Great Mathematics Books of the Twentieth Century by Ji
- Abiko. The Real Analytic Theory of Teichm¨uller Space, 136
- Abraham, Marsden Foundations of Mechanics, 512 *
- Abramenko, Brown Buildings. Theory and Applications, 455
- Acton Numerical Methods that Work, 611
- Adams, J. Stable Homotopy and Generalised Homology, 332
- Adams, R., Fournier Sobolev Spaces, 427
- Adem, Milgram Cohomology of Finite Groups, 336
- Agmon Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, 422
- Ahlfors Complex Analysis, 115 Conformal Invariants: Topics in Geometric
Function Theory, 133 Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings, 132
- Aigner Combinatorial Theory, 544
- Aigner, Ziegler Proofs from The Book,
- Ainsworth, Oden A Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis, 620
- Akhiezer, Glazman Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, 170
- Akivis, Rosenfeld ´ Elie Cartan (1869.1951), 75
- Aleksandrov, Kolmogorov, Lavrent’ev Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning, 12
- Alexandro. Elementary Concepts of Topology, 38
- Alexandro., Hopf Topologie I, 316
- Alexandrov (or Alexandro.) Combinatorial Topology, 317
- Alfsen Compact Convex Sets and Boundary Integrals, 312
- Alligood, Sauer, Yorke Chaos. An Introduction to Dynamical Systems, 521
- Alon, Spencer The Probabilistic Method, 576
- Ambrosio, Fusco, Pallara Functions of Bounded Variation and Free Discontinuity Problems, 432
- Anderson, Fuller Rings and Categories of Modules, 216
- Anderson, Guionnet, Zeitouni An Introduction to Random Matrices, 581
- Andrews The Theory of Partitions, 406
- Apostol Calculus, 84 Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, 377
- Arbarello, Cornalba, Gri.ths Geometry of Algebraic Curves, II, 298
- Arbarello, Cornalba, Gri.ths, Harris Geometry of Algebraic Curves, I, 297
- Arnold, L. Random Dynamical Systems, 523
- Arnold, V. Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 410 Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 512 * Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 410
- Artin, E. Galois Theory, 364 Geometric Algebra, 452
- Artin, M. Algebra, 199
- Ash, Gross Fearless Symmetry. Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers, 33
- Astala, Iwaniec, Martin Elliptic Partial Di.erential Equations and Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane, 134
- Atiyah K-theory, 333
- Atiyah, MacDonald Introduction to Commutative Algebra, 219
- Attouch Variational Convergence for Functions and Operators, 269
- Aubin Nonlinear Analysis on Manifolds. Monge Amp´ere Equations, 260 Some Nonlinear Problems in Riemannian Geometry,
- Aubin, Cellina Di.erential Inclusions, 311
- Aubin, Ekeland Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 102
- Aubin, Frankowska Set-valued Analysis, 102
- Auslander, Reiten, Smalo Representation Theory of Artin Algebras, 492
- Axler Linear Algebra Done Right, 190
- Babin, Vishik Attractors of Evolution Equations, 527
- Baker Principles of Geometry, 283 Transcendental Number Theory, 382
- Ballmann, Gromov, Schroeder Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature, 253
- Banach Theory of Linear Operations, 163
- Bannai, Ito Algebraic Combinatorics. I. Association Schemes, 539
- Bardi, Capuzzo-Dolcetta Optimal Control and Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations, 434
- Barth, Hulek, Peters, Ven Compact Complex Surfaces, 299
- Bass Algebraic K-theory, 335
- Baxter Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics, 511
- Beardon Iteration of Rational Functions, 531
- The Geometry of Discrete Groups, 468
- Beauville Surfaces Algebriques Complexes, 300
- Beckenbach, Bellman Inequalities, 111
- Becker, Weispfenning Gr¨obner Bases. A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra, 542
- Bell Men of Mathematics, 42
- Benedetti, Petronio Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry, 348
- Bennett, Sharpley Interpolation of Operators, 157
- Benson Representations and Cohomology, 336
- Bensoussan, Lions, Papanicolaou Asymptotic Analysis for Periodic Structures, 417
- Berge Graphs, 549
- Bergh, L¨ofstr¨om Interpolation Spaces. An Introduction, 156
- Berlekamp, Conway, Guy Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, 608
- Berline, Getzler, Vergne Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators, 262
- Berman, Plemmons Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical
Sciences, 193
- Bertoin L´evy Processes, 569
- Besicovitch Almost Periodic Functions, 143
Besse Einstein Manifolds, 248
- Manifolds all of Whose Geodesics are
Closed, 248
- Bhatia Matrix Analysis, 193
- Bhatia, Szeg¨o Stability Theory of Dynamical Systems, 524
- Biggs Algebraic Graph Theory, 548 *
Billingsley Convergence of Probability Measures, 560
- Probability and measure, 560
- Bingham, Goldie, Teugels Regular variation, 94
- Birkho., Ga. Lattice Theory, 200
- Birkho., Ge. Dynamical Systems, 519
- Birkho., Mac Lane A Survey of Modern Algebra, 196
- Birman Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups, 351
- Bishop, Crittenden Geometry of Manifolds, 236
- Bix Conics and Cubics, 289
- Bjorck, Dahlquist Numerical Methods, 612
- Blair Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds, 292
- Bochnak, Coste, Roy Real Algebraic Geometry, 290
- Bohner, Peterson Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, 525
- Bohr Almost Periodic Functions, 144
- Bollob´as Graph Theory. An Introductory Course, 546
- Modern Graph Theory, 546
- Random Graphs, 552
- Bolza Lectures on the Calculus of Variations, 270
- Bombieri, Gubler Heights in Diophantine Geometry, 390
- Bondy, Murty Graph Theory with Applications, 549
- Borel Essays in the History of Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups, 74
- Introduction aux groupes arithm´etiques, 463 Linear Algebraic Groups, 445
- Borel, Casselman Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-functions, 403
- Borel, Wallach Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups, 404
- Borevich, Shafarevich Number Theory, 362
- Borwein, Erd´elyi Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities, 105
- Bosch, G¨untzer, Remmert Non-Archimedean Analysis. A Systematic Approach to Rigid Analytic Geometry, 393
- Bosch, L¨utkebohmert, Raynaud N´eron Models, 393
- Bott, Tu Di.erential Forms in Algebraic Topology, 341
- Bourbaki Commutative Algebra, 220
- Elements of the History of Mathematics, 63 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, 442
- Bowen Equilibrium States and the Ergodic Theory of Anosov Di.eomorphisms, 535
- Boyd, El Ghaoui, Feron, Balakrishnan Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory, 113
- Boyd, Vandenberghe Convex Optimization, 608
- Boyer A History of Mathematics, 61
- Bredon Introduction to Compact Transformation Groups, 475
- Topology and Geometry, 327
- Breiman Probability, 557
- Brenner, Scott The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods, 617
- Brezis Analyse Fonctionnelle. Th´eorie et Applications, 184
- Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Di.erential Equations, 184
- Operateurs Maximaux Monotones et Semi-groupes de Contractions dans les espaces de Hilbert, 185
- Brezzi, Fortin Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods, 617
- Bridson, Hae.iger Metric Spaces of Non-positive Curvature, 255
- Brieskorn, Kn¨orrer Plane Algebraic Curves, 298
