Residual neural network

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 21일 (월) 01:40 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  1. Deep residual networks (ResNet) took the deep learning world by storm when Microsoft Research released Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.[1]
  2. So all ResNet blocks use only Identity shortcuts with Projections shortcuts used only when the dimensions changes.[1]
  3. Based on this unit, we present competitive results on CIFAR-10/100 with a 1001-layer ResNet, which is much easier to train and generalizes better than the original ResNet.[1]
  4. We further report improved results on ImageNet using a 200-layer ResNet, for which the counterpart of the last paper starts to overfit.[1]
  5. For example, current state-of-the-art CNNs appear to be too complex (e.g., now over 100 layers for ResNet) compared with the relatively shallow cortical hierarchy (4-8 layers).[2]
  6. We introduce a relatively deep residual neural network for Web page classification problem based on the simplified version of the target HTML document.[3]
  7. In this paper, a bilingual digit recognition system is developed using Residual Neural Network (ResNet) and Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks (LBCNN).[4]
  8. The resulting performance of ResNet and LBCNN are the highest when they are compared against several state-of-the-art techniques.[4]
  9. We explore Residual Network (ResNet) architectures as a potential pathway to enable deeper SNNs.[5]
  10. Typical maximum SNN activations for a ResNet having junction ReLU layers but the non-identity and identity input paths not having the same spiking threshold.[5]
  11. Our implementation is derived from the Facebook ResNet implementation code for CIFAR and ImageNet datasets available publicly.[5]
  12. We explore relatively simple ResNet architectures, as the ones used in He et al.[5]
  13. We propose a novel symmetric neural network based on ResNet for HAR, termed ARN, which is an asymmetric network and has two paths separately working at short and long slide windows.[6]
  14. Here ResNet comes into rescue and helps solve this problem.[7]
  15. The skip connections in ResNet solve the problem of vanishing gradient in deep neural networks by allowing this alternate shortcut path for the gradient to flow through.[7]
  16. ResNet network uses a 34-layer plain network architecture inspired by VGG-19 in which then the shortcut connection is added.[7]
  17. This brings us to the end of this article where we learned about ResNet and how it allows us to make deeper neural networks.[7]
  18. In this variant of ResNet, the concept that was introduced is that in a basic residual block, we add the input to output of the layer.[8]
  19. In this study, we applied ResNet structure to Multi-Layer Perceptron and compared the changes and features.[9]
  20. However, for 29 layered neural networks, the accuracy of test was increased by about 5.5% after applying ResNet structure.[9]
  21. Based on these conjectures, ResNet allows layers of neural networks to start from the role of the identity function and learn the difference between the required function and the identity function.[9]
  22. that 3 × n hidden layers are bound to one ResNet block for every three layers (k = 3).[9]
  23. Using the Tensorflow and Keras API, we can design ResNet architecture (including Residual Blocks) from scratch.[10]
  24. The comparison results are shown in Table 1, which demonstrate R-ResNet has a good performance for both pattern recognition accuracy and speed.[11]
  25. This study firstly designed a non-periodic microstructure surface and then used the R-ResNet for pattern recognition of the designed microstructure so as to reduce the search area.[11]
  26. Training results from the experiments show that R-ResNet has excellent performance for pattern recognition; the measurement speed is about 0.2 s, which is close to real-time measurement.[11]
  27. Instead of learning direct features from input x, ResNet tries to learn the difference between the expected features and input x, which is called residual.[12]
  28. A residual neural network (ResNet) is an artificial neural network (ANN) of a kind that builds on constructs known from pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex.[13]
  29. Driven by the significance of convolutional neural network, the residual network (ResNet) was created.[14]
  30. ResNet was designed by Kaiming He in 2015 in a paper titled Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.[14]
  31. First, the situation is reversed with residual learning – the 34-layer ResNet is better than the 18-layer ResNet (by 2.8%).[14]
  32. I made a diagram of how I see resnets in my head, in an earlier answer, at Gradient backpropagation through ResNet skip connections .[15]
  33. The authors note that when the gates approach being closed, the layers represent non-residual functions whereas the ResNet’s identity functions are never closed.[16]
  34. The 34-layer ResNet achieves sub 30% error rate, unlike the Plain Network on the left plot.[16]
  35. We see that ResNet is not degrading in performance when we increase the number of layers.[17]
  36. This characteristic of ResNet helped train very deep models, spawning several popular neural networks namely ResNet-50, ResNet-101, etc.[17]
  37. Working on toy dataset helped understand the ResNet.[17]
  38. A building block of a ResNet is called a residual block or identity block.[18]
  39. At the heart of their proposed residual network (ResNet) is the idea that every additional layer should more easily contain the identity function as one of its elements.[19]
  40. With it, ResNet won the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2015.[19]
  41. 7.6.2 illustrates the residual block of ResNet, where the solid line carrying the layer input \(\mathbf{x}\) to the addition operator is called a residual connection (or shortcut connection).[19]
  42. The difference is the batch normalization layer added after each convolutional layer in ResNet.[19]
  43. The proposed ResNet consists of five convolutional layers and two fully connected layers with residual connections.[20]
