Type of 'Quasicrystal' in The Lab
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Online Dictionary of Crystallography
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 World's first nuclear detonation forged the first human-made quasicrystal
  21. 21.0 21.1 Quasicrystal
  22. A newfound quasicrystal formed in the first atomic bomb test
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Natural Quasicrystals May Be the Result of Collisions Between Objects in the Asteroid Belt
  24. 24.0 24.1 Oldest human-made quasicrystal discovered in remains of first nuclear blast
  25. quasicrystal - Properties
  26. The Definition of Quasicrystals RON LIFSHITZ
  27. 27.0 27.1 Non-Hermitian Diffusive Quasicrystal Zhoufei Liu1 and Jiping Huang1,
  28. Formation of a single quasicrystal upon collision of multiple grains Insung Han1, †, Kelly L. Wang2, †, Andrew T. Cadotte3, Zhucong Xi1, Hadi Parsamehr1,
  30. The Fibonacci quasicrystal: case study of hidden dimensions and multifractality
  31. 31.0 31.1 Non-Hermitian quasicrystal in dimerized lattices Longwen Zhou1, ∗ and Wenqian Han1
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Quasicrystal kirigami Lucy Liu,1, ∗ Gary P. T. Choi,2, ∗ and L. Mahadevan3, 4, †



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