Klein-Gordon equation

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  • in condensed matter physics it describes long wavelength optical phonons
  • there are real KG equation and complex KG equation
    • real case describes electrically neutral particles
    • complex case describes charged particles
  • \((\Box + m^2) \psi = 0\) i.e. \((\Box + m^2) \psi =\psi_{tt}-\psi_{xx}-\psi_{yy}-\psi_{zz}+m^2\psi=0\)
  • correct interpretations of \(\phi\) requires the idea of quantum field rather than the particle wavefunction
    • negative probability density -> charge density
  • Dirac suggested Dirac sea by invoking the exclusion principle and then KG equation only applicable to spinless particles
    • for example, \(\pi\)-meson
  • Thus the Dirac equation comes in to deal with spin-\(1/2\) particles.

Lorentz invariant commutation relation

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