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  • Recently, when giving a presentation on Integration Design Best Practices, the idea of Separation of Concerns was brought up.[1]
  • Naturally separation of concerns is the furthest thing on your minds as you’ll get to work writing a stream of consciousness.[1]
  • Why is it important to remember Separation of Concerns in your daily jobs?[1]
  • Let's look at how having a separation of concerns can help us with the issues mentioned above.[2]
  • Understanding the true nature of separation of concerns is one of those topics that separate newbies from the seasoned developer.[3]
  • A guiding principle when developing is Separation of Concerns.[4]
  • Software architects and programmers love having Separation of Concerns.[5]
  • The package concept (encapsulated packages) supports this separation of concerns.[6]
  • Separation of Concerns is that giant on whose shoulders stand many buzzword web design patterns we know today.[7]
  • Separation of concerns can be expressed as functions, modules, controls, widgets, layers, tiers, services, and so on.[8]
  • “Separation of concerns” is a key part of how we make our code well organized.[9]
  • However, I put “separation of concerns” in quotes because the term in general conversation is misunderstood or at least poorly understood.[9]
  • In this article, we will first go over what we actually mean by separation of concerns.[9]
  • While we have been given the term “separation of concerns”, there’s a lot more to be unpacked in that.[9]
  • The Principle of Separation of Concerns states that system elements should have exclusivity and singularity of purpose.[10]
  • Separation of concerns is achieved by the establishment of boundaries.[10]
  • The principle of separation of concerns can also be of benefit when applied to business organizations.[10]
  • The principle of separation of concerns can also improve problem resolution in enterprise wide systems.[10]
  • The value of separation of concerns is simplifying development and maintenance of computer programs.[11]
  • In practice, Separation of Concerns would mean making units of code smaller.[12]
  • Both of these scenarios given above are instances of a more general pattern — separation of concerns.[13]
  • What helps is applying a design principle called Separation of Concerns, commonly attributed to computer science pioneer Edsger Dijkstra.[14]
  • The figure below illustrates the separation of levels and the separation of concerns.[15]
  • I see more and more hard separation of concerns by putting code into different files again.[16]
  • The core concept is that by improving the separation of concerns, you improve a program's clarity and durability.[17]
  • Having talked about the advantages of separation of concerns, the challenge remains in how we implement and ensure compliance.[18]
  • A tool like CAST Imaging can help you evaluate the level of separation of concerns.[18]
  • Fifteen years later, it was evident the term Separation of Concerns was becoming an accepted idea.[19]
  • In normalized systems separation of concerns is one of the four guiding principles.[19]
  • At an architectural level, separation of concerns is a key component of building layered applications.[20]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'separation'}, {'LOWER': 'of'}, {'LEMMA': 'concern'}]