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관련된 항목들


  • Binary logic gates are building blocks of computing machines, in particular, electronic computers.[1]
  • Every Logic gate has a graphical representation or symbol associated with it.[2]
  • What we’ve created here with a single transistor is a circuit generally known as a logic gate, or simply gate.[3]
  • The achievement of acoustic logic gates and Boolean operation provides a promising approach for acoustic signal computing and manipulations.[4]
  • Figure 3 shows the steps of the process flow adopted for the microfabrication of the NanoThermoMechanical logic gates.[5]
  • The AND gate is a basic digital logic gate that implements logical conjunction - it behaves according to the truth table to the right.[6]
  • Most logic gates have two inputs and one output and are based on Boolean algebra.[7]
  • Depending on the type of logic gate being used and the combination of inputs, the binary output will differ.[7]
  • A logic gate can be thought of like a light switch, wherein one position the output is off—0, and in another, it is on—1.[7]
  • The simplest family of logic gates uses bipolar transistors, and is called resistor–transistor logic (RTL).[8]
  • Electronic logic gates differ significantly from their relay-and-switch equivalents.[8]
  • Lee De Forest's modification, in 1907, of the Fleming valve can be used as a logic gate.[8]
  • Logic gates can also be used to store data.[8]
  • All logic gates require some kind of input value so that they have numbers to compare.[9]
  • Once a logic gate has a chance to process your input, it can then make a decision on whether to open its gate or keep it closed.[9]
  • By using a combination of both high and low voltages and sending them through a logic gate’s input, we can make some amazing things happen.[9]
  • Logic gates have been around for longer than you’ve been alive, in varying forms of computer technologies.[9]
  • We demonstrate the operation of programmable logic gates using organic ferroelectrics.[10]
  • Further, we designed and realized a complex five-input logic gate based on the majority gate described here.[11]
  • To implement different logic functions each an own logic gate can be created, which then exclusively fulfills the respective logic function.[12]
  • The logic gate according to the invention is therefore minimal Circuit and space requirements can be used in three different ways.[12]
  • Logic gates can be built up into chains of logical decisions.[13]
  • Some logic gates may have more than two inputs.[13]
  • This feature provides two added benefits: (i) memory function and (ii) “set/reset” capability of the logic gate.[14]
  • A logic gate executes a logical operation on one or more binary and produces a single binary output according to convention (Gibson, 2013).[14]
  • The resemblance between molecular switches and logic gates is clear: they can both convert input stimulation into output signals.[14]
  • In contrast, the output of sequential logic circuits depends not only upon the latest inputs, but also on the condition of earlier inputs.[14]
  • The remaining logical operations can be performed using combinations of these three logic gates.[15]
  • Thus, it is of high relevance to realize fast, energy-efficient, and reliable all-optical logic gates.[15]
  • The all-optical logic gates proposed in the following sub-sections consist of three planar nonlinear C-PCWs as elementary building blocks.[15]
  • Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the realization of the proposed functional all-optical NOT logic gate.[15]
  • Most logic gates take an input of two binary values, and output a single value of a 1 or 0.[16]
  • Some circuits may have only a few logic gates, while others, such as microprocessors, may have millions of them.[16]
  • There are many different kinds of logic gates, each of which can be implemented with many different designs.[17]
  • In Minecraft, NOR is a basic logic gate, implemented by a torch with two or more inputs.[17]
  • All logic gates can be made from NAND gates.[17]
  • The logical expressions are translated into device structures called logic gates.[18]
  • Logic gates are symbols that can directly replace an expression in Boolean arithmetic.[18]
  • Coverting the equation to logic gates makes the following diagram.[18]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'logic'}, {'LEMMA': 'gate'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'logic'}, {'LEMMA': 'circuit'}]