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(Google colab에서 넘어옴)
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  1. Working in Google Colab for the first time has been totally phenomenal and pretty shockingly easy, but it hasn’t been without a couple of small challenges![1]
  2. Google Colab is incredibly easy to use on pretty much every level, especially if you’re at all familiar with Jupyter Notebooks.[1]
  3. Google Colab has me excited to try machine learning in a similar way as using Jupyter notebooks, but with less setup and administration.[2]
  4. However, if you want your notebooks to be accessible to you from any device with a simple Google log-in, then Google Colab is the way to go.[3]
  5. Another great feature that Google Colab offers is the collaboration feature.[3]
  6. If you are working with multiple developers on a project, it is great to use Google Colab notebook.[3]
  7. with multiple developers using a Google Colab notebook.[3]
  8. Step up – Google Colab![4]
  9. Getting Started with Google Colab You can go to Google Colab using this link.[4]
  10. Most of the popular libraries come installed by default on Google Colab.[4]
  11. Google Colab also gives us an easy way of sharing our work with others.[4]
  12. We’ve added a new feature to tutorials that allows users to open the notebook associated with a tutorial in Google Colab.[5]
  13. I will show you how to use Google Colab, Google’s free cloud service for AI developers.[6]
  14. Google Colab is a free cloud service that offers Jupyter Notebooks via remote servers.[7]
  15. Students can use GPU and TPU resources from Google to run their Python code using Google Colab.[7]
  16. Officially, Google Colab supports Python.[7]
  17. Google Colab is a cloud-based service that allows the execution of Python code and includes the ability to use and install new libraries.[8]
  18. This tutorial helps beginners get started with Google Colab.[8]
  19. You can select one of the already-existing examples built by the Google Colab team.[8]
  20. Note that Google Colab could be integrated with Google Drive.[8]
  21. This means, if user does not interact with his Google Colab notebook for more than 90 minutes, its instance is automatically terminated.[9]
  22. Google Colab is a service that allows you to write and execute Python in your browser, with zero configuration required and free access to GPUs.[10]
  23. This is how you run Golang code in Google Colab.[10]
  24. Whether you just get started with deep learning, or you are experienced and want a quick experiment, Google Colab is a great free tool to fit the niche.[11]
  25. PyTorch and Google Colab have become synonymous with Deep Learning as they provide people with an easy and affordable way to quickly get started building their own neural networks and training models.[12]
  26. Google Colab was developed by Google to help the masses access powerful GPU resources to run deep learning experiments.[12]
  27. This is where Google Colab comes in.[12]
  28. In order to get started building a basic neural network, we need to install PyTorch in the Google Colab environment.[12]
  29. Summary¶ You can use Google Colab to run each section of this book with GPUs.[13]
  30. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to connect your Google Colab with Google Drive to build some Deep Learning model on Google Colab.[14]
  31. But the problem arises when we have to work with huge Dataset, As google colab also provides many ways to upload your data to its Virtual Machine on which your code is running.[14]
  32. Google Colab is a product of Google, from the name itself you can understand.[15]
  33. and you can quickly learn to use Google Colab.[15]
  34. To be more precise or in short, you can claim that Google Colab is a free version of the Jupyter notebook environment that entirely build in the cloud.[15]
  35. What makes Google Colab popular is the flexibility users get to change the runtime of their notebook.[16]
  36. Google Colab allows a user to run terminal codes, and most of the popular libraries are added as default on the platform.[16]
  37. We hope this article will enable readers to navigate Google Colab seamlessly and take advantage of the free GPU environment.[16]
  38. If you want to create a machine learning model but say you don’t have a computer that can take the workload, Google Colab is the platform for you.[17]
