Dehn twist

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  1. We show that every Dehn twist in the mapping class group of a closed, connected, orientable surface of genus at least two has a nontrivial root.[1]
  2. The corresponding Dehn twist on Σ \Sigma is obtained by extending the self-homeomorphism on the annulus to the entire surface, by taking a point p p to itself if p p is outside the annulus.[2]
  3. The generalized Dehn twist along a closed curve in an oriented surface is an algebraic construction which involves intersections of loops in the surface.[3]
  4. As the name suggests, for the case where the curve has no self-intersection, it is induced from the usual Dehn twist along the curve.[3]
  5. Margalit and Schleimer \cite{MS} discovered a nontrivial root of the Dehn twist about a nonseparating curve on a closed oriented connected surface.[4]
  6. As an application, we determine the range of degree for roots of a Dehn twist.[4]
  7. γ is the Dehn twist around the simple closed curve γ, then the isotopy class ofT n γ f contains a pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism except for at most 7 consecutive values ofn.[5]
  8. If the loop is simple, this corresponds to the right-handed Dehn twist, and in particular is realized as a diffeomorphism of the surface.[6]
  9. We investigate the case where the loop has a single transverse double point, and show that in this case the generalized Dehn twist is not realized as a diffeomorphism.[6]
  10. They admit automorphisms that preserve the part at infinity of one fiber and which are analogous to the square of a Dehn twist.[7]
  11. Dehn twist along a_i, and let G represent the subgroup of Mod(S) generated by T_1, T_2, and T_3.[8]
  12. A new proof will be given that Seidel's generalized Dehn twist is not symplectically isotopic to the identity.[9]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'dehn'}, {'LEMMA': 'twist'}]