Simplicial homology

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  1. The term simplicial homology is also used in the literature for the homology of polyhedral spaces, based on the theory of simplicial complexes.[1]
  2. Simplicial homology arose as a way to study topological spaces whose building blocks are n-simplices, the n-dimensional analogs of triangles.[2]
  3. Simplicial homology is defined by a simple recipe for any abstract simplicial complex.[2]
  4. A key concept in defining simplicial homology is the notion of an orientation of a simplex.[2]
  5. This construction makes simplicial homology a functor from simplicial complexes to abelian groups.[2]
  6. Abstract : Simplicial homology is a tool that provides a mathematical way to compute the connectivity and the coverage of a cellular network without any node location information.[3]
  7. In this article, we use simplicial homology in order to not only compute the topology of a cellular network, but also to discover the clusters of nodes still with no location information.[3]
  8. The simplicial homology groups and their corresponding Betti numbers are topological invariants that characterize the -dimensional "holes" in the complex.[4]
  9. The simplicial homology global optimisation (SHGO) algorithm is a general purpose global optimisation algorithm based on applications of simplicial integral homology and combinatorial topology.[5]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'simplicial'}, {'LEMMA': 'homology'}]