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(사용자 2명의 중간 판 17개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
* https://brunch.co.kr/@justinleeanac/2
* http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v518/n7540/full/nature14236.html
* Deep learning algorithms have been shown to perform extremely well on many classical machine learning problems.
* Silver, David, Aja Huang, Chris J. Maddison, Arthur Guez, Laurent Sifre, George van den Driessche, Julian Schrittwieser, et al. “Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search.” Nature 529, no. 7587 (January 28, 2016): 484–89. doi:10.1038/nature16961.
* image classification and labeling
* face recognition
* gesture recognition
* video search and analytics
* speech recognition and translation
* recommendation engines
* indexing and search
==related items==
* [[기계 학습]]
* [[Neural network]]
* [[Artificial intelligence]]
== memo ==
* Kristinn R. Thórisson, Jordi Bieger, Thröstur Thorarensen, Jóna S. Sigurðardóttir, Bas R. Steunebrink, Why Artificial Intelligence Needs a Task Theory --- And What It Might Look Like, arXiv:1604.04660 [cs.AI], April 15 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.04660
== 노트 ==
* This article explains deep learning vs. machine learning and how they fit into the broader category of artificial intelligence.<ref name="ref_884a">[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/concept-deep-learning-vs-machine-learning Deep learning vs. machine learning - Azure Machine Learning]</ref>
* Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that's based on artificial neural networks.<ref name="ref_884a" />
* Now that you have the overview of machine learning vs. deep learning, let's compare the two techniques.<ref name="ref_884a" />
* For this reason, deep learning is rapidly transforming many industries, including healthcare, energy, finance, and transportation.<ref name="ref_884a" />
* Finally, Kelleher considers the future of deep learning—major trends, possible developments, and significant challenges.<ref name="ref_1d27">[https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/deep-learning-1 Deep Learning]</ref>
* Today, deep learning enables farmers to deploy equipment that can see and differentiate between crop plants and weeds.<ref name="ref_db58">[https://www.netapp.com/artificial-intelligence/what-is-deep-learning/ What Is Deep Learning? - How It Works]</ref>
* For example, deep learning can be as effective as a dermatologist in classifying skin cancers, if not more so.<ref name="ref_db58" />
* Deep learning is based on representation learning.<ref name="ref_2fab">[https://serokell.io/blog/deep-learning-and-neural-network-guide A Guide to Deep Learning and Neural Networks]</ref>
* Deep learning doesn’t rely on human expertise as much as traditional machine learning.<ref name="ref_2fab" />
* DL allows us to make discoveries in data even when the developers are not sure what they are trying to find.<ref name="ref_2fab" />
* All major commercial speech recognition systems (like Microsoft Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri) are based on deep learning.<ref name="ref_2fab" />
* Getting started in deep learning – and adopting an organized, sustainable, and reproducible workflow – can be challenging.<ref name="ref_6f2b">[https://www.kdnuggets.com/tag/deep-learning Deep Learning]</ref>
* In the field of deep learning, there continues to be a deluge of research and new papers published daily.<ref name="ref_6f2b" />
* NLP and deep learning continue to advance, nearly on a daily basis.<ref name="ref_6f2b" />
* Natural language processing has made incredible advances through advanced techniques in deep learning.<ref name="ref_6f2b" />
* Let's begin to learn what is Deep Learning, and its various aspects.<ref name="ref_03a9">[https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/deep-learning-tutorial/what-is-deep-learning What is Deep Learning and How Does It Works?]</ref>
* Deep learning can be considered as a subset of machine learning.<ref name="ref_03a9" />
* Deep learning has aided image classification, language translation, speech recognition.<ref name="ref_03a9" />
* Artificial neural networks, comprising many layers, drive deep learning.<ref name="ref_03a9" />
* The clearest explanation of deep learning I have come across...<ref name="ref_e7e9">[https://www.manning.com/books/deep-learning-with-python Deep Learning with Python]</ref>
* About the book Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library.<ref name="ref_e7e9" />
