Parameterized complexity

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  1. Abstract: Parameterized Complexity of editing to a family of graphs by contracting k edges has recently gained substantial scientific attention, and several new results have been obtained.[1]
  2. In this talk we will look at two results regarding Terrain Guarding, from the viewpoint of parameterized complexity.[1]
  3. In this way, parameterized complexity can be seen as two-dimensional complexity theory.[2]
  5. Read two research articles: Parameterized Algorithmics for Temporal Graph Problems by Hendrik Molter (TU Berlin) and Phylogenetics and parameterized complexity by Steven Kelk (Maastricht Univ).[3]
  6. Parameterized Complexity in the Polynomial Hierarchy was co-recipient of the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2017 for outstanding dissertations in the fields of logic, language, and information.[3]
  7. This work extends the theory of parameterized complexity to higher levels of the Polynomial Hierarchy (PH).[3]
  8. Parameterized Complexity of Directed Steiner Network with Respect to Shared Vertices and Arcs.[4]
  9. Parameterized Complexity and Kernel Bounds for Hard Planning Problems.[4]
  10. Parameterized complexity theory is a recent branch of computational complexity theory that provides a framework for a refined analysis of hard algorithmic problems.[5]
  11. Here, we refine the study of the complexity of problems related to discrete Morse theory in terms of parameterized complexity.[6]
  12. Most hardness proofs in both classical and parameterized complexity are unreasonable.[7]
  13. The subject of the thesis is the study of the parameterized complexity approach in developing graph algorithms.[8]
  14. Parameterized complexity is a rapidly developing, young and fresh field in theoretical computer science which provides the tools needed to deal with this fundamental problem.[8]
  15. To explain the concept of parameterized complexity, let us consider the well-known VERTEX COVER graph problem.[8]
  16. However, we may use parameterized complexity to provide a more in-depth analysis of the complexity of this problem.[8]
  17. This includes new developments in lower bounds and fine-grained parameterized complexity analysis.[9]
  18. We counter-balance these negative results with parameterized complexity results.[10]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'parameterized'}, {'LEMMA': 'complexity'}]