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Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 26일 (토) 06:12 판 (→‎메타데이터: 새 문단)
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  • Coherent LIDAR is based on optical heterodyne detection.[1]
  • Devices which utilize the Doppler effect for velocity measurements are called coherent Doppler LIDAR.[1]
  • For coherent LIDAR, one usually uses a single detector in conjunction with a scanning apparatus for the transverse direction.[1]
  • Almost every single company working on self-driving cars right now uses LIDAR.[2]
  • Lidar is a method of measuring distance by shooting lasers and detecting how much time they take to return.[2]
  • At the same time, all the other companies use Lidar and do not seem to care.[2]
  • LIDAR cannot differentiate a road bump from a plastic bag.[2]
  • IDTechEx The technology choices made today will have immense consequences for performance, price and scalability of lidar in the future.[3]
  • Like radar, lidar is an active remote sensing technology but instead of using radio or microwaves it uses light.[4]
  • While it can be acquired at night, lidar can not penetrate clouds and rain and therefore can only be acquired in fair conditions.[4]
  • Lidar produces extremely accurate and precise data, often with centimeter level accuracy.[4]
  • The use of UAS and lidar will most likely increase substantially in the coming decade.[4]
  • When lidar was first proposed in the 1960s, lasers and detection mechanisms were bulky and slow to operate.[5]
  • That happy medium that lidar found happens to be especially suited to the last use case: navigating the everyday world.[5]
  • Lidar doesn’t do everything, though: it can’t, for example, read the letters on a sign since they’re flat.[5]
  • LiDAR technology has been around since the 1960’s when laser scanners were mounted to planes.[6]
  • LiDAR works in a similar way to Radar and Sonar yet uses light waves from a laser, instead of radio or sound waves.[6]
  • LiDAR is also seeing increased levels of adoption for automation applications.[6]
  • Lidar offers very high resolution with a long range and a wide field of vision.[7]
  • LiDAR uses a pulsed laser to detect distance, velocity and angle with high precision.[8]
  • Here we will focus only on main photodetectors used in lidar imaging.[9]
  • Lidar is a method for measuring distance using pulsed lasers.[10]
  • After the invention of the laser in 1960, lidar was first done using airplanes as the platform for the laser beam.[11]
  • Lidar has also been used in satellite- and ground-based systems.[11]
  • Because of its accuracy in mapping surface features, lidar is useful in creating topographical maps.[11]
  • Forests can be studied with lidar and the profile of the multiple returns can be used to determine what kinds of trees are present.[11]
  • LiDAR, in contrast, offers precise 3D measurement data over short to long ranges, even in challenging weather and lighting conditions.[12]
  • Lidar stands for light detection and ranging, and has been around for a while.[13]
  • Lidar is a tech that's sprouting up everywhere.[13]
  • Lidar allows the iPhone 12 Pro to start AR apps a lot more quickly, and build a fast map of a room to add more detail.[13]
  • I've been testing it out on an Apple Arcade game, Hot Lava, which already uses lidar to scan a room and all its obstacles.[13]
  • LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a sensor technology for remote object detection and ranging, using a light source and receiver.[14]
  • This lidar may be used to scan buildings, rock formations, etc., to produce a 3-D model.[15]
  • The lidar can aim its laser beam in a wide range: its head rotates horizontally; a mirror tilts vertically.[15]
  • Various publications refer to lidar as "LIDAR", "LiDAR", "LIDaR", or "Lidar".[15]
  • Lidar uses ultraviolet , visible , or near infrared light to image objects.[15]