* Deep learning is one of the most influential and fastest growing fields in artificial intelligence.<ref name="ref_70d9">[https://www.unite.ai/what-is-deep-learning/ What is Deep Learning?]</ref>
* Deep learning is an important element of data science, which includes statistics and predictive modeling.<ref name="ref_a1b9">[https://searchenterpriseai.techtarget.com/definition/deep-learning-deep-neural-network What is Deep Learning and How Does it Work?]</ref>
* At its simplest, deep learning can be thought of as a way to automate predictive analytics.<ref name="ref_a1b9" />
* To understand deep learning, imagine a toddler whose first word is dog.<ref name="ref_a1b9" />
* As a result, deep learning may sometimes be referred to as deep neural learning or deep neural networking.<ref name="ref_a1b9" />
* Course material loosely follows the organization of the text: I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.<ref name="ref_c7c0">[https://cedar.buffalo.edu/~srihari/CSE676/ Deep Learning]</ref>
* Deep learning is making a big impact across industries.<ref name="ref_d707">[https://www.ibm.com/cloud/deep-learning Deep Learning - Neural Networks and Deep Learning]</ref>
* Businesses often outsource the development of deep learning.<ref name="ref_d707" />
* You can get started with deep learning for free with IBM Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning.<ref name="ref_d707" />
* You’ll then delve deeper and apply Deep Learning by building models and algorithms using libraries like Keras, PyTorch, and Tensorflow.<ref name="ref_0afa">[https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/deep-learning Deep Learning Professional Certificate]</ref>
* The number of publications addressing deep learning as applied to medical imaging techniques is a small fraction of this number.<ref name="ref_d39a">[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2019.00869/full Applications of Deep Learning to Neuro-Imaging Techniques]</ref>
* Novel denoising algorithms based on deep learning have been studied intensively and showed impressive potential (29).<ref name="ref_d39a" />
* Using a combination of q-Space deep learning and of simultaneous multi-slice imaging, Golkov et al.<ref name="ref_d39a" />
* Manjón and Coupe (59) used two-stage strategy with deep learning for noise reduction.<ref name="ref_d39a" />
* This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to deep learning for software developers.<ref name="ref_6150">[https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-tensorflow-for-deep-learning--ud187 Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning]</ref>
* In most discussions, deep learning means using deep neural networks.<ref name="ref_145c">[https://www.infoworld.com/article/3397142/what-is-deep-learning-algorithms-that-mimic-the-human-brain.html What is deep learning? Algorithms that mimic the human brain]</ref>
* I mentioned that deep learning is a form of machine learning.<ref name="ref_145c" />
* There are many examples of problems that currently require deep learning to produce the best models.<ref name="ref_145c" />
* As I mentioned earlier, most deep learning is done with deep neural networks.<ref name="ref_145c" />
* For example, deep learning is used to classify images, recognize speech, detect objects and describe content.<ref name="ref_70f1">[https://www.sas.com/en_us/insights/analytics/deep-learning.html What is deep learning?]</ref>
* And those differences should be known—examples of machine learning and deep learning are everywhere.<ref name="ref_0818">[https://www.zendesk.com/blog/machine-learning-and-deep-learning/ Deep learning vs machine learning]</ref>
* More specifically, deep learning is considered an evolution of machine learning.<ref name="ref_0818" />
* And as deep learning becomes more refined, we’ll see even more advanced applications of artificial intelligence in customer service.<ref name="ref_0818" />
* That’s a widely shared sentiment among AI practitioners, any of whom can easily rattle off a long list of deep learning’s drawbacks.<ref name="ref_9ca3">[https://www.pnas.org/content/116/4/1074 News Feature: What are the limits of deep learning?]</ref>
* Until the past year or so, he says, “there had been a feeling that deep learning was magic.<ref name="ref_9ca3" />
* “So I have a hard time imagining that deep learning will go away at this point,” Cox says.<ref name="ref_9ca3" />
* Unfortunately, neither of these milestones solved the fundamental problems of deep learning.<ref name="ref_9ca3" />
* Automated Driving: Automotive researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect objects such as stop signs and traffic lights.<ref name="ref_f51b">[https://www.mathworks.com/discovery/deep-learning.html What Is Deep Learning?]</ref>