- Brocker, tom Dieck Representations of Compact Lie Groups, 492
- Brouwer, Cohen, Neumaier Distance-regular Graphs, 550
- Browder Surgery on Simply-connected Manifolds, 352
- Brown Buildings, 454
- Cohomology of Groups, 335
- Bruns, Herzog Cohen-Macaulay Rings, 223 Buhler Gauss. A Biographical Study, 53
- Bump Automorphic Forms and Representations, 404
- Burago, D., Burago, Y., Ivanov A Course in Metric Geometry, 254
- Burago, Zalgaller Geometric Inequalities, 112
- Burde, Zieschang Knots, 329
- Burnside Theory of Groups of Finite Order, 207
- Burris, Sankappanavar A Course in Universal Algebra, 203
- Busemann The Geometry of Geodesics, 240
- Buser Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces, 139
- Byron, Fuller Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics, 498
- Ca.arelli, Cabr´e Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, 429
- Canary, Epstein, Green Notes on notes of Thurston, 346
- Canuto, Hussaini, Quarteroni, Zang Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 432
- Carleson, Gamelin Complex Dynamics, 531
- Carslaw, Jaeger Conduction of Heat in Solids, 426
- Cartan Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables, 115
- Cartan, Eilenberg Homological Algebra, 226
- Carter Finite Groups of Lie Type. Conjugacy Classes and Complex Characters, 206
- Simple Groups of Lie Type, 205
- Cassels
- An Introduction to Diophantine Approximation, 383
- An Introduction to the Geometry of Numbers, 373
- Local Fields, 371
- Rational Quadratic Forms, 393
- Cassels, Fr¨ohlich Algebraic Number Theory, 367
- Casson, Bleiler Automorphisms of Surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston, 347
- Castaing, Valadier Convex Analysis and Measurable Multifunctions, 310
- Cercignani The Boltzmann Equation and Its Applications, 510
- Cercignani, Illner, Pulvirenti The Mathematical Theory of Dilute Gases, 510
- Cesari Optimization.Theory and Applications. Problems with Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 610
- symptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 409
- Chang In.nite-dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems, 420
- Chang, Keisler Model Theory, 591
- Chavel Eigenvalues in Riemannian Geometry, 261
- Riemannian Geometry.A Modern Introduction, 237
- Cheeger, Ebin Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry, 241
- Chen, Shaw Partial Di.erential Equations in Several Complex Variables, 125
- Chern Complex Manifolds Without Potential Theory, 273 Chevalley Theory of Lie Groups. I. , 440
- Chihara An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, 106
- Chow, Hale Methods of Bifurcation Theory, 411
- Chriss, Ginzburg Representation Theory and Complex Geometry, 491
- Chung A Course in Probability Theory, 556
- Spectral Graph Theory, 551
- Church Introduction to Mathematical Logic, 584
- Ciarlet The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems, 620
- Clarke Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis, 103
- Clemens A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory, 298
- Cli.ord, Preston The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, 203
- Coddington, Levinson Theory of Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 408
- Cohen, H.
- A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, 370
- Advanced Topics in Computational Number Theory, 370
- Cohen, P. Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis, 589
- Cohn Measure Theory, 98
- Collet, Eckmann Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems, 522
- Colton, Kress Integral Equation Methods in Scattering Theory, 517
- Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory, 419
- Comtet Advanced Combinatorics. The Art of Finite and In.nite Expansions, 539
- Conley Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index, 412
- Connes Noncommutative Geometry, 178
- Constantin, Foias Navier-Stokes Equations, 434
- Conway, J.B. A Course in Functional Analysis, 167
- Conway, J.H. On Numbers and Games, 607
- Conway, J.H., Burgiel, Goodman-Strauss The Symmetries of Things, 30
- Conway, J.H., Curtis, Norton, Parker, Wilson Atlas of Finite Groups. Maximal Subgroups and Ordinary Characters for Simple Groups, 212
- Conway, Sloane Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, 545
- Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest Introduction to Algorithms, 603
- Cornfeld, Fomin, Sinai Ergodic Theory, 534
- Corwin, Greenleaf Representations of Nilpotent Lie Groups and Their Applications. Part I. Basic Theory and Examples, 492
- Courant, Friedrichs Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, 433
- Courant, Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics. Vol. I., Vol. II., 496
- Courant, John Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, 83
- Courant, Robbins What Is Mathematics?, 6
- Cover, Thomas Elements of Information Theory, 596
- Cowen, MacCluer Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions, 155
- Cox Primes of the Form $x^2 + ny^2$ Fermat, Class Field Theory and Complex Multiplication, 58
- Cox, Little, O’Shea
- Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, 224
- Using Algebraic Geometry, 541
- Coxeter
- Introduction to Geometry, 39
- Projective Geometry, 40
- Regular Polytopes, 41
- Coxeter, Greitzer Geometry Revisited, 40
- Coxeter, Moser Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups, 470
- Crilly Arthur Cayley, 54
- Croft, Falconer, Guy Unsolved Problems in Geometry, 110
- Crowell, Fox Introduction to Knot Theory, 330
- Csisz´ar, K¨orner Information Theory. Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems, 597
- Curtain, Zwart An Introduction to In.nite-dimensional Linear Systems Theory, 528
- Curtis Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer, 68
- Curtis, Reiner Methods of Representation Theory, 215
- Curtis, Reiner Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras, 214
- Cvetkovi´c, Doob, Sachs Spectra of Graphs, 551
- Da Prato, Zabczyk Stochastic Equations in In.nite Dimensions, 572
- Dacorogna Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations, 268
- Dafermos Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Continuum Physics, 436
- Dal Maso An Introduction to Γ-convergence, 269
- Daubechies Ten Lectures on Wavelets, 160
- Dauben Georg Cantor, 50
- Davenport Multiplicative Number Theory, 381
- The Higher Arithmetic. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 361
- David, Semmes Analysis of and on Uniformly Sets, 101
- Davies Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory, 262
- Davis
- Circulant Matrices, 194
- The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups, 475
- Davis, Rabinowitz Methods of Numerical Integration, 614
- de Azc´arraga, Izquierdo Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and Some Applications in Physics, 483
- de Boor A Practical Guide to Splines, 622
- de la Harpe Topics in Geometric Group Theory, 470
- de Melo, van Strien One-dimensional Dynamics, 522
- Deift Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: a Riemann-Hilbert Approach, 581
- Deimling Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 185
- Deligne Cohomologie ´etale, 391
- Demazure, Gabriel
- Groupes alg´ebriques. Tome I: G´eom´etrie alg´ebrique, g´en´eralit´es, groupes commutatifs, 447
- Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups, 447
