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  1. The modular curve X(5) has genus 0: it is the Riemann sphere with 12 cusps located at the vertices of a regular icosahedron.[1]
  2. There is an explicit classical model for X 0 (N), the classical modular curve; this is sometimes called the modular curve.[1]
  3. Hecke operators may be studied geometrically, as correspondences connecting pairs of modular curves.[1]
  4. The zeta-function of a modular curve is a product of the Mellin transforms (cf.[2]
  5. It is important to note that the classical modular curves are part of the larger theory of modular curves.[3]
  6. In this lecture our goal is simply to introduce the notion of a modular curve, beginning with the canonical example X(1).[4]
  7. We can now dene the modular curve X(1) = H/, which contains all the points in Y (1), plus the cusp at innity.[4]
  8. Abstract We obtain dening equations of modular curves X0(N ), X1(N ), and X(N ) by explicitly constructing modular functions using generalized Dedekind eta functions.[5]
  9. Dening equations of modular curves Let (cid:1) be a congruence subgroup of SL2(R).[5]
  10. The classical modular curves X((cid:1)) are dened to be the quotients of the extended upper half-plane H = {(cid:1) C : Im (cid:1) > 0} Q {} by the action of (cid:1).[5]
  11. It turns out that a modular curve has the structure of a compact Riemann surface.[5]
  12. In this post, we’ll show how we can use the Riemann-Hurwitz formula to derive the genus of the modular curve .[6]
  13. We describe an algorithm for constructing plane models of the modular curve X1(N ) and discuss the resulting equations when N 51.[7]
  14. Let X be the reduction of the modular curve X(p) in characteristic ℓ (with ℓ≠p).[8]
  15. Realising a modular curve as a Riemann surface 4.3.[9]
  16. In order to do so, we introduce modular curves.[9]
  17. A modular curve with respect to is the quotient space of orbits under the action of on H. We will see that every modular curve is in fact a Riemann surface.[9]
  18. We work with compact modular curves and establish a weight 2k modular form as a k-fold dierential form on the associated modular curve.[9]
  19. By construction, these modular curves provide covers (atlases) for the moduli stack of elliptic curves ℳ ell ( ℂ ) \mathcal{M}_{ell}(\mathbb{C}) over the complex numbers.[10]
  20. Abstract: In this talk we would like to review the basic theory of modular curves.[11]
  21. In this talk we would like to review the basic theory of modular curves.[11]
  22. Then I will focus on the Jacobian associated to a modular curve and how they can be described.[11]
  23. In this talk I explain how to get explicit equations for a model of some kind of modular curves.[11]
  24. Modular curves like X0(N) and X1(N) appear very frequently in arithmetic geometry.[12]
  25. We wish to give such a moduli description for two other modular curves, denoted here by Xnsp(p) and Xnsp+(p) associated to non-split Cartan subgroups and their normaliser in GL2(𝔽p).[12]
  26. Introduction We seek an arithmetic construction of the theory of modular curves and modular forms (including Hecke operators, q-expansions, and so forth).[13]
  27. Universal elliptic curves over ane modular curves will not admit Weierstrass models globally.[13]
  28. This thesis deals with the connections between modular curves and adle rings.[14]
  29. H To any such we may associate the noncompact modular curve /.[15]
  30. H SL2(Z) be a To any such we may associate the noncompact modular curve /.[15]
  31. The Question Do noncongruence modular curves also have a moduli interpretation?[15]
  32. Modular curves are of central interest for both the theoretical and compu- tational investigation of elliptic curves.[16]
  33. In order to apply this algorithm, one must precompute a large number of explicit models for modular curves.[16]
  34. One approach to the problem of computing models for modular curves is to produce a basis for the space of weight two cusp forms.[16]
  35. This gives an intuitive method for relating the Hecke module, de(cid:12)ned as a subgroup of the divisor group of a modular curve, with the space of modular forms of weight two.[16]
  36. There are many ways to dene modular curves; well dene them by their moduli structure, since this is the description which will be useful for point counting.[17]
  37. Modular Curves September 4, 2013 The rst examples of Shimura varieties we encounter are the modular curves.[18]
  38. In this lecture we review the basics of modular curves, beginning with the complex theory and progressing towards modular curves over number elds.[18]
  39. 1 Modular curves as complex manifolds 1.1 Lattices and the upper half plane H is the upper half plane, a complex manifold.[18]
  40. 2 Modular curves over number elds We have just seen that for any nite-index subgroup SL2(Z), the quotient \H is a compact Riemann surface and therefore corresponds to a smooth projective curve X().[18]
  41. We show how the Langlands-Kottwitz method can be used to determine the local factors of the Hasse-Weil zeta-function of the modular curve at places of bad reduction.[19]
  42. The most successful tool used to obtain these equations is the canonical embedding, combined with the fact that the dierentials on a modular curve correspond to the weight 2 cusp forms.[20]
  43. 0 (p) having genus 2 or 3, and for the genus 4 and 5 curves X + Heights of modular curves are studied and a discussion is given of the size of coecients occurring in equations for X0(N ).[20]
  44. The star of this thesis is the modular curve X0(N ) and we will examine its life from several dierent angles.[20]
  45. The modular curve X0(N ) is very important as it is one of the objects which links the world of elliptic curves with the world of modular forms.[20]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'modular'}, {'LEMMA': 'curve'}]