
Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 17일 (수) 00:44 판
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  • The paper reviews what the Julia programming language is and its staying power relative to other popular programming languages.[1]
  • , it’s super easy to use python and R packages within Julia.[2]
  • Julia is a MIT certified free open source, high level , high performance programming language.[2]
  • Julia uses the JIT(Just in Time) – compiler which generates native machine code.[2]
  • What if I tell you Julia passes all these criterias.[2]
  • Kamiński: Here it is crucial to define what I understand by Julia being ready for production.[3]
  • Well, you can easily "ship" a Julia project and expect that anyone on any environment should be able to relatively effortlessly run it.[3]
  • I do not see Julia as a language that is best suited for any kind of project.[3]
  • Each programming language has its niche, and the niche of Julia is high performance computing/data science (or however you call it).[3]
  • Julia is a high-performance, high-level, and dynamic programming language that leans toward technical, numerical, and statistical computing.[4]
  • Asked to explain why the name Julia, Stefan Karpinski said in an interview, “That's everybody's favorite question.[4]
  • Julia is now backed by more than 700 active contributors.[4]
  • Where Julia shines is in its ability to balance speed and performance.[4]
  • Julia entered the market when data is making organisations more futuristic, agile, and effective.[5]
  • He furthers it by saying that unlike other compiled languages like C that are compiled before execution, Julia is compiled at run-time.[5]
  • Users with a preference for the grammar of graphics style API might like the pure Julia Gadfly.jl plotting package.[5]
  • VegaLite.jl provides the Vega-Lite grammar of interactive graphics interface as a Julia package.[5]
  • Now Julia is waiting for us to input our code, evaluating it line by line.[6]
  • You can confirm that by checking the Terminal prompt, which says julia> .[6]
  • So we can use Julia like a simple calculator.[6]
  • This also tells us that Julia does not allow using variables without properly initializing them.[6]
  • My entire research is in Julia nowadays, and I don't regret it.[7]
  • Julia's package library is small and still coming of age – but for you, that's a great thing![8]
  • In contrast Julia looks like Python or Matlab with a twist.[9]
  • Economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have adopted Julia for modeling.[9]
  • Because it is so new, Julia’s code base can be lacking.[9]
  • Many Julia libraries are still updating and expanding, and new features are added to the language every few months.[9]
  • Recently, Julialang also celebrated the addition of composable multi-threaded parallelism, taking a page out of the Golang’s book.[10]
  • Julialang is a high-performance, dynamically-typed, open source language that shines in scientific computing.[10]
  • In January 2019, Julia Computing won the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, which awards outstanding contributions in the field.[10]
  • According to the 2019 survey, 73% of users and developers use Julia for research.[10]
  • Where does Julia stand in Machine Learning?[11]
  • According to the paper, Julia is rapidly becoming a highly competitive language in data science and general scientific computing.[11]
  • Julia is seeing major uptake in the scientific community.[12]
  • The next-generation climate model is being built in Julia.[12]
  • Julia is among the few languages being used on the biggest supercomputers.[12]
  • Everybody would enjoy using Julia for their work.[12]
  • Keno Fischer, Julia Computing co-founder and CTO (Tools) discussed Julia and Julia Computing in a recent interview.[13]
  • Julia is a modern open-source language for data science, machine learning and scientific computing that has gained increasing attention.[13]
  • Julia uses type inference and just-in-time compilation to compile high-level user code to machine code on the fly.[14]
  • Python has been around for a long time than Julia and soon it has become the preferred choice for developers and programmers.[15]
  • Julia has been emerging as a potential competitor for Python with predominant features and Python is no lagging behind.[15]
  • Julia, an excellent choice for numerical computing and it takes lesser time for big and complex codes.[15]
  • Julia undoubtedly beats Python in the performance and speed category.[15]
  • With Julia, it was harder to find off-the-shelf libraries.[16]
  • Julia is the newcomer and it shows, incorporating state-of-the-art language design features.[16]
  • Julia's handling of data is lacking in terms of file types and options supported at present.[16]
  • That said, Python, Julia and R can all call functions from each other.[16]
  • If you have no clue about Julia, yet you want to master this language, this is an apt starter for you.[17]
  • This tutorial will allow you to learn Julia by doing it simultaneously.[17]
  • This conference comprises of talks and workshops which intends to cover a wide range of applications and tutorials of Julia Programming.[17]
  • Here’s the Youtube videos from Julia Conference 2014.[17]
  • Consider recent stats on Julia adoption.[18]
  • By January 1, 2019, reports Julialang.org, the total downloads of Julia reached 7.3 million.[18]
  • In his SC19 talk, Edelman noted that as of October 2019 there were 3,119 Julia packages available, up from 1,688 at the year’s start.[18]
  • Whether Julia will challenge Python the way Python once challenged and then surpassed Java is an interesting question being bandied about.[18]
  • Now Julia v1.0 and JuMP v0.19 have been released.[19]
  • There were major upgrades in both Julia and JuMP including many breaking changes.[19]
  • I based my assessment on Julia’s unique combination of convenient syntax with uncompromising performance.[20]
  • JuliaCon, the annual Julia convention, took place (online, of course).[20]
  • At its best, Julia can approach or match the speed of C. Julia is interactive.[21]
  • Julia includes a REPL (read-eval-print loop), or interactive command line, similar to what Python offers.[21]
  • Julia combines the benefits of dynamic typing and static typing.[21]
  • Julia can call Python, C, and Fortran libraries.[21]
  • Julia is now listed among the world’s 50 most-popular programming languages, according to one index.[22]
  • Julia circumvents that two-language problem because it runs like C, but reads like Python.[22]
  • “I fell in love with the speed of Julia,” he says.[22]
  • To all appearances, using Julia is like coding in Python: type a line, get a result.[22]
  • Julia, a zippy programming language that has roots at MIT, has published the results of its 2020 annual user survey.[23]
  • But Julia, which developer analyst firm RedMonk has rated as a language to watch, does have decent support behind it too.[23]
  • "The more experience people gain with Julia, the less they want to use anything else.[23]
  • The most frequently used languages after Julia are Python, and then Bash/Shell/PowerShell.[23]
  • In an interview with InfoWorld in April 2012, Karpinski said of the name "Julia": "There's no good reason, really.[24]
  • Julia 1.1 was released in January 2019 with, e.g., a new "exception stack" language feature.[24]
  • Julia 1.1.x releases are no longer maintained).[24]
  • Packages that work in Julia 1.0.x should work in 1.1.x or newer, enabled by the forward compatible syntax guarantee.[24]


