Categorification in mathematics

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  • general motivation for categorification
  • algebraic/geometric structures <-> category
  • we can use general properties of the category \(\mathcal{C}\)
  • It's a long established principle that an interesting way to think about numbers as the sizes of sets or dimensions of vector spaces, or better yet, the Euler characteristic of complexes.
  • You can't have a map between numbers, but you can have one between sets or vector spaces.
  • For example, Euler characteristic of topological spaces is not functorial, but homology is.
  • One can try to extend this idea to a bigger stage, by, say, taking a vector space, and trying to make a category by defining morphisms between its vectors.
  • This approach (interpreted suitably) has been a remarkable success with the representation theory of semi-simple Lie algebras (and their associated quantum groups).

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  • Matsuoka, Takuo. “A Generalization of Categorification, and Higher ‘Theory’ of Algebras.” arXiv:1509.01582 [math], September 7, 2015.