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  1. In this chapter the classical theory of the Hardy spaces on the open unit disk will be explored.[1]
  2. The author does a masterful job of choosing topics that give a solid introduction to Hardy spaces without overwhelming the reader with too much too soon.[2]
  3. From the high stand due to a lifelong affinity for the subject, Nikolaï Nikolski delineates and recounts the fascinating history of Hardy space with style.[2]
  4. This book, aimed at beginning graduate students, introduces and develops the classical results on Hardy spaces and applies them to fundamental concrete problems in analysis.[3]
  5. Brett Wick, Washington University, St Louis 'From the high stand due to a lifelong affinity for the subject, Nikolaï Nikolski delineates and recounts the fascinating history of Hardy space with style.[3]
  6. The Hardy spaces defined in the preceding section can also be viewed as certain closed vector subspaces of the complex Lp spaces on the unit circle.[4]
  7. belong to the space (see the section on real Hardy spaces below).[4]
  8. when f ∈ Lp(T), hence the real Hardy space Hp(T) coincides with Lp(T) in this case.[4]
  9. Distributions on the circle are general enough for handling Hardy spaces when p < 1.[4]
  10. We shall focus our attention on Hardy spaces.[5]
  11. In contrast to that, hardy spaces seem to be less intuitive due to cancellation properties.[6]
  12. Hence we establish the theory of product Hardy spaces on spaces X˜=X1 × X2 × ··· × Xn, where each factor Xi is a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss.[7]
  13. The Hardy space theory developed in this paper includes product Hp, the dual CMOp of Hp with the special case BMO = CMO1, and the predual VMO of H1.[7]
  14. Abstract: We prove that certain quadratic expressions involving the gradient of a weakly superharmonic function in belong to a local Hardy space.[8]
  15. We study such operators acting on the Hilbert Hardy space over the right half-plane and characterize the situations when they are invertible, Fredholm, unitary, and Hermitian.[9]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'hardy'}, {'LEMMA': 'space'}]