  1. An Overview of the Julia Programming Language
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Julia – Programming Language
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Is Julia Production Ready? Q&A with Bogumił Kamiński
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Things to Know About Julia Programming Language
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Julia: Programming Language for the Future
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Julia Programming Projects
  7. What were the reasons for selecting Julia as programming language?
  8. Google Summer of Code Archive
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 A Quick Tour of the Julia Language
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Julia: The programming language of the future?
  11. 11.0 11.1 Julia Language in Machine Learning: Algorithms, Applications, and Open Issues
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Why I Wrote a Julia Programming Book
  13. 13.0 13.1 Julia: The Programming Language Of The Future
  14. The Julia programming language: the future of scientific computing
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Julia Vs Python: Will it unseat the king of programming?
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Which numerical computing language is best: Julia, MATLAB, Python or R?
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Best Resources to Learn Julia Programming
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Julia Programming’s Dramatic Rise in HPC and Elsewhere
  19. 19.0 19.1 Julia – Changhyun Kwon
  20. 20.0 20.1 The unreasonable effectiveness of the Julia programming language
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Julia vs. Python: Which is best for data science?
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Julia: come for the syntax, stay for the speed
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Programming languages: Julia users most likely to defect to Python for data science
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Julia (programming language)



Spacy 패턴 목록

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  • [{'LEMMA': 'JuliaLang'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'the'}, {'LOWER': 'julia'}, {'LEMMA': 'Language'}]
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