
Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 17일 (수) 01:11 판
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  1. Although there were other projects to bring JavaScript to server-side applications, the functionality took off with the launch of Node.js in 2009.[1]
  2. Node allows developers to write JavaScript code that runs directly in a computer process itself instead of in a browser.[1]
  3. Node.js is written in C, C++, and JavaScript, and it is built on the open-source V8 JavaScript engine which also powers JS in browsers such as Google Chrome.[1]
  4. Node provides access to several important global objects for use with Node program files.[1]
  5. Mocha is a testing library for Node.js, created to be a simple, extensible, and fast.[2]
  6. Node’s official package manager — npm — will help us set up an empty project.[2]
  7. Save the NodeJS dependencies in the cache.[2]
  8. Semaphore fully supports many languages, including NodeJS and JavaScript.[2]
  9. but I’m not here to dismiss Node.js just because some people said so.[3]
  10. Node.js has been the most popular environment to build cross platform applications using JavaScript for a long time.[3]
  11. Node.js is a single-threaded tool and uses the event-callback mechanism, which means that every function or method gets executed in a linear order.[3]
  12. Node.js has a weakness that makes it less scalable.[3]
  13. The official MongoDB Node.js driver allows Node.js applications to connect to MongoDB and work with data.[4]
  14. Note These docs are for version 3.6 of the MongoDB Node.js driver.[4]
  15. If you are looking for an older version of the MongoDB Node.js driver docs, see the legacy Node.js driver documentation.[4]
  16. Both your browser JavaScript and Node.js run on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine.[5]
  17. We now have two Node APIs waiting to execute.[5]
  18. There are a ton of resources you can use learn more about Node.js, including[5]
  19. We’re excited to announce that Node.js 15 was released today.[6]
  20. Node.js 14 being promoted to LTS (long-term support) later this month.[6]
  21. You can expect new releases of Node.js 15 approximately every two-weeks, keeping you up-to-date with the latest features and changes.[6]
  22. As an odd-numbered release line, Node.js 15 will not be promoted to LTS.[6]
  23. This document shows how to use node-oracledb.[7]
  24. Node.js programs call node-oracledb functions.[7]
  25. Internally node-oracledb dynamically loads Oracle Client libraries.[7]
  26. Node-oracledb is typically installed from the npm registry.[7]
  27. The core JavaScript language and concepts are the same for server-side development on Node.js and this material will be relevant.[8]
  28. Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.[9]
  29. This tutorial is designed for software programmers who want to learn the basics of Node.js and its architectural concepts.[9]
  30. As we are going to develop web-based applications using Node.js, it will be good if you have some understanding of other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX, etc.[9]
  31. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that achieves low latency and high throughput by taking a “non-blocking” approach to serving requests.[10]
  32. Node.js takes a different approach.[10]
  33. Node.js turns out to be quite useful for desktop applications in addition to servers.[10]
  34. Also note that Node applications aren’t limited to pure JavaScript.[10]
  35. We strongly recommend using a Node version manager like nvm to install Node.js and npm.[11]
  36. If you're using OS X or Windows, use one of the installers from the Node.js download page.[11]
  37. For more information on installing Node.js on a variety of operating systems, see this page.[11]
  38. The Buffer class was introduced as part of the Node.js API to enable interaction with octet streams in TCP streams, file system operations, and other contexts.[12]
  39. In Node.js, the dependencies’ value is used to specify any other modules that a given module (represented by the package.json) requires to work.[12]
  40. Each module in Node.js has its own context, so it cannot interfere with other modules or pollute global scope.[12]
  41. Node Version Manager is a tool that allows programmers to seamlessly switch between different versions of Node.[12]
  42. Performance Express provides a thin layer of fundamental web application features, without obscuring Node.js features that you know and love.[13]
  43. As an open-source project, Node.js was sponsored by Joyent, a cloud computing and hosting solutions provider.[14]
  44. The latter also became one of the first companies to use Node.js for its mobile application backend.[14]
  45. However, it wasn’t until recently that wide adoption of server-side JavaScript with Node.js started.[14]
  46. Almost any popular code editor has support and plugins for JavaScript and Node.js, so it only matters how you customize your IDE to your coding needs.[14]
  47. Node.js is a runtime environment to run JavaScript code outside the browser.[15]
  48. In addition to helping build the Node.js runtime, our strategy is to offer deployment platforms, tools, guidance, and support for customers using Node.js and JavaScript.[15]
  49. The resources below help you successfully deploy Node.js in production, highlight key trends, and talk about our contributions within the Node.js and JavaScript communities.[15]
  50. Idiomatic libraries make writing Node.js apps for Google Cloud simple and intuitive.[16]
  51. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.[17]
  52. Though .js is the standard filename extension for JavaScript code, the name "Node.js" doesn't refer to a particular file in this context and is merely the name of the product.[17]
  53. In December 2014, Fedor Indutny started io.js, a fork of Node.js.[17]
  54. In February 2015, the intent to form a neutral Node.js Foundation was announced.[17]
  55. As this is more a benefit of JavaScript than Node.js specifically, we won’t discuss it much here.[18]
  56. Beyond that, it’s worth noting that Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, was aiming to create real-time websites with push capability, “inspired by applications like Gmail”.[18]
  57. In one sentence: Node.js shines in real-time web applications employing push technology over websockets.[18]
  58. With all of its advantages, Node.js now plays a critical role in the technology stack of many high-profile companies who depend on its unique benefits.[18]
  59. The potential drawback being that they require a Node.js server constantly running.[19]
  60. 이러한 작업을 통해 반복적인 작업을 자동화하고 방대한 Node.js 에코시스템에 도구를 배포할 수 있습니다.[19]
  61. These allow you to automate repetitive tasks and then distribute your tool across the vast Node.js ecosystem.[19]
  62. Node.js can enable data collection, analyzing that data, communicating back and forth between a device and server, and taking action based on the analysis.[19]
  63. The Node.js project uses an open governance model.[20]
  64. Node.js releases a new major version every 6 months, allowing for breaking changes.[20]
  65. node package manager의 줄임말인데요.[21]
  66. Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server.[22]
  67. Node.js 애플리케이션은 단일 CPU 코어에서 실행되기 때문에 CPU의 멀티코어 시스템은 사용할 수 없습니다.[23]
  68. Node.js is a platform for building fast and scalable server applications using JavaScript.[24]
  69. Visual Studio Code has support for the JavaScript and TypeScript languages out-of-the-box as well as Node.js debugging.[24]
  70. To get started in this walkthrough, install Node.js for your platform.[24]
  71. The Node Package Manager is included in the Node.js distribution.[24]




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