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Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 23일 (수) 01:45 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  • Every activation function (or non-linearity) takes a single number and performs a certain fixed mathematical operation on it.[1]
  • Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function, which is zero when x < 0 and then linear with slope 1 when x > 0.[1]
  • Some people report success with this form of activation function, but the results are not always consistent.[1]
  • This concludes our discussion of the most common types of neurons and their activation functions.[1]
  • Repeated matrix multiplications interwoven with activation function.[1]
  • In this post, we’ll be discussing what an activation function is and how we use these functions in neural networks.[2]
  • We’ll also look at a couple of different activation functions, and we'll see how to specify an activation function in code with Keras.[2]
  • We took the weighted sum of each incoming connection for each node in the layer, and passed that weighted sum to an activation function.[2]
  • Alright, we now understand mathematically what one of these activation functions does, but what’s the intuition?[2]
  • Now, it’s not always the case that our activation function is going to do a transformation on an input to be between \(0\) and \(1\).[2]
  • In fact, one of the most widely used activation functions today called ReLU doesn’t do this.[2]
  • To understand why we use activation functions, we need to first understand linear functions.[2]
  • Most activation functions are non-linear, and they are chosen in this way on purpose.[2]
  • Having non-linear activation functions allows our neural networks to compute arbitrarily complex functions.[2]
  • Activation function also helps to normalize the output of any input in the range between 1 to -1.[3]
  • Activation function basically decides in any neural network that given input or receiving information is relevant or it is irrelevant.[3]
  • Using a biological analogy, the activation function determines the “firing rate” of a neuron in response to an input or stimulus.[4]
  • Different to other activation functions, ELU has a extra alpha constant which should be positive number.[5]
  • The above expressions involve the derivative of the activation function , and therefore require continuous functions.[6]
  • The considerations we’ve made so far allow us a criterion for choosing nonlinear mathematical functions as activation functions.[6]
  • These activation functions use the expressions of some of the sigmoid functions that we have analyzed in the previous sections.[6]
  • We can also discover many other nonlinear activation functions to train networks with algorithms other than backpropagation.[6]
  • So, an activation function is basically just a simple function that transforms its inputs into outputs that have a certain range.[7]
  • If the activation function is not applied, the output signal becomes a simple linear function.[7]
  • A neural network without activation function will act as a linear regression with limited learning power.[7]
  • The activations functions that were used mostly before ReLU such as sigmoid or tanh activation function saturated.[7]
  • But there are some problems with ReLU activation function such as exploding gradient.[7]
  • This brings us to the end of this article where we learned about ReLU activation function and Leaky ReLU activation function.[7]
  • Activation functions add non-linearity to the output which enables neural networks to solve non-linear problems.[8]
  • However, you may have noticed that in my network diagrams, the representation of the activation function is not a unit step.[9]
  • If we intend to train a neural network using gradient descent, we need a differentiable activation function.[9]
  • Activation functions are used to determine the firing of neurons in a neural network.[10]
  • The nonlinear behavior of an activation function allows our neural network to learn nonlinear relationships in the data.[10]
  • The accuracy and computational time of classification model were depending on the activation function.[11]
  • Accuracy of the system depends on the patterns in class and the activation functions which are used.[11]
  • Based on experimental results, the average accuracy can reach 80.56% on ELUs activation function and the maximum accuracy 88.73% on TanHRe.[11]
  • Here, we experimentally demonstrate an all-optical neuron unit, via the FCD effect, with programmable nonlinear activation functions.[12]
  • In this work, we demonstrate all-optical nonlinear activation functions utilizing the FCD effect in silicon.[12]
  • Photonic implementation of such activation functions paves the way for realizing highly efficient on-chip photonic neural networks.[12]
  • In artificial neural networks, we extend this idea by shaping the outputs of neurons with activation functions.[13]
  • In this article, we went over two core components of a deep learning model – activation function and optimizer algorithm.[13]
  • Activation functions help in normalizing the output between 0 to 1 or -1 to 1.[14]
  • Linear is the most basic activation function, which implies proportional to the input.[14]
  • Rectified Linear Unit is the most used activation function in hidden layers of a deep learning model.[14]
  • Demerits – ELU has the property of becoming smooth slowly and thus can blow up the activation function greatly.[14]
  • Most activation functions have failed at some point due to this problem.[14]
  • Currently, the most successful and widely-used activation function is the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU).[15]
  • In this work, we propose to leverage automatic search techniques to discover new activation functions.[15]
