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  1. Widely seen as the single biggest project in modern mathematical research, the Langlands program has been described by Edward Frenkel as “a kind of grand unified theory of mathematics.[1]
  2. When you have that covered (two or three years down the line), then you will benefit from reading about the Langlands program.[2]
  3. While the occurence of the Langlands dual group and SL(2,Z) symmetry are suggestive, the relation of this to the full Langlands program seems to be a bit tenuous.[3]
  4. There is however a much closer relation between 2d conformal field theory and the Langlands program, a relation which is part of the story of what is now known as “Geometric Langlands”.[3]
  5. I will describe some of the history of, progress in, and future prospects for the p-adic Langlands program.[4]
  6. D students and young researchers to start new projects within the rich frame of the arithmetic Langlands program.[5]
  7. The research of Fedorov is about the Langlands duality for Hitchin systems, the Langlands program with ramifications, and motivic classes of moduli spaces occurring in Langlands program.[6]
  8. Fedorov is also interested in applying the philosophy of Langlands program to classical questions of algebraic geometry such as studying principal bundles over local rings.[6]
  9. Many of those tools involve something called the Langlands program.[7]
  10. Named for Canadian mathematician Robert Langlands , the Langlands program involves proposed connections, or bridges, between a number of seemingly disparate branches of mathematics.[7]
  11. “To me, it seems there’s a very striking analogy between the Langlands program and quantum mechanics,” he says.[7]
  12. The equations that crop up in the Langlands program, Arthur suggests, are akin to the famous Schrödinger equation, which governs the evolution of quantum mechanical systems.[7]
  13. I have been reading a book written by the mathematician Edward Frenkel "Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality" and he devotes a big portion of his book talking about the Langlands program.[8]
  14. This principle gives rise to a web of conjectures called the Langlands program which continues to guide research in number theory to the present day.[9]
  15. Despite its many successes, the Langlands program remains vague in many of its predictions, due in part to an absence of data to guide a precise formulation away from a few special cases.[9]
  16. During the semester we will focus on three specific aspects of the Langlands program.[9]
  17. The Langlands program is a vast set of conjectures, initially put forth by Robert Langlands, towards answering the second of these two questions.[10]
  18. The PI proposes research on the Langlands program, specifically the part dealing with the p-adic numbers, which are the strange cousins of the real numbers.[11]
  19. The Langlands program as it applies to the real numbers was worked out by Langlands himself, while the p-adic story remains somewhat mysterious.[11]
  20. One of these is Laurent Fargues' program to geometrize the Langlands program over the p-adic numbers.[11]
  21. The geometric Langlands program, which is relatively new, is under rapid development thanks to powerful tools from algebraic geometry.[12]
  22. In this project, the investigator will explore connections between these two different facets of the Langlands program by applying geometric methods to study arithmetic problems.[12]
  23. In more detail, this is a project to study the geometric Langlands program and its applications to arithmetic geometry.[12]
  24. Let’s go way back to my PhD, in which I solved a problem in the Langlands program.[13]




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  • [{'LOWER': 'langlands'}, {'LEMMA': 'program'}]