* Cancer researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect cancer cells.<ref name="ref_f51b" />
* Deep learning is being used in automated hearing and speech translation.<ref name="ref_f51b" />
* Deep learning is commonly used across apps in computer vision, conversational AI and recommendation systems.<ref name="ref_028b">[https://developer.nvidia.com/deep-learning Deep Learning]</ref>
* Computer vision apps use deep learning to gain knowledge from digital images and videos.<ref name="ref_028b" />
* In early talks on deep learning, Andrew described deep learning in the context of traditional artificial neural networks.<ref name="ref_69ad">[https://machinelearningmastery.com/what-is-deep-learning/ What is Deep Learning?]</ref>
* Finally, he is clear to point out that the benefits from deep learning that we are seeing in practice come from supervised learning.<ref name="ref_69ad" />
* When you hear the term deep learning, just think of a large deep neural net.<ref name="ref_69ad" />
* He describes deep learning in terms of the algorithms ability to discover and learn good representations using feature learning.<ref name="ref_69ad" />
* The adjective "deep" in deep learning comes from the use of multiple layers in the network.<ref name="ref_128b">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning Deep learning]</ref>
* In deep learning, each level learns to transform its input data into a slightly more abstract and composite representation.<ref name="ref_128b" />
* The word "deep" in "deep learning" refers to the number of layers through which the data is transformed.<ref name="ref_128b" />
* Advances in hardware have driven renewed interest in deep learning.<ref name="ref_128b" />
* Deep learning is used across all industries for a number of different tasks.<ref name="ref_b6dc">[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/deep-learning.asp Deep Learning Definition]</ref>
<references />

2020년 12월 22일 (화) 21:54 기준 최신판


  • Deep learning algorithms have been shown to perform extremely well on many classical machine learning problems.
  • image classification and labeling
  • face recognition
  • gesture recognition
  • video search and analytics
  • speech recognition and translation
  • recommendation engines
  • indexing and search

related items


  • Kristinn R. Thórisson, Jordi Bieger, Thröstur Thorarensen, Jóna S. Sigurðardóttir, Bas R. Steunebrink, Why Artificial Intelligence Needs a Task Theory --- And What It Might Look Like, arXiv:1604.04660 [cs.AI], April 15 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.04660


  • This article explains deep learning vs. machine learning and how they fit into the broader category of artificial intelligence.[1]
  • Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that's based on artificial neural networks.[1]
  • Now that you have the overview of machine learning vs. deep learning, let's compare the two techniques.[1]
  • For this reason, deep learning is rapidly transforming many industries, including healthcare, energy, finance, and transportation.[1]
  • Finally, Kelleher considers the future of deep learning—major trends, possible developments, and significant challenges.[2]
  • Today, deep learning enables farmers to deploy equipment that can see and differentiate between crop plants and weeds.[3]
  • For example, deep learning can be as effective as a dermatologist in classifying skin cancers, if not more so.[3]
  • Deep learning is based on representation learning.[4]
  • Deep learning doesn’t rely on human expertise as much as traditional machine learning.[4]
  • DL allows us to make discoveries in data even when the developers are not sure what they are trying to find.[4]
  • All major commercial speech recognition systems (like Microsoft Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri) are based on deep learning.[4]
  • Getting started in deep learning – and adopting an organized, sustainable, and reproducible workflow – can be challenging.[5]
  • In the field of deep learning, there continues to be a deluge of research and new papers published daily.[5]
  • NLP and deep learning continue to advance, nearly on a daily basis.[5]
  • Natural language processing has made incredible advances through advanced techniques in deep learning.[5]
  • Let's begin to learn what is Deep Learning, and its various aspects.[6]
  • Deep learning can be considered as a subset of machine learning.[6]
  • Deep learning has aided image classification, language translation, speech recognition.[6]
