Bernstein polynomial

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 17일 (수) 00:50 판
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  1. Recently the Bernstein polynomials have been defined and studied in many different ways, for example, by q-series, by complex functions, by p-adic Volkenborn integrals, and many algorithms (cf.[1]
  2. The Bernstein polynomial bases vanish except the first polynomial at , which is equal to 1 and the last polynomial at , which is also equal to 1 over the interval .[2]
  3. Many properties of the Bézier curves and surfaces come from the properties of the Bernstein polynomials.[2]
  4. Due to the increasing interest on Bernstein polynomials, the question arises of how to describe their properties in terms of their coefficients when they are given in the Bernstein basis.[2]
  5. Up to now, and to the best of our Knowledge, many formulae corresponding to those mentioned previously are unknown and are traceless in the literature for Bernstein polynomials.[2]
  6. Bernstein polynomials can be generalized to k dimensions.[3]
  7. The Bernstein polynomials of degree form a basis for the power polynomials of degree .[4]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'bernstein'}, {'LEMMA': 'polynomial'}]