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  1. A query in SPARQL consists of a SELECT clause to specify the variables to return and a WHERE clause to specify which data to match in the graph.[1]
  2. Set up your reverse proxy to direct requests to the SPARQL-proxy.[2]
  3. If enabled, content negotiation will be disabled; spaql-proxy will always use application/sparql-results+json .[2]
  4. RDF is the standardized, graph-based data model of the semantic web and SPARQL its query and update language.[3]
  5. In addition to support for "query strings", Version 12 provides a symbolic representation of SPARQL that facilitates writing programs that generate or operate on SPARQL.[3]
  6. SPARQL also allows you to query and combine data from a variety of SPARQL endpoints, providing a valuable low-cost alternative to building your own data warehouse.[4]
  7. The UniProt SPARQL endpoint is free to use.[4]
  8. The SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (a recursive acronym, since it contains itself) is a language for formulating queries over RDF data.[5]
  9. Comparing SPARQL with SQL, the key difference is that it is designed for retrieving information from sets of triples, rather than from data organised into relations (i.e., tables).[5]
  10. In the next step, there is an exercise in which you will have an opportunity to formulate your first SPARQL queries.[5]
  11. Similar to SQL for databases, SPARQL allows us to carry out queries on RDF data.[5]
  12. On WikiPathways content is replicated in a SPARQL endpoint.[6]
  13. These prefixes are automatically used in the SPARQL Endpoint.[6]
  14. Of course, this can give false positives, because genes can be incorrectly marked as metabolite in some pathway, but that is another SPARQL query.[6]
  15. The following queries are run on the WikiPathways SPARQL end point.[6]
  16. URL Parameters query A URL-encoded SPARQL query operation.[7]
  17. This parameter only applies when evaluating a SPARQL SELECT query.[7]
  18. This parameter is only applies when evaluating a SPARQL SELECT query.[7]
  19. Use this parameter to fetch SPARQL query results based on the database contents at a fixed point-in-time.[7]
  20. This query is rather verbose because SPARQL lacks an exponent operator or function.[8]
  21. VIVO uses the YASQE editor for SPARQL.[9]
  22. These provides abbreviations for various URLs you use in your SPARQL queries.[9]
  23. For more on SPARQL, see Learning SPARQL.[9]
  24. Vitro SPARQL supports DESCRIBE queries, but DESCRIBE is not well-defined by W3C standards, allowing implementation specific variations.[9]
  25. All sample queries from this less can be pasted directly into DBpedia’s SPARQL UI for testing.[10]
  26. Try this in the DBpedia SPARQL UI.[10]
  27. If you are coming from the SQL world, the SPARQL OPTIONAL operator is equivalent to a Left Outer Join.[10]
  28. For SPARQL endpoints, SELECT and ASK queries return XML (application/sparql-results+xml) as the standard query result format for a SPARQL query.[10]
  29. For a complete documentation of the language, the specifications of SPARQL can be found on the W3C web site .[11]
  30. Stardog Knowledge Graph supports the SPARQL query language, a W3C standard for querying RDF graphs.[12]
  31. The main query form in SPARQL is a SELECT query which, by design, looks a bit like a SQL query.[12]
  32. But SPARQL provides a special kind of filter for this purpose: NOT EXISTS .[12]
  33. As we have just seen SPARQL property paths can be used to find pairs of nodes connected via a complex path of edges.[12]
  34. SPARQL is the standard language for querying RDF data.[13]
  35. In this article, we address systematically the formal study of the database aspects of SPARQL, concentrating in its graph pattern matching facility.[13]
  36. We provide a compositional semantics for the core part of SPARQL, and study the complexity of the evaluation of several fragments of the language.[13]
  37. Among other complexity results, we show that the evaluation of general SPARQL patterns is PSPACE-complete.[13]
  38. SPARQL builds on previous RDF query languages such as rdfDB, RDQL, and SeRQL, and has several valuable new features of its own.[14]
  39. Now let’s look at a very simple SPARQL query over the bloggers model.[14]
  40. SPARQL variables are prefixed with either ?[14]
  41. In addition to implementing SPARQL, ARQ’s query engine can also parse queries expressed in RDQL or its own internal query language.[14]
  42. SPARQL can be used to express queries across diverse data sources, whether the data is stored natively as RDF or viewed as RDF via middleware.[15]
  43. The results of SPARQL queries can be result sets or RDF graphs.[15]
  44. Named Graphs can be used to speed up your search by excluding the data that you do not care about - this can be done by using the from statement in your SPARQL query (see examples on this page).[16]
