Discrete Morse theory

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 16일 (수) 22:48 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  • Here, we refine the study of the complexity of problems related to discrete Morse theory in terms of parameterized complexity.[1]
  • Discrete Morse theory is a combinatorial adaptation of Morse theory developed by Robin Forman.[2]
  • Discrete Morse theory is a powerful tool combining ideas in both topology and combinatorics.[3]
  • Invented by Robin Forman in the mid 1990s, discrete Morse theory is a combinatorial analogue of Marston Morse's classical Morse theory.[3]
  • Discrete Morse Theory is the study of discrete topological spaces from the perspective of certain functions defined on such spaces.[4]
  • In this book, Nicholas Scoville provides an extremely accessible introduction to discrete Morse theory, aimed at an undergraduate audience.[4]
  • Scoville introduces persistent homology in Chapter 5, which connects discrete Morse theory to topological data analysis.[4]
  • Discrete Morse theory was developed by Forman as a combinatorial analog to the classical smooth Morse theory.[5]
