통계적 추론

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  1. Statistical inference must assume that the observations on a variable are independent one of the other.[1]
  2. In general, inference means “guess”, which means making inference about something.[2]
  3. So, statistical inference means, making inference about the population.[2]
  4. Statistical inference is the process of analysing the result and making conclusions from data subject to random variation.[2]
  5. Statistical inference is a method of making decisions about the parameters of a population, based on random sampling.[2]
  6. We will introduce three forms of statistical inference in this unit, each one representing a different way of using the information obtained in the sample to draw conclusions about the population.[3]
  7. In terms of organization, the Inference unit consists of two main parts: Inference for One Variable and Inference for Relationships between Two Variables.[3]
  8. The next two topics in the inference unit will deal with inference for one variable.[3]
  9. We will make a similar distinction here in the inference unit.[3]
  10. The standard error is thus integral to all statistical inference, it is used for all of the hypothesis tests and confidence intervals that you are likely to ever come across.[4]
  11. We have seen that the probabilities of various outcomes can be quantified using statistical inference.[5]
  12. Summary Statistical inference is used to make comments about a population based upon data from a sample.[5]
  13. Statistical inference makes propositions about a population, using data drawn from the population with some form of sampling.[6]
  14. Any statistical inference requires some assumptions.[6]
  15. Different schools of statistical inference have become established.[6]
  16. One interpretation of frequentist inference (or classical inference) is that it is applicable only in terms of frequency probability; that is, in terms of repeated sampling from a population.[6]
  17. Inference, in statistics, the process of drawing conclusions about a parameter one is seeking to measure or estimate.[7]
  18. In parametric inference, a particular mathematical form of the distribution function is assumed.[7]
  19. Nonparametric inference avoids this assumption and is used to estimate parameter values of an unknown distribution having an unknown functional form.[7]
  20. Among others, the use and misuse of statistical inference plays a key role in this crisis.[8]
  21. Indeed, statistical inference is too often viewed as an isolated procedure limited to the analysis of data that have already been collected.[8]
  22. Indeed, we argue that statistical inference is too often seen as an isolated procedure that is limited to the analysis of data that have already been collected.[8]
  23. To illustrate how design analysis could enhance inference in psychological research, we have considered a real case study.[8]
  24. Although AIC is used widely, the exact statistical inference presently embodied by AIC is not widely understood by practitioners.[9]
  25. The evidence function concept clarifies and makes accessible the nature of the statistical inference involved in model selection.[9]
  26. Within each of these approaches there are controversies about the best tools and standards for doing statistical inference.[10]
  27. For making a statistical inference now we want to go the opposite way: from the sample data to the population.[10]
  28. Given that we know a fundamental part of the data generation process, i.e., that the individuals were selected at random from the population, it is possible to use this knowledge to make an inference.[10]
  29. In order to perform these inferential tasks, i.e., make inference about the unknown population parameter from the sample statistic, we need to know the likely values of the sample statistic.[11]
  30. This book offers a modern and accessible introduction to Statistical Inference, the science of inferring key information from data.[12]
  31. We implemented a video-based system in a reaching task in monkeys and combined a casual inference model to establish an objective and quantitative signature for the monkey’s body representation.[13]
  32. Yet, how the brain achieves the statistical inference of the cause from multiple sensory signals to form body representations remains largely unknown.[13]
  33. Then come statistical inference, and this is where hell starts.[14]
  34. The course expands and is a thorough treatment of the theory of statistical inference introduced in earlier courses.[15]
  35. We propose a statistical inference approach designed to detect the presence of cell-cell interactions that give rise to collective behaviors in cell motility experiments.[16]
  36. This inference method has been first successfully tested on synthetic motional data and then applied to two experiments.[16]
  37. Our inference analysis does not provide evidence for interactions, indicating that cells migrate by sensing independently the chemokine source.[16]
  38. In this study, we propose a statistical inference method to overcome the issues mentioned above.[16]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'statistical'}, {'LEMMA': 'inference'}]
  • [{'LEMMA': 'inference'}]