  • Artificial neural networks, comprising many layers, drive deep learning.[6]
  • The clearest explanation of deep learning I have come across...[7]
  • About the book Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library.[7]
  • Deep learning is one of the most influential and fastest growing fields in artificial intelligence.[8]
  • Deep learning is an important element of data science, which includes statistics and predictive modeling.[9]
  • At its simplest, deep learning can be thought of as a way to automate predictive analytics.[9]
  • To understand deep learning, imagine a toddler whose first word is dog.[9]
  • As a result, deep learning may sometimes be referred to as deep neural learning or deep neural networking.[9]
  • Course material loosely follows the organization of the text: I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.[10]
  • Deep learning is making a big impact across industries.[11]
  • Businesses often outsource the development of deep learning.[11]
  • You can get started with deep learning for free with IBM Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning.[11]
  • You’ll then delve deeper and apply Deep Learning by building models and algorithms using libraries like Keras, PyTorch, and Tensorflow.[12]
  • The number of publications addressing deep learning as applied to medical imaging techniques is a small fraction of this number.[13]
  • Novel denoising algorithms based on deep learning have been studied intensively and showed impressive potential (29).[13]
  • Using a combination of q-Space deep learning and of simultaneous multi-slice imaging, Golkov et al.[13]
  • Manjón and Coupe (59) used two-stage strategy with deep learning for noise reduction.[13]
  • This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to deep learning for software developers.[14]
  • In most discussions, deep learning means using deep neural networks.[15]
  • I mentioned that deep learning is a form of machine learning.[15]
  • There are many examples of problems that currently require deep learning to produce the best models.[15]
  • As I mentioned earlier, most deep learning is done with deep neural networks.[15]
  • For example, deep learning is used to classify images, recognize speech, detect objects and describe content.[16]
  • And those differences should be known—examples of machine learning and deep learning are everywhere.[17]
  • More specifically, deep learning is considered an evolution of machine learning.[17]
  • And as deep learning becomes more refined, we’ll see even more advanced applications of artificial intelligence in customer service.[17]
  • That’s a widely shared sentiment among AI practitioners, any of whom can easily rattle off a long list of deep learning’s drawbacks.[18]
  • Until the past year or so, he says, “there had been a feeling that deep learning was magic.[18]
  • “So I have a hard time imagining that deep learning will go away at this point,” Cox says.[18]
  • Unfortunately, neither of these milestones solved the fundamental problems of deep learning.[18]
  • Automated Driving: Automotive researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect objects such as stop signs and traffic lights.[19]
  • Cancer researchers are using deep learning to automatically detect cancer cells.[19]
  • Deep learning is being used in automated hearing and speech translation.[19]
  • Deep learning is commonly used across apps in computer vision, conversational AI and recommendation systems.[20]
  • Computer vision apps use deep learning to gain knowledge from digital images and videos.[20]
  • In early talks on deep learning, Andrew described deep learning in the context of traditional artificial neural networks.[21]
  • Finally, he is clear to point out that the benefits from deep learning that we are seeing in practice come from supervised learning.[21]
  • When you hear the term deep learning, just think of a large deep neural net.[21]
  • He describes deep learning in terms of the algorithms ability to discover and learn good representations using feature learning.[21]
  • The adjective "deep" in deep learning comes from the use of multiple layers in the network.[22]
  • In deep learning, each level learns to transform its input data into a slightly more abstract and composite representation.[22]
  • The word "deep" in "deep learning" refers to the number of layers through which the data is transformed.[22]
  • Advances in hardware have driven renewed interest in deep learning.[22]
  • Deep learning is used across all industries for a number of different tasks.[23]
