
Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 16일 (화) 23:59 판
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  1. Four maps have been selected across Australia to illustrate the vast range of information which can be contained in a topographic map.[1]
  2. The IMW topographic map series was developed in the early 1900s and the WAC series was developed in the mid–1900s.[1]
  3. Learning to read that paper topo map (short for topographic map) is every bit as essential.[2]
  4. As they evolved, topographic map series became a national resource in modern nations in planning infrastructure and resource exploitation.[3]
  5. Around 1836 they began printing the topographic map on a scale of 1: 50,000, followed in 1865 by the topographic map on a scale of 1: 25,000.[3]
  6. In 1951 began the start of production of the topographic map on a scale of 1: 10,000.[3]
  8. Take a look at this topographic map, and describe in as much detail as possible, what you think the terrain it represents looks like.[4]
  9. Describe in as much detail as possible the topographic map and the terrain it represents.[4]
  10. The feature that distinguishes a topographic map from any other type of map is contour lines that show lines of equal elevation.[5]
  11. We offer a service that can source or create a topographic map within the United States and internationally.[6]
  12. While a road map shows where a road goes, a topographic map shows why.[7]
  13. The bathymetric map in the Figure below is like a topographic map with the contour lines representing depth below sea level, rather than height above.[7]
  14. On a topographic map, contour lines create a group of concentric, closed loops.[7]
  15. a cliff Describe the pattern on a topographic map that would indicate a stream valley.[7]
  16. The Topographic Map Guides are user-friendly and light-weight small book format maps printed on rugged waterproof, tear-resistant paper.[8]
  17. Each page includes a detailed topographic map and is centered on the trail.[8]
  18. The front pages of the printed Topographic Map Guide include resupply locations, key points of interest, safety guidelines, history, and everything you need to plan a safe and memorable hiking trip.[8]
  19. In order to successfully delineate a watershed boundary, the evaluator will need to visualize the landscape as represented by a topographic map.[9]
  20. Each contour line on a topographic map represents a ground elevation or vertical distance above a reference point such as sea level.[9]
  21. One of the easiest landscapes to visualize on a topographic map is an isolated hill.[9]
  22. The Georeferenced PDF Topographic Map Series is a series of auto-generated topographic maps of NSW in a layered GeoPDF format.[10]
  23. The Spatial Map Viewer is continually updated to provide details of which Printed Topographic Map is available.[10]
  24. The Spatial Map Viewer within the SCP is continually updated to provide details of which printed topographic map titles remain available.[10]
  25. Often the wind is consistent enough from one direction to line up the dunes, so a linear pattern shows up on the topographic map.[11]
  26. Small mass movements may be too small and temporary to be visible on a topographic map.[11]
  27. Topographic maps often show mining pits with a distinctive shading pattern (see Topographic Map Symbols brochure).[11]
  28. A topographic map is a map illustrating the topography or shape of the land surface.[12]
  29. The USGS is starting to produce topographic map Digital Raster Graphics (DRG's) in GeoPDF format.[13]
  30. This script draws a topographic map from the same 2' data as the previous example, except it zooms in on Australia and New Zealand.[14]
  31. topo_8.ncl This script draws a topographic map of Colorado using from 2' data.[14]
  32. It shows how to use NCL to recreate an existing JPEG that contains a topographic map.[14]
  33. if there is a specific Indiana topographic map you need.[15]
  34. Geographic Names Information System - Can be used to identify the name of the topographic map for an area by searching for the name of the place.[15]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'topographic'}, {'LEMMA': 'map'}]