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Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 12일 (금) 21:59 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  1. In the present article we address the question 'What is quantum information?' from a conceptual viewpoint.[1]
  2. In particular, we argue that there seems to be no sufficiently good reasons to accept that quantum information is qualitatively different from classical information.[1]
  3. Quantum information is information stored in very small structures called qubits.[2]
  4. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two physicists for fundamental discoveries in quantum information.[2]
  5. Breakthroughs at NIST enabled the first forays into real-world quantum computing and tested the limits of quantum information and security.[3]
  6. For the generic situation in quantum information theory, an irreducible Weyl system is represented on the Hilbert space describing a system of several single particles.[4]
  7. In recent years, however, research into the very foundations of quantum mechanics has also led to a new field – quantum information technology.[5]
  8. The really novel feature of quantum information technology is that a quantum system can be in a superposition of different states.[5]
  9. Furthermore, it is desirable to have states that have reasonably long lifetimes (on the scale of the experiment) so that the quantum information is not lost to the environment through decoherence.[5]
  10. The fact that quantum uncertainty comes into play in quantum information might seem to imply a loss of information.[5]
  11. Quantum information refers to both the technical definition in terms of Von Neumann entropy and the general computational term.[6]
  12. Just like the basic unit of classical information is the bit, quantum information deals with qubits.[6]
  13. Quantum information can be measured using Von Neumann entropy.[6]
  14. Extracting and manipulating information stored in individual atoms naturally started to become an interesting avenue, and quantum information and computation was starting to get developed.[6]
  15. The National Science Foundation can and should play the leading role in addressing these problems and in fostering the continued success of quantum information science.[7]
  16. The emerging discipline of quantum information science (QIS) is providing profound new insights into fundamental problems relating to both computation and physical science.[7]
  17. The explosive recent development of quantum information science can be attributed to two essential converging factors.[7]
  18. Indeed, quantum information can be exploited to perform tasks that would be impossible or very difficult in a classical world.[7]
  19. Quantum information systems hold out the possibility of extremely secure encryption—a major attraction in an age where cybersecurity is constantly at risk.[8]
  20. Quantum information is the effort to both understand and use the properties of the quantum world.[9]
  21. The information stored in such a computer would be quantum information, composed of qubits (short for "quantum bit") instead of bits.[9]
  22. One major focus of quantum information researchers at Perimeter is to understand the properties of quantum information.[9]
  23. Sometimes this takes the form of figuring out what new technologies quantum information can enable (such as new quantum cryptography protocols).[9]
  24. In quantum mechanics, quantum information is physical information that is held in the "state" of a quantum system.[10]
  25. The ability to manipulate quantum information enables us to perform tasks that would be unachievable in a classical context, such as unconditionally secure transmission of information.[10]
  26. Quantum information processing is the most general field that is concerned with quantum information.[10]
  27. Quantum information, and changes in quantum information, can be quantitatively measured by using an analogue of Shannon entropy.[10]
  28. Quantum information science aims to explore the nature of information at the quantum level, a world in which bits can be both zero and one at the same time and perfect copying is impossible.[11]
  29. At the practical level, quantum information powers forms of secure communication that are provably impossible in a “classical” world.[11]
  30. Quantum information researchers at SITP have played an important role in the development of the basic theory of quantum communication.[11]
  31. It is also suitable for students learning quantum information theory … .[12]
  32. Quantum information science involves the exploration and exploitation of features which rely on the quantum mechanical nature of reality.[13]
  33. The realization of a large quantum information processor could enable secure communication and quantum simulation of complex physical systems.[13]
  34. Active research at the UW includes work focused on new materials and possible physical realizations of multi-qubit processors as well as on theoretical aspects of quantum information.[13]
  35. Quantum information systems can use the probability that a qubit will be in one state or the other when measured to make calculations.[14]
  36. This course on quantum information science is a collective effort to further advance knowledge and understanding in quantum information and quantum computing.[15]
  37. Our researchers pursue a range of projects in materials for quantum information, quantum computing, and quantum sensing.[16]
  38. To make this a reality, the alliance will advance quantum information systems using several hardware approaches, including superconducting, trapped ion, and trapped atom quantum bits (or qubits).[17]
  39. “By developing and applying programmable quantum information systems, we hope to define a new frontier at the cutting edge of science and engineering.[17]
  40. Quantum information processing (QIP) uses qubits as its basic information units.[18]
  41. This course builds quantum information theory from the ground up, connecting it to classical informaiton theory at each step of the way.[19]
  42. Research that supports quantum computing, simulation, communication, and sensing is at the core of PNNL’s quantum information science (QIS) strategy.[20]
  43. Welcome to Quantiki, the world's leading portal for everyone involved in quantum information science.[21]
  44. Topics of interest include all aspects of experimental and theoretical coherence, quantum optics, quantum information and quantum measurement.[22]
  45. Characterization of linear maps onMnwhose multiplicity maps have maximal norm, with an application in quantum information.[23]
