
Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 22일 (화) 05:43 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  1. Note: The scientific Python ecosystem is changing at a rapid pace, without maintaining compatibility with older versions.[1]
  2. ScientificPython has not been adapted to these changes, because we do not have any resources for software development.[1]
  3. For downloading ScientificPython, and for installation instructions, see the source code repository.[1]
  4. The aim of this workshop is to get you set up with a working scientific Python installation which meets the Python requirements.[2]
  5. I want to use ScientificPython in Anaconda.[3]
  6. So, could you tell me how to install ScientificPython in Anaconda ?[3]
  7. ScientificPython is NOT compatible with NumPy 1.9 or later, because it relies on a submodule of NumPy that was removed in version 1.9.[4]
  8. CME 193 - Introduction to Scientific Python (2015) See for the current course webpage.[5]
  9. A powerful and free package used in the physics department is scientific python.[6]
  10. Within the geoscience community, enthusiasm for the scientific Python ecosystem continues to grow (Nagpal and Gabrani 2019).[7]
  11. Rayference is recruiting a motivated Scientific Python Developer who wish to work in a dynamic research environment.[8]
  12. Numpy is an absolutely key piece to the success of scientific Python and if you want to get into Data Science and or Machine Learning in Python, it's a must learn.[9]
  13. This is the second post in a series of posts on scientific Python, don't forget to check out the others too.[9]
  14. In the scientific python mode, the prompt is preceded by the text (scientificpython) , which lets the user know that he/she is in the scientific python mode.[10]