- Dembo, Zeitouni Large Deviations Techniques and Applications, 574
- Dembowski Finite Geometries, 457
- Demidovich Problems in Mathematical Analysis, 108
- Derezi´nski, G´erard Scattering Theory of Classical and Quantum N-particle Systems, 515
- Derksen, Kemper Computational Invariant Theory, 451
- Deuschel, Stroock Large Deviations, 574
- Devaney An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems, 521
- DeVore, Lorentz Constructive Approximation, 621
- Dickson History of the Theory of Numbers. I, II, III, 70
- Diestel Graph Theory, 547
- Diestel, Jarchow, Tonge Absolutely Summing Operators, 168
- Diestel, Uhl Vector Measures, 100
- Dieudonn´e
- A History of Algebraic and Di.erential Topology 1900.1960, 72
- Foundations of Modern Analysis, 91
- Dirac General Theory of Relativity, 504
- Dixmier
- C. -algebras, 181
- von Neumann Algebras, 180
- Dixon, Mortimer Permutation Groups, 210
- do Carmo
- Di.erential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, 237
- Riemannian Geometry, 237
- Dolgachev Lectures on Invariant Theory, 294
- Donaldson, Kronheimer The Geometry of Four-manifolds, 350
- Doob
- Classical Potential Theory and Its Probabilistic Counterpart, 565
- Stochastic Processes, 565
- Doyle, Snell Random Walks and Electric Networks, 563
- Drake, Singh Intermediate Set Theory, 587
- Du Sautoy Symmetry: A Journey into the Patterns of Nature, 28
- Dubrovin, Fomenko, Novikov Modern Geometry.Methods and Applications, 238
- Dudley Real Analysis and Probability, 560
- Dugundji Topology, 320
- Dunford, Schwartz Linear Operators, 175
- Dunham Euler: the Master of Us All, 54
- Duoandikoetxea Fourier Analysis, 142
- Duren Theory of Hp Spaces, 153
- Durrett Probability: Theory and Examples, 558
- Duvaut, Lions Inequalities in Mechanics and Physics, 114
- Dym, McKean Fourier Series and Integrals, 143
- Edwards Riemann’s Zeta Function, 375
- Eichler, Zagier The Theory of Jacobi Forms, 405
- Eilenberg Automata, Languages, and Machines, 603
- Eilenberg, Steenrod Foundations of Algebraic Topology, 325
- Einstein The Meaning of Relativity, 503
- Eisenbud Commutative Algebra. With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry, 221
- Eisenhart Riemannian Geometry, 239
- Ekeland, T´emam Convex Analysis and Variational Problems, 310
- Ellis Entropy, Large Deviations, and Statistical Mechanics, 574
- Engel, Nagel One-parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations, 176
- Engelking General Topology, 320
- Engl, Hanke, Neubauer Regularization of Inverse Problems, 419
- Enriques Le Super.cie Algebriche, 301
- Epstein, Cannon, Holt, Levy, Paterson, Thurston Word Processing in Groups, 471
- Erd´elyi, Magnus, Oberhettinger, Tricomi Higher Transcendental Functions, 86
- Ethier, Kurtz Markov Processes, 571
- Evans Partial Di.erential Equations, 413
- Evans, Gariepy Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions, 99
- Eves An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, 62
- Faddeev, Takhtajan Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons, 517
- Falconer Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and Applications, 270
- The Geometry of Fractal Sets, 271
- Faltings, Chai Degeneration of Abelian Varieties, 387
- Faraut, Kor´anyi Analysis on Symmetric Cones, 257
- Farkas, Kra Riemann Surfaces, 131
- Federer Geometric Measure Theory, 265
- Feit The Representation Theory of Finite Groups, 213 Feller An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, 555
- Fenchel, Nielsen Discontinuous Groups of Isometries in the Hyperbolic Plane, 468
- Feynman,Leighton,Sands The Feynman Lectures on Physics, 502
- Field, Golubitsky Symmetry in Chaos. A Search for Pattern in Mathematics, Art, and Nature, 31
- Fine Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications, 406
- Fleming, Soner Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions, 566
- Fletcher, Markovic Quasiconformal Maps and Teichm¨uller Theory, 138
- Folland Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space, 160
- Real Analysis. Modern Techniques and Their Applications, 92
- Forster Lectures on Riemann Surfaces, 131
- Forsythe, Wasow Finite-di.erence Methods for Partial Di.erential Equations, 618
- Fraleigh A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 200
- Frankel The Geometry of Physics, 239
- Frenkel, Lepowsky, Meurman Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster, 481
- Fricke, Klein Vorlesungen ¨uber die Theorie der elliptischen Modulfunctionen, 397
- Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der automorphen Funktionen, 396
- Fried, Jarden Field Arithmetic, 394
- Friedman Partial Di.erential Equations of Parabolic Type, 426
- Fuchs In.nite Abelian Groups, 473
- Fukushima, Oshima, Takeda Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes, 561
- Fulton
- Algebraic Curves. An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry, 288
- Intersection Theory, 302
- Introduction to Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry, 304
- Introduction to Toric Varieties, 307
- Young Tableaux, 486
- Fulton, Harris Representation Theory. A .rst Course, 489
- Furstenberg Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory, 536
- Galdi An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations, 434
- Gallot, Hulin, Lafontaine Riemannian Geometry, 238
- Gantmacher The Theory of Matrices, 192
- Garcia-Cuerva, Rubio de Francia Weighted Norm Inequalities and Related Topics, 113
- Gardiner Teichm¨uller Theory and Quadratic Di.erentials, 137
- Gardiner, Lakic Quasiconformal Teichm¨uller Theory, 138
- Gardner Geometric Tomography, 312
- Garey, Johnson Computers and Intractability, 602
- Garnett Bounded Analytic Functions, 152
- Garnett, Marshall Harmonic Measure, 153
- Garrett Buildings and Classical Groups, 455
- Gasper, Rahman Basic Hypergeometric Series, 405
- Geck An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups, 449
- Gelbart Automorphic Forms on Ad´ele Groups, 401
- Gelbaum, Olmsted Counterexamples in Analysis, 96
- Gelfand Lectures on Linear Algebra, 188
- Gelfand, Fomin Calculus of Variations, 268
- Gelfand, Graev, Pyatetskii-Shapiro Representation Theory and Automorphic Functions, 172, 399
- Gelfand, Kapranov, Zelevinsky Discriminants, Resultants, and Multidimensional Determinants, 308
- Gelfand, Manin Methods of Homological Algebra, 229
- Gelfand, Shilov, Vilenkin, Graev Generalized Functions, 172
- Gelfond Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers, 383
- George, Askey, Roy Special Functions, 87
- Georgii Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions, 510
- Giaquinta Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Elliptic Systems, 269
- Gilbarg, Trudinger Elliptic Partial Di.erential Equations of Second Order, 421
- Gilkey Invariance Theory, the Heat Equation, and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem,
- 263 Gillman, Jerison Rings of Continuous Functions,
- 183 Girault, Raviart Finite Element Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations, 619
- Giusti Minimal Surfaces and Functions of Bounded Variation, 252
- Glimm, Ja.e Quantum Physics. A Functional Integral Point of View, 511
- Godel The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis, 589
- Godement Topologie alg´ebrique et th´eorie des faisceaux, 127
- Godsil, Royle Algebraic Graph Theory, 550