  45. If you want to learn more about SPARQL, we recommend the How to SPARQL and Wikibooks SPARQL tutorial.[17]
  46. We also recommend reading the Finding Europeana audio with SPARQL and SPARQL for humanists as they were the inspiration for us to provide this API.[17]
  47. SPARQL specifications can be found on the W3C web site .Please note that this is a tool for SPARQL experts.[18]
  48. This page contains a collection of basic SPARQL examples which can be applied to data in[19]
  49. The Apache Fuseki triplestore and SPARQL endpoint has been extended to support spatial queries by interacting with a Solr search index.[19]
  50. The objective of this SPARQL tutorial is to give a fast course in SPARQL.[20]
  51. If you are looking for a short introduction to SPARQL and Jena try Search RDF data with SPARQL.[20]
  52. As a query language, SPARQL is “data-oriented” in that it only queries the information held in the models; there is no inference in the query language itself.[20]
  53. SPANG can generate and execute simple queries by specifying a set of SPARQL shortcuts and additional options.[21]
  54. the target SPARQL endpoint and the ensuing arguments are SPARQL shortcuts and an option.[21]
  55. The SPARQL endpoint can be specified in a URL or in a nickname for simplicity.[21]
  56. More generally, the shortcut mode can generate a SPARQL code containing a certain triple pattern (see Additional file 1).[21]
  57. Let’s use SPARQL, the query language for RDF graphs, to create a graph.[22]
  58. Thus the query is easily written in SPARQL by matching Fred’s children and then matching his children’s children.[22]
  59. SELECT query Used to extract raw values from a SPARQL endpoint, the results are returned in a table format.[23]
  60. CONSTRUCT query Used to extract information from the SPARQL endpoint and transform the results into valid RDF.[23]
  61. ASK query Used to provide a simple True/False result for a query on a SPARQL endpoint.[23]
  62. The SPARQL query processor will search for sets of triples that match these four triple patterns, binding the variables in the query to the corresponding parts of each triple.[23]
  63. The combination of the flexibility of RDF and the expressiveness of SPARQL provides a powerful mechanism to model, integrate and query data.[24]
  64. However, these properties also mean that it is nontrivial to write performant SPARQL queries.[24]
  65. Moreover, we empirically verify the efficacy of the heuristics using a set of openly available datasets and corresponding SPARQL queries developed by a large pharmacology data integration project.[24]
  66. In addition, a SPARQL query can also be executed on any database that can be viewed as RDF via a middleware.[25]
  67. In contrast to SQL, SPARQL queries are not constrained to working within one database: federated queries can access multiple data stores (endpoints).[25]
  68. It is also an HTTP-based transport protocol, where any SPARQL endpoint can be accessed via a standardized transport layer.[25]
  69. SPARQL is designed to enable Linked Data for the Semantic Web.[25]
  70. SPARQL is the language used to query these databases.[26]
  71. Unfortunately, many tutorials on SPARQL use extremely simplified data models that don’t resemble the more complex datasets released by cultural heritage institutions.[26]
  72. This tutorial gives a crash course on SPARQL using a dataset that a humanist might actually find in the wilds of the Internet.[26]
  73. It is useful to think of a SPARQL query as a Mad Lib - a set of sentences with blanks in them.[26]
  74. This specification defines the syntax and semantics of the SPARQL query language for RDF.[27]
  75. SPARQL contains capabilities for querying required and optional graph patterns along with their conjunctions and disjunctions.[27]
  76. SPARQL also supports aggregation, subqueries, negation, creating values by expressions, extensible value testing, and constraining queries by source RDF graph.[27]
  77. Although work on this document by the SPARQL Working Group is complete, comments may be addressed in the errata or in future revisions.[27]
  78. SPARQL also supports extensible value testing and constraining queries by source RDF graph.[28]
  79. This section of the document, section 1, introduces the SPARQL query language specification.[28]
  80. Section 2 of the specification introduces the SPARQL query language itself via a series of example queries and query results.[28]
  81. Section 4 presents details of the SPARQL query language's syntax.[28]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LEMMA': 'sparql'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'sparql'}, {'LOWER': 'protocol'}, {'LOWER': 'and'}, {'LOWER': 'rdf'}, {'LOWER': 'query'}, {'LEMMA': 'Language'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'simple'}, {'LOWER': 'protocol'}, {'LOWER': 'rdf'}, {'LOWER': 'query'}, {'LEMMA': 'Language'}]