모든 공개 기록

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기록 목록
  • 2022년 7월 10일 (일) 20:08 Pythagoras0 토론 기여님이 노트 디버깅 문서를 삭제했습니다 (내용: "== 노트 == ===말뭉치=== # A finite field with 256 elements would be written as GF(2^8) .<ref name="ref_8dcc68b9">[https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/learning-cryptography-finite-fields-ced3574a53fe Learning Cryptography, Part 1: Finite Fields]</ref> # You can’t have a finite field with 12 elements since you’d have to write it as 2^2 * 3 which breaks the conventi...". 유일한 편집자는 "Pythagoras0" (토론))