- Goebel, Kirk Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory, 321
- Gohberg, Krein Introduction to the Theory of Linear Nonselfadjoint Operators, 170
- Goldman Complex Hyperbolic Geometry, 468
- Goldstein, Poole, Safko Classical Mechanics, 513
- Golub, Van Loan Matrix Computations, 613
- Golubitsky, Guillemin Stable Mappings and Their Singularities, 341
- Golumbic Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs, 551
- Goluzin Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, 121
- Gompf, Stipsicz 4-manifolds and Kirby Calculus, 350
- Goodman, Wallach
- Representations and Invariants of the Classical Groups, 488
- Symmetry, Representations, and Invariants, 489
- Gorenstein Finite Groups, 208
- Gorenstein, Lyons, Solomon The Classi.cation of the Finite Simple Groups, 211
- Goresky, MacPherson Strati.ed Morse theory, 343 Goursat A Course in Mathematical Analysis, 81
- Gowers, Barrow-Green, Leader The Princeton Companion to Mathematics, 14
- Graham, Knuth, Patashnik Concrete Mathematics. A Foundation for Computer Science, 595
- Granas, Dugundji Fixed Point Theory, 321
- Gratzer General Lattice Theory, 201
- Grauert, Remmert Coherent Analytic Sheaves, 126
- Greenleaf Invariant Means on Topological Groups and Their Applications, 536
- Gri.ths, Harris Principles of Algebraic Geometry, 286
- Grimmett Percolation, 577
- Grisvard Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains, 422
- Grochenig Foundations of Time-frequency Analysis, 144
- Gromov
- Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces, 253
- Asymptotic Invariants of In.nite Groups. Geometric Group Theory, 471
- Partial Di.erential Relations, 264
- Grothendieck ´ The El´ements de g´eom´etrie alg´ebrique, 279
- Grotschel, Lov´asz, Schrijver Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization, 609
- Gruber Convex and Discrete Geometry, 311
- Gruber, Lekkerkerker Geometry of Numbers, 373
- Grunbaum Convex Polytopes, 540
- Grunbaum, Shephard
- Tilings and Patterns, 31
- Tilings and Patterns. An Introduction, 32
- Guckenheimer, Holmes Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields, 524
- Guillemin, Pollack Di.erential Topology, 341
- Guillemin, Sternberg Geometric Asymptotics, 416
- Symplectic Techniques in Physics, 290
- Gunning Introduction to Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, 124
- Gunning, Rossi Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables, 123
- Guy Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 109
Hairer, Norsett, Wanner Solving Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 615 * Halberstam, Richert Sieve Methods, 379 * Hale Asymptotic Behavior
of Dissipative Systems, 526 * Theory of Functional Di.erential Equations, 530 * Hale, Verduyn Lunel Introduction to Functional-
di.erential Equations, 530 * Hall The Theory of Groups, 209 * Hall, Heyde Martingale Limit Theory and its Application, 569 * Halmos A Hilbert Space Problem Book, 169 * Finite-dimensional Vector Spaces, 189 * I Want to Be a Mathematician. An Automathography in Three Parts, 22 * Measure Theory, 97 * Naive Set Theory, 587 *
Harary Graph Theory, 548 * Hardy A Course of Pure Mathematics, 80 * A Mathematician’s Apology, 19 * Divergent Series, 94 * Hardy, Littlewood, P´olya Inequalities, 110 * Hardy, Wright An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 356 * Hargittai, I., Hargittai, M. Symmetry Through the Eyes of a Chemist, 35 * Symmetry: A Unifying Concept, 36 * Harris Algebraic Geometry. A First Course, 287 * Harris, Morrison Moduli of Curves, 296 * Hartman Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 409 *
Hartshorne Algebraic Geometry, 285 * Hasse Number Theory, 362 * Hatcher Algebraic Topology, 326 * Hawking, Ellis The Large Scale Structure
of Space-time, 506 * Hawkins Emergence of the Theory of Lie Groups. An Essay in the History of Mathematics 1869. 1926, 73
Hayman Meromorphic Functions, 122 * Haynes, Hedetniemi, Slater Fundamentals of Domination in Graphs, 550 * Hecke Lectures on the Theory
of Algebraic Numbers, 366 * Heinonen Lectures on Analysis on Metric Spaces, 100 * Heinonen, Kilpel¨ainen, Martio Nonlinear Potential Theory of Degenerate Elliptic Equations, 151 * Helgason Di.erential Geometry and
Symmetric Spaces, 256 * Di.erential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces, 256 * Geometric Analysis on Symmetric Spaces, 257 * Hempel
3-manifolds, 349 * Henrici Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, 119 * Henry Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations,
425 * Herstein Topics in Algebra, 200 * Hewitt, Ross Abstract Harmonic Analysis, 145 * Hilbert The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields, 365 * Theory of Algebraic Invariants, 450 * Hilbert, Cohn-Vossen Geometry and the Imagination, 37 * Hille, Phillips Functional Analysis and Semi-groups, 177 * Hiller Geometry of
Coxeter Groups, 474 * Hindry, Silverman Diophantine Geometry. An Introduction, 389 * Hiriart-Urruty, Lemar´echal Convex Analysis and
Minimization Algorithms, 607 * Hirsch Di.erential Topology, 340 * Hirsch, Smale Di.erential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear
Algebra, 411 * Hirschfeld Projective Geometries Over Finite Fields, 456 * Hirschfeld, Thas General Galois Geometries, 456 * Hirzebruch
Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry, 289 *
Hodge The Theory and Applications of Harmonic Integrals, 342 * Hodge, Pedoe Methods of Algebraic Geometry, 282 * Hodges A. Alan Turing:
the Enigma, 47 * Hodges W. Model Theory, 592 * Hofer, Zehnder Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian Dynamics, 292 * P. The Man Who
Loved Only Numbers, 49 *, K. Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions, 154 * Hofstadter G¨odel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid,
585 * Hopcroft, Ullman Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 603 Hopf Di.erential Geometry in the Large, 234 * H¨
ormander An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables, 272 * Lectures on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Di.erential Equations, 415 * Linear Partial Di.erential Operators, 414 * Notions of Convexity, 415 * The Analysis of Linear Partial Di.erential Operators. I-IV, 414 *
Horn, Johnson Matrix Analysis, 191 * Topics in Matrix Analysis, 192 * Householder The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis, 613 Hovey Model Categories, 337 * Howie Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory, 204 *
Hsiang Cohomology Theory of Topological Transformation Groups, 476 * Hua Additive Theory of Prime Numbers, 380 * Introduction to Number Theory, 358 * Hubbard Teichm¨uller Theory and Applications to Geometry,
Topology, and Dynamics, 137 * Hughes Random Walks and Random Environments, Humphreys Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, 443 Linear Algebraic Groups, 446 * Re.ection Groups and Coxeter Groups, 474 * Huppert Endliche Gruppen. I., 210 * Huppert, Blackburn Finite groups. II, III, 210 * Hurewicz, Wallman Dimension Theory, 322 * Huybrechts
Complex Geometry. An Introduction, 274 * Huybrechts, Lehn The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves, 295 * Ikeda, Watanabe Stochastic Di.erential Equations and Di.usion Processes, 572 * Imayoshi, Taniguchi An Introduction to Teichm¨uller