  • We verify the effectiveness of the searches by conducting an empirical evaluation with the best discovered activation function.[15]
  • One of those parameters is to use the correct activation function.[16]
  • The activation function must have ideal statistical characteristics.[16]
  • In this paper, a novel deep learning activation function has been proposed.[16]
  • Sigmoid activation function generally used in the output layer for bi-classification problem.[16]
  • Activation functions are mathematical equations that determine the output of a neural network.[17]
  • Two commonly used activation functions: the rectified linear unit (ReLU) and the logistic sigmoid function.[18]
  • There are a number of widely used activation functions in deep learning today.[18]
  • They enable a neural network to be built by stacking layers on top of each other, glued together with activation functions.[18]
  • The activation function g could be any of the activation functions listed so far.[18]
  • We decided to add “activation functions” for this purpose.[19]
  • The first thing that comes to our minds is how about a threshold based activation function?[19]
  • So this makes an activation function for a neuron.[19]
  • Sigmoid functions are one of the most widely used activation functions today.[19]
  • In this article, I tried to describe a few activation functions used commonly.[19]
  • There are other activation functions too, but the general idea remains the same.[19]
  • Hope you got the idea behind activation function, why they are used and how do we decide which one to use.[19]
  • This is where activation functions come into picture.[20]
  • Before I delve into the details of activation functions, let us quickly go through the concept of neural networks and how they work.[20]
  • Finally, the output from the activation function moves to the next hidden layer and the same process is repeated.[20]
  • We understand that using an activation function introduces an additional step at each layer during the forward propagation.[20]
  • Imagine a neural network without the activation functions.[20]
  • The binary step function can be used as an activation function while creating a binary classifier.[20]
  • The next activation function that we are going to look at is the Sigmoid function.[20]
  • I have multiple neurons having sigmoid function as their activation function,the output is non linear as well.[20]
  • The ReLU function is another non-linear activation function that has gained popularity in the deep learning domain.[20]
  • Swish is a lesser known activation function which was discovered by researchers at Google.[20]
  • You can also design your own activation functions giving a non-linearity component to your network.[20]
  • The simplest activation function is referred to as the linear activation, where no transform is applied at all.[21]
  • A network comprised of only linear activation functions is very easy to train, but cannot learn complex mapping functions.[21]
  • Nonlinear activation functions are preferred as they allow the nodes to learn more complex structures in the data.[21]
  • The sigmoid activation function, also called the logistic function, is traditionally a very popular activation function for neural networks.[21]
  • Layers deep in large networks using these nonlinear activation functions fail to receive useful gradient information.[21]
  • A node or unit that implements this activation function is referred to as a rectified linear activation unit, or ReLU for short.[21]
  • For a long time, the default activation to use was the sigmoid activation function.[21]
  • The Nonlinear Activation Functions are the most used activation functions.[22]
  • The ReLU is the most used activation function in the world right now.[22]
  • In artificial neural networks , the activation function of a node defines the output of that node given an input or set of inputs.[23]
  • Monotonic When the activation function is monotonic, the error surface associated with a single-layer model is guaranteed to be convex.[23]
  • When the activation function does not approximate identity near the origin, special care must be used when initializing the weights.[23]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Activation Functions in a Neural Network explained
  3. 3.0 3.1 7 Types of Activation Functions in Neural Network
  4. Radiology Reference Article
  5. Activation Functions — ML Glossary documentation
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Nonlinear Activation Functions in a Backpropagation Neural Network
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 An Introduction to Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
  8. Activation Function
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Sigmoid Activation Function: Activation in Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
  10. 10.0 10.1 Neural networks: activation functions.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Comparison of activation function on extreme learning machine (ELM) performance for classifying the active compound
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Reconfigurable all-optical nonlinear activation functions for neuromorphic photonics
  13. 13.0 13.1 Activation Functions and Optimizers for Deep Learning Models
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Activation Functions in Neural Networks: An Overview
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Searching for Activation Functions – Google Research
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 A Novel Activation Function in Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification in Deep Learning
  17. 7 Types of Activation Functions in Neural Networks: How to Choose?
