디랙 연산자

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  1. Another Dirac operator arises in Clifford analysis.[1]
  2. Here we visualize eigenfunctions of Laplace-Beltrami (left) which ignores extrinsic bending, and our relative Dirac operator (right) which ignores intrinsic stretching.[2]
  3. We introduce a new extrinsic differential operator called the relative Dirac operator, leading to a family of operators with a continuous trade-off between intrinsic and extrinsic features.[2]
  4. A general eigenvalue problem for the Dirac operator on a metric manifold M in terms of spinor and tangent fields defined via the Clifford algebra is derived herein.[3]
  5. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Dirac operator on any sphere or pseudosphere are determined.[3]
  6. In this section we collect general facts on the \(L^p\)-spectrum of the Dirac operator.[4]
  7. We derive upper eigenvalue bounds for the Dirac operator of a closed hypersurface in a manifold with Killing spinors such as Euclidean space, spheres or hyperbolic space.[5]
  8. In higher codimension we obtain bounds on the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator of the submanifold twisted with the spinor bundle of the normal bundle.[5]
  9. These lectures aim to give an elementary exposition on basic results about the first eigenvalue of the Dirac operator, on compact Riemannian Spin manifolds with positive scalar curvature.[6]
  10. We end by pointing out how the size of the gap around zero in the spectrum of the Dirac operator, increases when the geometrical structure is Kähler or Quaternion-Kähler.[6]
  11. Applications of this result include the construction of non-isotopic metrics with invertible Dirac operator, and a concordance existence and classification theorem.[7]
  12. Note that as \(r\longrightarrow +\infty\), the Dirac operator becomes \(-i\sigma_1 e_1 - i\sigma_2 e_2\), which is the spin-Dirac operator on \(\mathbb{R}^2\).[8]
  13. The spectrum The spin-Dirac operator is a first order, self-adjoint elliptic operator, which implies (as \(S^2\) is compact) that it has a discrete spectrum.[8]
  14. I really like Thomas Friedrich's Dirac Operators in Riemannian Geometry, I think it's a great reference for this stuff.[9]
  15. It should be obvious why the Dirac operator is important in physics because of fermions.[10]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'dirac'}, {'LEMMA': 'operator'}]