Integrable perturbations of Ising model
- energy perturbation [Kau49], [MTW77]
- related to A1
- Ising field theory
- magnetic perturbation[Zam89]
- related to E8
Ising field theory
- the continuum limit of the Ising model is made to look like a field theory only through the application of a certain transformation (Jordan-Winger)
- "kink" states (boundaries between regions of differing spin) = basic objects of the theory
- called quasiparticle
- an entry of S-matrix
\[ S_{1,1}(\theta)=\frac{\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta +\frac{i \pi }{15}\right)\right)\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta +\frac{2i \pi }{5}\right)\right)\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta +\frac{2i \pi }{3}\right)\right)}{\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta -\frac{i \pi }{15}\right)\right)\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta -\frac{2i \pi }{5}\right)\right)\tanh \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\theta -\frac{2i \pi }{3}\right)\right)} \]
- it has poles with positive residue when \(\theta=i y,\, 0<y<\pi\) at \(y=\pi/15,2\pi/5,2\pi/3\)
constant TBA equation
- Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA)
- Let \(X=E_8\)
constant Y-system solution
- constant Y-system
\[ y_{i}^2=\prod _{j\in I} (1+y_{j})^{\mathcal{I}(X)_{ij}} \]
- solution
\[ \left\{2+2 \sqrt{2},5+4 \sqrt{2},11+8 \sqrt{2},16+12 \sqrt{2},42+30 \sqrt{2},56+40 \sqrt{2},152+108 \sqrt{2},543+384 \sqrt{2}\right\} \]
Klassen-Melzer solution
- Purely Elastic Scattering Theories and Their Ultraviolet Limits by Klassen and Melzer
- Let \(N=(N_{ij})\) be the matrix given by
\[ N=\mathcal{I}(E_8)\cdot(\mathcal{C}(E_8))^{-1}= \left( \begin{array}{cccccccc} 3 & 4 & 6 & 6 & 8 & 8 & 10 & 12 \\ 4 & 7 & 8 & 10 & 12 & 14 & 16 & 20 \\ 6 & 8 & 11 & 12 & 16 & 16 & 20 & 24 \\ 6 & 10 & 12 & 15 & 18 & 20 & 24 & 30 \\ 8 & 12 & 16 & 18 & 23 & 24 & 30 & 36 \\ 8 & 14 & 16 & 20 & 24 & 27 & 32 & 40 \\ 10 & 16 & 20 & 24 & 30 & 32 & 39 & 48 \\ 12 & 20 & 24 & 30 & 36 & 40 & 48 & 59 \\ \end{array} \right) \]
- note that this is equivalent to
\[ N=2\mathcal{C}(E_8)^{-1}-I_8 \]
- The TBA equation is
\[ \epsilon_i=\sum_{j}N_{ij}\log (1+e^{-\epsilon_j}) \] or
\[ e^{\epsilon_i}=\prod_{j}(1+e^{-\epsilon_j})^{N_{ij}} \]
- we have the relationship \(y_i=e^{\epsilon_i}\)
- Soon after Zamolodchikov’s first paper [Zam] appeared,
- Fateev and Zamolodchikov conjectured in [FZ90] that
- if you take a minimal model CFT constructed from a compact Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{g}\) via the coset construction and perturb it in a particular way, then you obtain the affine Toda field theory (ATFT) associated with \(\mathfrak{g}\), which is an integrable field theory.
- This was confirmed in [EY] and [HoM].
- If you do this with \(\mathfrak{g}=E_8\), you arrive at the conjectured integrable field theory investigated by Zamolodchikov and described in the previous paragraph.
- That is, if we take the \(E_8\) ATFT as a starting point, then the assumptions (Z1)–(Z4) become deductions.
- (3,4) Ising minimal model CFT
- Massive integrable perturbations of CFT and quasi-particles
- Y-system
- exact S-matrices in ATFT
- Purely Elastic Scattering Theories and Their Ultraviolet Limits by Klassen and Melzer
- Dilute A model
computational resource
- Did a 1-dimensional magnet detect a 248-dimensional Lie algebra?