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Activation Function
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Understanding Activation Functions in Neural Networks
  20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 Fundamentals Of Deep Learning
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 A Gentle Introduction to the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
  22. 22.0 22.1 Activation Functions in Neural Networks
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Activation function




  1. An activation function is a function used in artificial neural networks which outputs a small value for small inputs, and a larger value if its inputs exceed a threshold.[1]
  2. The activation function g could be any of the activation functions listed so far.[1]
  3. In fact, a neural network of just two layers, provided it contains an activation function, is able to implement any possible function, not just the XOR.[1]
  4. The first thing that comes to our minds is how about a threshold based activation function?[2]
  5. So this makes an activation function for a neuron.[2]
  6. Hope you got the idea behind activation function, why they are used and how do we decide which one to use.[2]
  7. The rectified linear activation function or ReLU for short is a piecewise linear function that will output the input directly if it is positive, otherwise, it will output zero.[3]
  8. The simplest activation function is referred to as the linear activation, where no transform is applied at all.[3]
  9. The sigmoid activation function, also called the logistic function, is traditionally a very popular activation function for neural networks.[3]
  10. The hyperbolic tangent function, or tanh for short, is a similar shaped nonlinear activation function that outputs values between -1.0 and 1.0.[3]
  11. The ReLU is the most used activation function in the world right now.[4]
  12. Applies the sigmoid activation function.[5]
  13. Can we do without an activation function ?[6]
  14. Finally, the output from the activation function moves to the next hidden layer and the same process is repeated.[6]
  15. We understand that using an activation function introduces an additional step at each layer during the forward propagation.[6]
  16. In other words, if the input to the activation function is greater than a threshold, then the neuron is activated, else it is deactivated, i.e. its output is not considered for the next hidden layer.[6]
  17. In artificial neural networks, the activation function of a node defines the output of that node given an input or set of inputs.[7]
  18. The seminal 2012 AlexNet computer vision architecture uses the ReLU activation function, as did the seminal 2015 computer vision architecture ResNet.[7]
  19. The identity activation function does not satisfy this property.[7]
  20. When multiple layers use the identity activation function, the entire network is equivalent to a single-layer model.[7]
  21. Thus, selecting the ReLU as the activation function, one bypasses problems related to the slowing down when derivatives get small values.[8]
  22. In The process of building a neural network, one of the choices you get to make is what activation function to use in the hidden layer as well as at the output layer of the network.[9]
  23. Definition of activation function:- Activation function decides, whether a neuron should be activated or not by calculating weighted sum and further adding bias with it.[9]
  24. It is the most widely used activation function.[9]
  25. In this post, we’ll be discussing what an activation function is and how we use these functions in neural networks.[10]
  26. We’ll also look at a couple of different activation functions, and we'll see how to specify an activation function in code with Keras.[10]
  27. Let's give a definition for an activation function: In an artificial neural network, an activation function is a function that maps a node's inputs to its corresponding output.[10]
  28. We took the weighted sum of each incoming connection for each node in the layer, and passed that weighted sum to an activation function.[10]
  29. In deep learning, very complicated tasks are image classification, language transformation, object detection, etc which are needed to address with the help of neural networks and activation function.[11]
  30. Activation function defines the output of input or set of inputs or in other terms defines node of the output of node that is given in inputs.[11]
  31. Activation function also helps to normalize the output of any input in the range between 1 to -1.[11]
  32. Activation function basically decides in any neural network that given input or receiving information is relevant or it is irrelevant.[11]
  33. Using a biological analogy, the activation function determines the “firing rate” of a neuron in response to an input or stimulus.[12]
  34. In order to solve the above problem, the influence of the activation function in the CNN model is studied in this paper.[13]
  35. According to the design principle of the activation function in CNN model, a new piecewise activation function is proposed.[13]
  36. Based on this rate code interpretation, we model the firing rate of the neuron with an activation function \(f\), which represents the frequency of the spikes along the axon.[14]
  37. Every activation function (or non-linearity) takes a single number and performs a certain fixed mathematical operation on it.[14]
  38. Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function, which is zero when x < 0 and then linear with slope 1 when x > 0.[14]
  39. Some people report success with this form of activation function, but the results are not always consistent.[14]
  40. The above expressions involve the derivative of the activation function , and therefore require continuous functions.[15]
  41. Now that we've added an activation function, adding layers has more impact.[16]
  42. In fact, any mathematical function can serve as an activation function.[16]
  43. Suppose that \(\sigma\) represents our activation function (Relu, Sigmoid, or whatever).[16]
  44. An activation function that transforms the output of each node in a layer.[16]
  45. In a neural network, an activation function normalizes the input and produces an output which is then passed forward into the subsequent layer.[17]