Spaces, 136 * Ince Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 410 * Ireland, Rosen A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, 359 * Isaacs
Character Theory of Finite Groups, 214 * Isakov Inverse Problems for Partial Di.erential Equations, 418 * Ito, McKean Di.usion Processes
and their Sample Paths, 567 * Ivic The Riemann Zeta-function, 375 * Iwaniec
Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms, 402 * Iwaniec, Kowalski Analytic Number Theory, 378 *
- Jaco Lectures on Three-manifold Topology, 349
- Jacobson
- Basic Algebra, 198
- Lie Algebras, 445
- Jacod, Shiryaev Limit Theorems for Stochastic Processes, 568
- Jacquet, Langlands Automorphic Forms on GL(2), 400
- James, Kerber The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group, 486
- Janson, Svante, Luczak, Rucinski Random Graphs, 552
- Jantzen Representations of Algebraic Groups, 452
- Jech Set Theory, 588
- Jikov, Kozlov, Oleinik Homogenization of Di.erential Operators and Integral Functionals, 579
- John Partial Di.erential Equations, 416
- Jost Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis, 260
- Joyce Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy, 249
- Jurdjevic Geometric Control Theory, 431
Kac, M. Enigmas of Chance, 25 * Statistical Independence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory, 557 * Kac, M., Ulam Mathematics and Logic, 10 * Kac, V. In.nite-dimensional Lie Algebras, 479 * Kadison,
Ringrose Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras, 182 * Kahane Some Random Series of Functions, 577 * Kailath Linear Systems, 528 *
Kallenberg Foundations of Modern Probability, 558 * Kanigel The Man Who Knew In.nity. A Life of the Genius Ramanujan, 49 * Kapovich
Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups, 348 * Karatsuba, Voronin The Riemann Zeta-function, 376 * Karatzas, Shreve Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus, 572 * Methods of Mathematical Finance, 573 Karoubi K-theory. An Introduction, 334 * Kashiwara, Schapira Sheaves on Manifolds, 127 * Kassel Quantum Groups, 480 * Kato Perturbation
Theory for Linear Operators, 428 * Katok, Hasselblatt Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems, 520 * Katz A History of
Mathematics. An Introduction, 60 * Katz, Sarnak Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy, 581 * Katznelson An Introduction
to Harmonic Analysis, 141 * Kechris Classical Descriptive Set Theory, 588 * Kelley General Topology, 319 * Kempf, Knudsen, Mumford, Saint-
Donat Toroidal Embeddings. I, 307 * Khinchin Continued Fractions, 364 * Three Pearls of Number Theory, 363 Kinderlehrer, Stampacchia
An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their Applications, 417 * Kirby, Siebenmann Foundational Essays on Topological
Manifolds, Smoothings, and Triangulations, 353 Klee, Wagon Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory, 18 *
Kleene Mathematical Logic, 590 * Klein Development of Mathematics in the 19th Century, 76 * Lectures on Mathematics, 77 * Lectures on the Icosahedron and the Solution
of Equations of the Fifth Degree, 398 * Klimek Pluripotential Theory, 150 * Kline Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, 65 *
Klingenberg Riemannian Geometry, 242 * Kloeden, Platen Numerical Solution of Stochastic Di.erential Equations, 616 * Knapp Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction, 444 * Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups. An Overview Based on Examples, 490 * Knopp Theory of Functions, 118 * Knuth The Art of Computer Programming, 595 * Kobayashi Di.erential
Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles, 249 * Hyperbolic Complex Spaces, 275 * Hyperbolic Manifolds and Holomorphic
Mappings, 275 * Transformation Groups in Di.erential Geometry, 476 * Kobayashi, Nomizu Foundations of Di.erential Geometry, 245 * Koblitz
p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-functions, 360 * Kodaira Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures, 273 Kolchin Di.erential Algebra and Algebraic Groups, 460 * Koll´ar
Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties, 296 * Koll´ar, Mori Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, 297 * Kolmogorov Foundations of
the Theory of Probability, 554 * Kolmogorov, Fomin Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, 164 * Komornik Exact
Controllability and Stabilization, 528 * Korner Fourier Analysis, 11 * The Pleasures of Counting, 10 * Kosmann-Schwarzbach The Noether Theorems. Invariance and Conservation Laws in the Twentieth Century, 35 * Krantz Function Theory of Several Complex Variables, 125 * Kuang Delay Di.erential Equations with Applications in Population Dynamics,
525 * Kuipers, Niederreiter Uniform Distribution of Sequences, 561 * Kunen Set Theory. An Introduction to Independence Proofs, 590 * Kunita
Stochastic Flows and Stochastic Di.erential Equations, 573 Kuratowski Topology, 318 * Kurosh The Theory of Groups, 209 *
Ladyenskaja, Solonnikov, Uralceva Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type, 426 * Ladyzhenskaya
The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow, 435 * Ladyzhenskaya, Uraltseva Linear and Quasilinear Elliptic Equations, 423
Lakshmikantham, Bainov, Simeonov Theory of Impulsive Di.erential Equations, 417 * Lam Introduction to Quadratic Forms Over Fields, 391 *
Lamb Hydrodynamics, 437 * Lancaster, Tismenetsky The Theory of Matrices, 193 Landau, Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, 499 *
Landkof Foundations of Modern Potential Theory, 149 * Lang Algebra, 197 * Algebraic Number Theory, 368 * Cyclotomic Fields, 369 * Elliptic Functions, 386 * Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry,
389 * Introduction to Modular Forms, 401 * Lange, Birkenhake Complex Abelian Varieties, 388 * Langlands Base Change for GL(2), 403 On the Functional Equations Satis.ed by Eisenstein Series, 402 * Lawler Intersections of Random Walks, 564 * Lawson, Michelsohn Spin Geometry, 247 * Lax Functional analysis, 165 * Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves, 433 Lazarsfeld Positivity in Algebraic Geometry, 305 * Lebedev Special Functions and Their
Applications, 89 * Lederman, Hill Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 34 * Ledoux, Talagrand Probability in Banach Spaces. Isoperimetry and Processes, 562 * Lee Riemannian Manifolds. An Introduction to Curvature, 236 * Lefschetz Algebraic Topology, 319 * Lehner Discontinuous
Groups and Automorphic Functions, 398 * Lehto Univalent Functions and Teichm¨uller Spaces, 135 * Lehto, Virtanen Quasiconformal Mappings
in the Plane, 133 Lickorish An Introduction to Knot Theory, 330 * Lidl, Niederreiter Finite Fields, 359 * Lieb, Loss Analysis, 93
Lifshitz,Pitaevskii Course of Theoretical Physics, 501 * Liggett Interacting Particle Systems, 579 * Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes, 579 * Lind, Marcus An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding, 523 Lindenstrauss, Tzafriri Classical
Banach Spaces, 167 * Lions Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics, 435 * Quelques m´ethodes de r´esolution des probl`emes aux limites non lin´eaires, 430 * Littlewood Littlewood’s Miscellany, 21 * Lo´eve Probability Theory, 556 * Loday Cyclic
Homology, 231 * Lojasiewicz Introduction to Complex Analytic Geometry, 126 * Lorentz, Golitschek, Makovoz Constructive Approximation.
