Bethe ansatz for RSOS models

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 11월 16일 (월) 05:31 판
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TBA equation

  • taken from T-systems and Y-systems in integrable systems
  • RSOS model associated with the representation \(W_{s}^{(p)}\) of \(U_q(\hat{\mathfrak{g}})\).
  • \(N\) : length of sites
  • \(C=(C_{ab})\) : Cartan matrix
  • \(L=\ell +h^{\vee}\)

The Bethe equation is the following for the unknowns \(\{u^{(a)}_j \vert \, a \in I, 1 \le j \le n_a \}\):

\begin{equation}\label{ber} \Biggl(\frac{\sinh{\pi\over 2L}\bigl( u^{(a)}_j - \sqrt{-1}{s \over t_p}\delta_{a p}\bigr)} {\sinh{\pi\over 2L}\bigl( u^{(a)}_j + \sqrt{-1}{s \over t_p}\delta_{a p}\bigr)} \Biggr)^N = \Omega_a \prod_{b=1}^r\prod_{k=1}^{n_b} \frac{\sinh{\pi\over 2L}\bigl( u^{(a)}_j - u^{(b)}_k - \sqrt{-1}(\alpha_a \vert \alpha_b)\bigr)} {\sinh{\pi\over 2L}\bigl( u^{(a)}_j - u^{(b)}_k + \sqrt{-1}(\alpha_a \vert \alpha_b)\bigr)}. \end{equation} Here \(n_a=Ns(C^{-1})_{a p}\) as in (3.51) with \((r_i,s_i)=(p,s)\) for all \(i\), and \(\Omega_a\) is a root of unity

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