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  1. In mathematics, a group action on a space is a group homomorphism of a given group into the group of transformations of the space.[1]
  2. A group action on a (finite-dimensional) vector space is called a representation of the group.[1]
  3. In other words, in a faithful group action, different elements of G induce different permutations of X .[1]
  4. In other words, in a faithful group action, different elements of induce different permutations of .[1]
  5. In a group action, a group permutes the elements of .[2]
  6. For a given , the set , where the group action moves , is called the group orbit of .[2]
  7. Historically, the first group action studied was the action of the Galois group on the roots of a polynomial.[2]
  8. Section 7 uses a group action by automorphisms to define the semidirect product of two groups.[3]
  9. There are a few questions that come up when encountering a new group action.[4]
  10. The first condition for a group action holds by associativity of the group, and the second condition follows from the definition of the identity element.[4]
  11. In other words, an equivariant map is a homomorphism with respect to the group action; it is therefore also sometimes called a G-map or G-homomorphism.[5]
  12. Thus a Lie group action is defined to be a smooth homomorphism from a Lie group \({G}\) to \({\textrm{Diff}(M)}\), the Lie group of diffeomorphisms of a manifold \({M}\).[5]
  13. Note that this function must implement a group action from the right.[6]
  14. OrbitStabilizerAlgorithm performs an orbit stabilizer algorithm for the group G acting with the generators gens via the generator images gens and the group action act on the element pnt .[6]
  15. Mathematically, an external set is the set Ω, which is endowed with the action of a group G via the group action μ.[6]
  16. We can formalize this notion with the concept of a group action.[7]
  17. Now since the symmetric group is the group of all bijections we can think of a group action as a homomorphism from to .[7]
  18. This definition allows us to easily study the concept of a group action in the framework of category theory.[7]
  19. The term group action or action of a group is used for the notion defined here.[8]
  20. A group action is termed faithful if no non-identity element of the group fixes everything.[8]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'group'}, {'LEMMA': 'action'}]