Advanced Problems, 621 *
Lov´asz Combinatorial Problems and Exercises, 544 * Lubotzky Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures, 467 * Lueck L2 *
-invariants: Theory and Applications to Geometry and K-theory, 478 * Lunardi Analytic Semigroups and Optimal Regularity in Parabolic
Problems, 178 * Lusztig Introduction to Quantum Groups, 480 * Lyndon, Schupp Combinatorial Group Theory, 470 *
Mac Lane Categories for the Working Mathematician, 230 * Homology, 227 * Macdonald Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials, 484 * Mackey Unitary Group Representations in Physics, Probability, and Number
Theory, 497 * MacLane, Birkho. Algebra, 197 * MacWilliams, Sloane The Theory of Error-correcting Codes, 600 * Magnus Noneuclidean
Tesselations and Their Groups, 397 * Majid Foundations of Quantum Group Theory, 480 * Malliavin Stochastic Analysis, 575 * Mandelbrot The
Fractal Geometry of Nature, 271 * Mane Ergodic Theory and Di.erentiable Dynamics, 535 * Manin A Course in Mathematical Logic, 590 * Cubic Forms. Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, 394 * Marchenko Sturm Liouville Operators and Applications, 516 * Marcus Number Fields, 367 * Marden Outer Circles. An Introduction to Hyperbolic 3-
manifolds, 348 * Margulis Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups, 466 * Marker Model theory. An Introduction, 592 * Markushevich
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, 120 * Marsden, Ratiu Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry. A Basic Exposition of Classical Mechanical Systems, 501 * Marshall, Olkin Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, 112 * Maskit Kleinian Groups, 469 * Maslov, Fedoriuk
Semiclassical Approximation in Quantum Mechanics, 416 * Matousek Lectures on Discrete Geometry, 540 * Matsumura Commutative Algebra, 221 * Commutative Ring Theory, 222 * Mattila Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces. Fractals and Recti.ability, 266 * Mawhin, Willem Critical Point Theory and
Hamiltonian Systems, 420 * May Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology, 328 * Maz’ja Sobolev Spaces, 427 * McCleary User’s Guide to
Spectral Sequences, 230 * McConnell, Robson Noncommutative Noetherian Rings, 224 * McDu., Salamon
J-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology, 291 * Introduction to Symplectic Topology, 291 * McKean Stochastic Integrals, 567 * McMullen Complex Dynamics and Renormalization, 532 * Renormalization and 3-manifolds Which Fiber Over the Circle, 532 * McWeeny Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and Its Applications, 30 * Mehta Random Matrices, 580 * Melrose
The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem, 424 * Meyer, Coifman Wavelets and Operators, 161 * Meyn, Tweedie Markov Chains and Stochastic
Stability, 566 * Milman, Schechtman Asymptotic Theory of Finite-dimensional Normed Spaces, 313 Milne ´ Etale Cohomology, 390 * Milnor Dynamics in One Complex Variable. Introductory Lectures, 531 * Introduction to Algebraic K-theory, 334 * Lectures on the h-cobordism Theorem, 339 * Morse Theory, 339 *
Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces, 289 * Topology from the Di.erentiable Viewpoint,
340 * Milnor, Stashe. Characteristic Classes, 324 * Misner, Thorne, Wheeler Gavitation, 507 * Mitrinovi´c Analytic Inequalities, 111 * Miyake
Modular Forms, 401 * Moeglin, Waldspurger Spectral Decomposition and Eisenstein Series. Une paraphrase de l’ ´ Ecriture, 403 Monastyrsky Riemann, Topology, and Physics, 52 * Montgomery, D., Zippin Topological Transformation Groups, 477 * Montgomery, H. Ten Lectures on the Interface Between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis, 378 * Montgomery, H., Vaughan Multiplicative Number Theory. I. Classical Theory, 381 * Montgomery, R. A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries,
Their Geodesics and Applications, 247 * Montgomery, S. Hopf Algebras and Their Actions on Rings, 481 * Moore Foundations of Point Set
Theory, 319 * Morgan Geometric Measure Theory, A Beginner’s Guide, 267 * Morrey Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations, 267 *
Morrow, Kodaira Complex Manifolds, 274 * Morse The Calculus of Variations in the Large, 339 * Moschovakis Descriptive Set Theory, 588 *
Moser Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems, 519 * Mostow Strong Rigidity of Locally Symmetric Spaces, 464 * Motohashi Spectral
Theory of the Riemann Zeta-function, 376 * Mukai An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli, 295 * Mumford Abelian Varieties, 387 * Algebraic Geometry. I, 284 * Lectures on Curves on an Algebraic Surface, 302 * Tata Lectures on Theta, 387 * The Red book of Varieties and Schemes, 283
Mumford, Fogarty, Kirwan Geometric Invariant Theory, 293 Mumford, Series, Wright Indra’s Pearls, 36 * Munkres Elements of Algebraic Topology, 327 * Topology: A First Course, 327 * Murray Mathematical Biology, 526 *
- Nadler Continuum Theory. An Introduction, 320
- Nag The Complex Analytic Theory of Teichm¨uller Spaces, 135
- Nagata
- Local Rings, 223
- Modern Dimension Theory, 322
- Nakajima Lectures on Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces, 294
- Nathanson Additive Number Theory. Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets, 380
- Necas Les m´ethodes directes en th´eorie des ´equations elliptiques, 421
- Nehari Conformal Mapping, 121
- Neugebauer A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 70
- Neukirch Algebraic Number Theory, 369
- Neukirch, Schmidt, Wingberg Cohomology of Number Fields, 372
- Newman The World of Mathematics. Vols. I-IV, 66
- Newstead Introduction to Moduli Problems and Orbit Spaces, 293
- Nielsen, Chuang Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, 597
- Nocedal, Wright Numerical Optimization, 609
- Novikov, Manakov, Pitaevskii, Zakharov Theory of Solitons. The Inverse Scattering Method, 515
- Nualart The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics, 575
- O’Meara Introduction to Quadratic Forms, 392
- O’Neill Semi-Riemannian Geometry, 246
- Oda Convex Bodies and Algebraic Geometry, 306
- Olver, F. Asymptotics and Special Functions, 88
- Olver, P.
