"Y-system and functional dilogarithm identities"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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<h5>five-term relation of dilogarithm</h5>
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* http://www.ams.org/mathscinet
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* [http://math.berkeley.edu/%7Ereb/papers/index.html http://math.berkeley.edu/~reb/papers/index.html]
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* [http://pythagoras0.springnote.com/pages/1947378 수식표현 안내]
* [http://www.research.att.com/%7Enjas/sequences/index.html The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences]
* http://functions.wolfram.com/

2011년 1월 18일 (화) 12:04 판




five-term relation of dilogarithm






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question and answers(Math Overflow)






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