  46. Why do Neural Networks Need an Activation Function?[18]
  47. However, you may have noticed that in my network diagrams, the representation of the activation function is not a unit step.[19]
  48. If we intend to train a neural network using gradient descent, we need a differentiable activation function.[19]
  49. The accuracy and computational time of classification model were depending on the activation function.[20]
  50. Based on experimental results, the average accuracy can reach 80.56% on ELUs activation function and the maximum accuracy 88.73% on TanHRe.[20]
  51. To achieve functional adaptation, an adaptive sigmoidal activation function is proposed for the hidden layers’ node.[21]
  52. Four variants of the proposed algorithm are developed and discussed on the basis of activation function used.[21]
  53. This input undergoes convolutions (labeled as conv), pooling (labeled as maxpool), and experimental ReLU6 operations, followed by two fully connected layers and a softmax activation function.[22]
  54. So, an activation function is basically just a simple function that transforms its inputs into outputs that have a certain range.[23]
  55. If the activation function is not applied, the output signal becomes a simple linear function.[23]
  56. A neural network without activation function will act as a linear regression with limited learning power.[23]
  57. The activations functions that were used mostly before ReLU such as sigmoid or tanh activation function saturated.[23]
  58. The activation function is the most important factor in a neural network which decided whether or not a neuron will be activated or not and transferred to the next layer.[24]
  59. Linear is the most basic activation function, which implies proportional to the input.[24]
  60. Rectified Linear Unit is the most used activation function in hidden layers of a deep learning model.[24]
  61. Demerits – ELU has the property of becoming smooth slowly and thus can blow up the activation function greatly.[24]
  62. Rectified Linear Units is an activation function that deals with this problem and speeds up the learning process.[25]
  63. In order to beat the performance of DNNs with ReLU, we propose a new activation function technique for DNNs that deals with the positive part of ReLU.[25]
  64. For generalization, the mean function between the two considered functions is used as activation function for the trained DNNs.[25]
  65. Notably, the ReLU activation function maintains a high degree of gradient propagation while presenting greater model sparsity and computational efficiency over Softplus.[26]
  66. The activation function is the non-linear function that we apply over the output data coming out of a particular layer of neurons before it propagates as the input to the next layer.[27]
  67. In this article, we went over two core components of a deep learning model – activation function and optimizer algorithm.[27]
  68. The nonlinear behavior of an activation function allows our neural network to learn nonlinear relationships in the data.[28]
  69. Recall that we included the derivative of the activation function in calculating the "error" term for each layer in the backpropagation algorithm.[28]
  70. The way this is usually done is by applying the softmax activation function.[29]
  71. Combining with state 0, it forms a special activation function including three states.[30]
  72. If neural networks are used to deal with logic problems, this activation function will be helpful on some certain conditions.[30]
  73. When DNNs are pretrained using MSAFs, they are not optimal due to the fact that the activation function of a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is different from MSAFs.[30]
  74. For instance, let the activation function be and ; then the network will classify random points shown in Figure 9.[30]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Activation Function
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Understanding Activation Functions in Neural Networks
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 A Gentle Introduction to the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
  4. Activation Functions in Neural Networks
  5. Layer activation functions
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Fundamentals Of Deep Learning
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Activation function
  8. Activation Function - an overview
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Activation functions in Neural Networks
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Activation Functions in a Neural Network explained
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 7 Types of Activation Functions in Neural Network
  12. Radiology Reference Article
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Influence of the Activation Function in a Convolution Neural Network Model of Facial Expression Recognition
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
  15. Nonlinear Activation Functions in a Backpropagation Neural Network
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Neural Networks: Structure
  17. Activation Function
  18. Why do Neural Networks Need an Activation Function?
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Sigmoid Activation Function: Activation in Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
  20. 20.0 20.1 Comparison of activation function on extreme learning machine (ELM) performance for classifying the active compound
  21. 21.0 21.1 An Adaptive Sigmoidal Activation Function Cascading Neural Networks
  22. Reconfigurable all-optical nonlinear activation functions for neuromorphic photonics
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 An Introduction to Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Activation Functions in Neural Networks: An Overview
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Symmetric Power Activation Functions for Deep Neural Networks
  26. Thesis: Evaluation of the smoothing activation function in neural networks for business applications
  27. 27.0 27.1 Activation Functions and Optimizers for Deep Learning Models
  28. 28.0 28.1 Neural networks: activation functions.
  29. Benchmarking deep learning activation functions on MNIST
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Deep Neural Networks with Multistate Activation Functions