Mathematical linguistics

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 17일 (수) 01:20 판
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  1. Mathematical Linguistics introduces the mathematical foundations of linguistics to computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians interested in natural language processing.[1]
  2. First, it is written very well and secondly, the author has taken a rather non-standard but very attractive approach to mathematical linguistics.[1]
  3. Mathematical linguistics deals with linguistic structures more directly in the sense that it tries to characterise linguistic structures mathematically and then to study their formal properties.[2]
  4. As this book shows, mathematical linguistics does not provide a complete coherent theory, but rather explains bits and pieces of language components.[3]
  5. In the short final chapter, the author drops the neutral textbook stance and reveals his view of the overall status of mathematical linguistics.[3]
  6. Mathematical Linguistics introduces the mathematical foundations of linguistics to computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians interested in natural language processing (NLP).[4]
  7. Mathematical linguistics arose in the 1950’s as a result of the urgent need to clarify basic concepts in linguistics.[5]
  8. Mathematical linguistics chiefly makes use of algebra, the theory of algorithms, and the theory of automatons.[5]
  9. Although not a part of linguistics, mathematical linguistics has developed in close relation to it.[5]
  10. Another branch of mathematical linguistics, and one that occupies a central place in it, is the theory of formal grammars, whose chief proponent is N. Chomsky.[5]
  11. In mathematical linguistics methods of the theories of algorithms, automata and algebra are widely used.[6]
  12. Keeping its applied sense, mathematical linguistics is constantly evolving along the path of transforming into a pure mathematical discipline, being essentially a branch of mathematical logic.[6]
  13. Mathematical linguistics involves studying this sort of statement by applying mathematics.[7]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'mathematical'}, {'LEMMA': 'linguistic'}]