- Affleck, Ian. 2010. “Solid-state physics: Golden ratio seen in a magnet”. Nature 464 (7287) (3월 18): 362-363. doi:10.1038/464362a.
- Jihye Seo, Solving 2D Magnetic Ising Model at \(T=T_c\) Using Scattering Theory 2009
- Delfino, Gesualdo. 2003. “Integrable Field Theory and Critical Phenomena. The Ising Model in a Magnetic Field.” arXiv:hep-th/0312119 (December 11). doi:10.1088/0305-4470/37/14/R01.
- Dorey, Patrick. 1992. “Hidden Geometrical Structures in Integrable Models.” arXiv:hep-th/9212143 (December 23).
- Koca, Mehmet, and Nazife Ozdes Koca. “Radii of the E8 Gosset Circles as the Mass Excitations in the Ising Model.” arXiv:1204.4567 [hep-Th, Physics:math-Ph], April 20, 2012.
- Kostant, Bertram. “Experimental Evidence for the Occurrence of E8 in Nature and the Radii of the Gosset Circles.” arXiv:1003.0046 [math-Ph], February 28, 2010.
- Coldea, R., D. A. Tennant, E. M. Wheeler, E. Wawrzynska, D. Prabhakaran, M. Telling, K. Habicht, P. Smeibidl, and K. Kiefer. 2010. Quantum Criticality in an Ising Chain: Experimental Evidence for Emergent E8 Symmetry. Science 327, no. 5962 (January 8): 177 -180. doi:10.1126/science.1180085.
- Alessandro Nigro On the integrable structure of the Ising model J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P01017
- G. Delfinoa and G. Mussardo Non-integrable aspects of the multi-frequency sine-Gordon model, 1998
- G. Delfinoa and G. Mussardo The spin-spin correlation function in the two-dimensional Ising model in a magnetic field at T = Tc, 1995
- Bazhanov, V. V., B. Nienhuis, and S. O. Warnaar. ‘Lattice Ising Model in a Field: E8 Scattering Theory’. Physics Letters B 322, no. 3 (17 February 1994): 198–206. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(94)91107-X.* Braden, H. W., E. Corrigan, P. E. Dorey, and R. Sasaki. 1990. “Aspects of Perturbed Conformal Field Theory, Affine Toda Field Theory and Exact \(S\)-matrices.” In Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics (Davis, CA, 1988), 245:169–182. NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys. New York: Plenum.
- [EY]T. Eguchi and S.-K. Yang, Deformations of conformal field theories and soliton equations, Phys. Lett. B 224 (1989), 373-8 B
- [HoM]T.J. Hollowood and P.Mansfield, Rational conformal theories at, and away from criticality as Toda field theories, Phys. Lett. B226 (1989) 73-79
- [Zam]Zamolodchikov, A. B. Integrals of Motion and S-Matrix of the (scaled) T = Tc Ising Model with Magnetic Field. International Journal of Modern Physics A 04, no. 16 (10 October 1989): 4235–48. doi:10.1142/S0217751X8900176X.
- [FZ90]V. A. Fateev and A. B. Zamolodchikov. Conformal field theory and purely elastic S-matrices. Int. J. Mod. Phys., A5 (6): 1025-1048
- [Zam89]A.B. Zamolodchikov, Integrable field theory from conformal field theory, Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 19, 641-674 (1989)
- Barry M. McCoy, Craig A. Tracy, Tai Tsun Wu Ising Field Theory: Quadratic Difference Equations for the n-Point Green's Functions on the Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 757–760 (1981)
- [MTW77]Barry M. McCoy, Craig A. Tracy, Tai Tsun Wu Two-Dimensional Ising Model as an Exactly Solvable Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: Explicit Formulas for n-Point Functions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 793–796 (1977)
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