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  1. The matrix multiplication can only be performed, if it satisfies this condition.[1]
  2. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss two popular matrix multiplication algorithms: the naive matrix multiplication and the Solvay Strassen algorithm.[2]
  3. Now the question is, can we improve the time complexity of the matrix multiplication?[2]
  4. For practical matrix-matrix multiplication, the answer depends on whether you have access to parallel processing.[3]
  5. A fundamental problem in theoretical computer science is to determine the time complexity of Matrix Multiplication, one of the most basic linear algebraic operations.[4]
  6. Matrix multiplication plays an important role in physics, engineering, computer science, and other fields.[4]
  7. Thus the running time of this square matrix multiplication algorithm is O(n³).[4]
  8. It turns out that Matrix multiplication is easy to break into subproblems because it can be performed blockwise.[4]
  9. Consequently, Strassen-Winograd’s O(nlog 2 7) algorithm often outperforms other fast matrix multiplication algorithms for all feasible matrix dimensions.[5]
  10. We apply our method to other fast matrix multiplication algorithms, improving their arithmetic and communication costs by significant constant factors.[5]
  11. Because matrix multiplication is such a central operation in many numerical algorithms, much work has been invested in making matrix multiplication algorithms efficient.[6]
  12. The three loops in iterative matrix multiplication can be arbitrarily swapped with each other without an effect on correctness or asymptotic running time.[6]
  13. An alternative to the iterative algorithm is the divide and conquer algorithm for matrix multiplication.[6]
  14. The first to be discovered was Strassen's algorithm, devised by Volker Strassen in 1969 and often referred to as "fast matrix multiplication".[6]
  15. (their results are more general and apply not only to matrix multiplication).[7]
  16. In linear algebra , the Strassen algorithm, named after Volker Strassen , is an algorithm for matrix multiplication .[8]
  17. Volker Strassen first published this algorithm in 1969 and proved that the n 3 general matrix multiplication algorithm wasn't optimal.[8]
  18. The left column represents 2x2 matrix multiplication .[8]
  19. Naïve matrix multiplication requires one multiplication for each "1" of the left column.[8]
  20. Forming a matrix product is taking a dot product of row components of one with column components of the other.[9]
  21. The spreadsheet iterates the matrix multiplication.[9]
  22. Form a spreadsheet that sets up the matrix multiplication and determinant and inverse finding algorithms described in the last two sections.[9]
  23. I am making some benchmarking with several languages and trying to understand why MATLAB's matrix multiplication is so fast.[10]
  24. In other words, what kind of matrix multiplication algorithm is used in MATLAB.[10]
  25. In article C Programming Matrix Multiplication a matrix is a grid that is used to store data in a structured format.[11]
  26. Therefore we are going to discuss an algorithm for Matrix multiplication along with the flowchart, which can be used to write programming code for 3×3 matrix multiplication in a high-level language.[11]
  27. Publications concerning parallel implementation of matrix-matrix multiplication continue to appear with some regularity.[12]
  28. Over the last three decades, a number of different approaches have been proposed for implementation of matrix-matrix multiplication on distributed memory architectures.[12]
  29. This paper provides a description and analysis of the class of parallel matrix multiplication algorithms that naturally lends itself to hybridization.[12]
  30. In the matrix-matrix multiplication algorithms discussed here, all communication encountered is collective in nature.[12]
  31. This is a short post that explains how to write a high-performance matrix multiplication program on modern processors.[13]
  32. The algorithm that we use for matrix multiplication is O(n^3) , and for each element we perform two operations: multiplication and addition.[13]
  33. The picture below depicts the vectorized matrix multiplication.[13]
  34. The register-blocked matrix multiplication is implemented in the Glow compiler.[13]
  35. Since there are N2 elements to be calculated, the total time complexity of matrix multiplication is .[14]
  36. In conclusion, we have presented a hyperparallel algorithm for matrix multiplication with arbitrary high accuracy.[14]
  37. In this post, we’re going to discuss an algorithm for Matrix multiplication along with its flowchart, that can be used to write programming code for matrix multiplication in any high level language.[15]
  38. The matrix multiplication does not follow the Commutative Property.[15]
  39. Otherwise, print matrix multiplication is not possible and go to step 3.[15]
  40. The above presented algorithm and flowchart can be used to understand how to write a program for matrix multiplication in any high level programming language.[15]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'matrix'}, {'LEMMA': 'multiplication'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'matrix'}, {'LEMMA': 'product'}]