- Applications of Lie Groups to Di.erential Equations, 461
- Classical Invariant Theory, 451
- Equivalence, Invariants, and Symmetry, 462
- Onishchik, Vinberg Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups, 443
- Orlik, Terao Arrangements of Hyperplanes, 344
- Ortega, Rheinboldt Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables , 616
- Oxley Matroid Theory, 542
- Paley, Wiener Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain, 143
- Papadimitriou Computational Complexity, 604
- Parshall, Rowe The Emergence of the American Mathematical Research Community, 1876.1900, 71
- Passman The Algebraic Structure of Group Rings, 217
- Payne, Thas Finite Generalized Quadrangles, 456
- Pazy Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Di.erential Equations, 176
- Pedersen C. -algebras and Their Automorphism Groups, 182
- Penrose The Road to Reality. A complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, 508
- Perko Di.erential equations and dynamical systems, 522
- Pesin Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems, 323
- Petersen, K. Ergodic Theory, 534
- Petersen, P. Riemannian Geometry, 241
- Petkovsek, Wilf, Zeilberger A = B, 599
- Petrovski Ordinary Di.erential Equations, 409
- Phillips Scattering Theory for Automorphic Functions, 402
- Pierce Associative Algebras, 215
- Pisier The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry, 313
- Platonov, Rapinchuk Algebraic Groups and Number Theory, 448
- Podlubny Fractional Di.erential Equations, 95
- P´olya How to Solve it. A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, 15
- Mathematical Discovery. On Understanding, Learning, and Teaching Problem Solving, 17
- Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, 16
- P´olya,Szeg¨o
- Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics, 263
- Problems and Theorems in Analysis, 104
- Pommerenke Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps, 123
- Pontryagin Topological Groups, 145
- Pressley, Segal Loop Groups, 479
- Protter, Weinberger Maximum Principles in Di.erential Equations, 422
- Rabinowitz Minimax Methods in Critical Point Theory with Applications to Di.erential Equations, 419
- Rademacher, Toeplitz The Enjoyment of Mathematics; Selections from Mathematics for the Amateur, 8
- Raghunathan Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups, 464
- Ransford Potential Theory in the Complex Plane, 150
- Ratcli.e Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds, 348
- Ravenel Complex Cobordism and Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres, 332
- Reed, Simon Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, 514
- Reid
- Julia. A Life in Mathematics, 45
- Courant in G¨ottingen and New York, 45
- Hilbert, 44
- Neyman. From Life, 45
- The Search for E.T. Bell, 45
- Reiner Maximal Orders, 217
- Remmert
- Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory, 117
- Theory of Complex Functions, 116
- Revuz, Yor Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion, 568
- Richardson, Urbanke Modern Coding Theory, 601
- Richtmyer, Morton Di.erence Methods for Initial-value Problems, 619
- Riesz, Sz.-Nagy Functional Analysis, 164
- Ritt Di.erential Algebra, 460
- Roberts, Varberg Convex Functions, 311
- Robinson, A. Non-standard Analysis, 593
- Robinson, D. A Course in the Theory of Groups, 210
- Rockafellar Convex Analysis, 309
- Rockafellar, Wets Variational analysis, 101
- Rogers
- Hausdor. Measures, 99
- Packing and Covering, 373
- Theory of Recursive Functions and E.ective Computability, 594
- Rolfsen Knots and Links, 328
- Ronan
- Lectures on Buildings, 454
- Symmetry and the Monster. One of the Greatest Quests of Mathematics, 32
- Rosen, J.
- Symmetry Discovered: Concepts and Applications in Nature and Science, 29
- Symmetry in Science. An Introduction to the General Theory, 30
- Symmetry Rules. How Science and Nature Are Founded on Symmetry, 30
- Rosen, M. Number Theory in Function Fields, 359
- Rosenberg Algebraic K-theory and Its Applications, 334
- Ross Introduction to Probability Models, 559
- Rotman An Introduction to Homological Algebra, 228
- Rourke, Sanderson Introduction to Piecewise-linear Topology, 351
- Rudin
- Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn,90
- Functional Analysis, 166
- Real and Complex Analysis, 90
- The Way I Remember It, 26
- Ruelle
- Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results, 509
- Thermodynamic Formalism. The Mathematical Structures of Classical Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 510
- Russell Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 586
Saad Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 614 * Sachs, Wu General Relativity for Mathematicians, 505 * Sagan The Symmetric Group. Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions, 487 * Sakai C.. -algebras and W -algebras, 181 * Salsburg The Lady Tasting Tea. How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century, 45 * Samko, Kilbas, Marichev Fractional Integrals and Derivatives. Theory and Applications, 95 * Samorodnitsky, Taqqu Stable non-Gaussian
Random Processes, 570 * Santal´o Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability, 251 * Sarnak Some Applications of Modular Forms, 467 * Sato
L´evy Processes and In.nitely Divisible Distributions, 569 * Schaefer Banach Lattices and Positive Operators, 202 * Topological Vector Spaces, 168 * Scharlau Quadratic and Hermitian Forms, 392 * Scharlau, Opolka From Fermat to Minkowski. Lectures on the Theory of Numbers and its Historical Development, 59 * Schechter
My Brain is Open. The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erd˝os, 48 * Schneider Convex Bodies: the Brunn-Minkowski Theory, 312 * Schoen, Yau Lectures on Di.erential Geometry, 259 * Lectures on Harmonic Maps, 259 * Schrijver Theory of Linear and Integer Programming, 606 * Schroeder Number Theory in Science and Communication, 360 * Schumaker Spline
Functions: Basic Theory, 622 * Schwartz Th´eorie des Distributions, 171 * Seifert, Threlfall Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook of
Topology, 318 * Serre A Course in Arithmetic, 385 * Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras, 441 * Galois Cohomology, 372 * Linear Representations of Finite
Groups, 484 * LocalAlgebra,220 * Local Fields, 371 * Trees, 466 * Shafarevich Basic Algebraic Geometry, 281 * Basic Notions of Algebra, 204 * Shannon, Weaver The Mathematical Theory of Communication, 599 * Sharpe Di.erential Geometry, 250 * Shelah Proper and Improper Forcing,
591 * Shilov Linear Algebra, 191 * Shimura Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions, 384 * The Map of My Life, 24 *
Shiryaev Probability, 558 * Shoen.eld Mathematical Logic, 584 * Shohat, Tamarkin The Problem of Moments, 96 * Shubin Pseudodi.erential Operators and Spectral Theory,
424 * Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, 276 * Siegel, Moser Lectures on Celestial Mechanics, 518 * Silverman Advanced Topics in the
Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, 386 * The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, 385 * Smith Monotone Dynamical Systems, 525 * ¨ Smith, Kahanp¨a¨a, Kek l¨ainen, Traves An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry, 288 * Smoller Shock Waves and Reaction-di.usion Equations,
433 Soare Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees. A Study of Computable Functions and Computably Generated Sets, 593 Spanier Algebraic Topology, 326 * Spicci Beyond the Limit: The Dream of Sofya Kovalevskaya, 47 * Spitzer Principles of Random Walks, 562 *
Spivak A Comprehensive Introduction to Di.erential Geometry, 243 Calculus, 82 * Calculus on Manifolds. A Modern Approach to Classical Theorems of Advanced Calculus, 82 * Springer, G. Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, 130 * Springer, T. Linear Algebraic
Groups, 447 * Stanley Enumerative Combinatorics, 538 * Steenrod
The Topology of Fibre Bundles, 325 * Stein Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals, 159 *
Singular Integrals and Di.erentiability Properties of Functions, 157 * Stein, Weiss Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean
Spaces, 158 * Steinberg Lectures on Chevalley Groups, 448 * Sternberg Group Theory and Physics, 482 * Stewart Introduction to Matrix Computations, 613 Why Beauty is Truth, 28 * Stichtenoth Algebraic Function Fields and Codes, 601 * Stillwell Mathematics and its History, 63 Strang, Fix An Analysis of the Finite
Element Method, 618 * Strebel Quadratic Di.erentials, 139 * Stroock Probability Theory, an Analytic View, 559 * Stroock, Varadhan
Multidimensional Di.usion Processes, 570 * Struik A Concise History of Mathematics, 60 * Struwe Variational Methods. Applications to Nonlinear Partial Di.erential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems, 431 *
Stubhaug Niels Henrik Abel and His Times, 46 * Sturmfels Gr¨obner Bases and Convex Polytopes, 541 * Sweedler Hopf Algebras, 481 * Switzer
Algebraic Topology.Homotopy and Homology, 327 * Sz.-Nagy, Foias Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space, 146 * Szeg¨o Orthogonal Polynomials, 106 *
Takesaki Theory of operator algebras, 180 * Tauvel, Yu Lie Algebras and Algebraic Groups, 449 * Taylor Partial Di.erential Equations, 423 Pseudodi.erential Operators, 424 * Pseudodi.erential Operators and Nonlinear PDE, 423 Temam In.nite-dimensional Dynamical Systems in Mechanics and Physics, 526 * Navier-Stokes Equations. Theory and Numerical
Analysis, 615 * Tenenbaum Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, 377 * Thirring A Course in Mathematical Physics. Vol.
I. Classical Dynamical Systems, 513 Thom Structural Stability and Morphogenesis. An Outline of a General Theory of Models, 529 * Thurston The Geometry and Topology of Three Manifolds, 345 * Three-dimensional Geometry and Topology, Vol. 1, 346 * Titchmarsh The Theory of Functions, 117 * The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, 375 * Tits Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite BN-pairs, 453 tom Dieck Transformation Groups, 476 * Totik Logarithmic Potentials with
External Fields, 151 * Triebel
Interpolation Theory, Function spaces, Di.erential Operators, 155 * Theory of Function Spaces, 154 * Tsuji Potential Theory in Modern
Function Theory, 149 * Turaev Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-manifolds, 331 * U Ulam A Collection of Mathematical Problems, 108 * Adventures of a Mathematician, 23 V van der Put, Singer Galois Theory of Linear Di.erential Equations, 461 * van der Vaart, Wellner Weak Convergence and Empirical
Processes. With Applications to Statistics, 571 * van der Waerden Algebra, 194 * van Heijenoort From Frege to G¨odel. A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic, 1879.1931, 585 * van Lint Introduction to Coding Theory, 601 * Varadarajan Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their
Representations, 444 * Varopoulos, Salo.-Coste, Coulhon Analysis and Geometry on Groups, 147 * Vaughan The Hardy-Littlewood Method, 379 *
Vign´eras Arithm´etique des alg`ebres de quaternions, 384 * Villani Optimal Transport, Old and New, 430 * Topics in Optimal Transportation, 430 * Voiculescu, Dykema, Nica Free Random Variables, 578 * von Neumann Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 498 * The Computer and the Brain, 12 * von Neumann, Morgenstern Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 605 * W Waldschmidt Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups. Transcendence Properties of the Exponential Function in Several Variables, 383 Walker Algebraic Curves, 288 * Wall Surgery on Compact Manifolds, 351 * Wallach Real Reductive Groups, 491 * Walters An Introduction to
Ergodic Theory, 533 Warner Foundations of Di.erentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups, 235 * Washington Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields,
369 * Watson A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 86 * Wehrfritz In.nite Linear Groups. An Account of the Group-Theoretic Properties of In.nite Groups of Matrices, 472 * Weibel An Introduction to Homological Algebra, 228 * Weil Basic Number Theory, 368 * Elliptic Functions According to Eisenstein and Kronecker, 57 * Number theory. An Approach through History. From Hammurapi to Legendre, 55 * The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician, 22 *
Weinberger The Topological Classi.cation of Strati.ed Spaces, 344 * Wells Di.erential Analysis on Complex Manifolds, 275 * Welsh Matroid
Theory, 543
West Introduction to Graph Theory, 547 * Weyl Space, Time, Matter, 505 * Symmetry, 27 * The Classical Groups. Their Invariants and Representations, 487 * The Concept of a Riemann Surface, 128 * The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, 497 * Wheeden, Zygmund Measure and Integral, 98 * Whitehead Elements of Homotopy Theory, 337 * Whitham Linear and Nonlinear Waves, 436 *
Whittaker, Watson A Course of Modern Analysis, 85 * Whyburn Analytic Topology, 478 * Widder The Laplace Transform, 145 * Wiener I am a
Mathematician. The later Life of a Prodigy, 23 Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, 597 * Ex-prodigy. My Childhood and Youth, 23 Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing
of Stationary Time Series, 598 * Wilkinson The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, 612 * Willem Minimax Theorems, 420 * Woess Random Walks on
In.nite Graphs and Groups, 563 Wolf Spaces of Constant Curvature, 245 *
- Yafaev Mathematical Scattering Theory, 516
- Yaglom Felix Klein and Sophus Lie, 52
- Yosida Functional analysis, 174
Zariski Algebraic Surfaces, 301 * Zariski, Samuel Commutative Algebra, 219 * Zassenhaus The Theory of Groups, 207 * Zee Fearful Symmetry.
The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics, 34 * Zeidler Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 186 * Zhu Operator Theory in
Function Spaces, 155 * Ziegler Lectures on Polytopes, 539 * Ziemer Weakly Di.erentiable Functions. Sobolev Spaces and Functions of
Bounded Variation, 428 * Zimmer Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups, 465 * Essential Results of Functional Analysis, 166 * Zygmund Trigonometric Series, 147