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  1. 21부터 #270까지의 범위에서 250개의 결과가 아래에 보입니다.

(이전 250개 | 다음 250개) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) 보기

  1. Affine Hecke algebra
  2. AlexNet
  3. An Episodic History of Mathematics
  4. ArcGIS
  5. Associahedron
  6. Autoencoder
  7. Automatic differentiation
  8. BERT
  9. Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
  10. Bernstein-Sato 다항식
  11. Bernstein polynomial
  12. BigQuery
  13. Bit shift
  14. Boolean expression
  15. Burchnall–Chaundy 다항식
  16. C++
  17. CIFAR-10
  18. CIFAR-100
  19. CNTK
  20. Calogero-Moser system
  21. Cambridge Quantum Computing
  22. Caret
  23. Categorification
  24. Central Bank Digital Currency
  25. Chainer
  26. Character varieties of 3-manifolds
  27. Cirq (python package)
  28. Classical Wiener space
  29. Classical mathematics
  30. Classification
  31. CoCalc
  32. Cohen-Lenstra heuristics
  33. Cohomological Hall algebra
  34. Coleman-Ihara formula
  35. Complex multiplication
  36. Compressive sensing
  37. Computational complexity
  38. Computational engineering
  39. Computational epidemiology
  40. Computational visualistics
  41. Conformal bootstrap
  42. Convex Optimization
  43. Counterfactual quantum computation
  44. Cryptographic protocol
  45. Cyclic numbers
  46. D-웨이브 시스템
  47. DBSCAN
  48. DES
  49. Data breach
  50. Deep Down Things: The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics
  51. Deep Q-Network
  52. Deep belief network
  53. Dehn twist
  54. Density estimation
  55. Detailed balance
  56. Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
  57. Differentiable neural computer
  58. Diophantine approximation
  59. Discrete Morse theory
  60. Discrete probability distribution
  61. Distributed denial-of-service attack
  62. Double affine Hecke algebra
  63. Doubly linked list
  64. Dropout
  65. Dyck 경로
  66. E8 격자
  67. ELMO
  68. EM 알고리즘
  69. EPR 역설
  70. Early stopping
  71. Edge detection
  72. Epipolar geometry
  73. Error correction code
  74. Fast Library for Number Theory
  75. Feature extraction
  76. Feature learning
  77. Feature selection
  78. Federal Information Processing Standard
  79. Fermat quintic threefold
  80. Feynman-Kac formula
  81. Finite Weyl groups for classical groups
  82. Finite state transducer
  83. First-hitting-time model
  84. Fisher information metric
  85. Foliation dynamics
  86. Fundamental domain의 면적에 대한 지겔의 정리
  87. GAP
  88. GNU 일반 공중 사용 허가서
  89. GNU 프로젝트
  90. GPIO
  91. GPS
  92. GPT-2
  93. GPT-3
  94. Gabor filter
  95. Gated recurrent unit
  96. Gauss-Manin connection
  97. Gaussian mixture model
  98. Gaussian process
  99. Gaussian random field
  100. Gensim
  101. Geocentric orbit
  102. Geospatial intelligence
  103. GoogLeNet
  104. Gradient boosting
  105. Greedy triangulation
  106. Grover's algorithm
  107. HMAC
  108. HTTP
  109. HTTPS
  110. Haar wavelet
  111. Hall formula for abelian groups
  112. Hamiltonian system
  113. Harold M. Edwards(1936- )
  114. Hashing
  115. Hopfield network
  116. Hyperbolic manifolds and algebraic K-theory
  117. Hyperbolic tangent
  118. Hyperparameter
  119. IBM Quantum Experience
  120. IMDB 데이터셋
  121. ImageNet
  122. Image filter
  123. Immanant of a matrix
  124. Importance sampling
  125. Inductive transfer
  126. Information geometry
  127. Intel RealSense
  128. Interquartile range
  129. Invariant theory
  130. Ion trap
  131. Iris flower data set
  132. Isomap
  133. Iterated function system
  134. Iwahori–Hecke algebra
  135. J-불변량과 모듈라 다항식
  136. JIT 컴파일
  137. JPEG File Interchange Format, version 1.02
  138. JSON
  139. Jacquard loom
  140. Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma
  141. Jupyter Book
  142. Jupyter notebook
  143. K-평균 알고리즘
  144. K3 곡면
  145. K 근접 이웃
  146. Kernel density estimation
  147. Kernel method
  148. Kernel regression
  149. Key exchange protocol
  150. K이론
  151. L-모양 영역의 스펙트럼
  152. LAPACK
  153. LINPACK
  154. LU 분해
  155. Labeled data
  156. Lanczos approximation
  157. Latent semantic analysis
  158. Lattice QCD
  159. Lattice polygons
  160. Lattice reduction
  161. LeNet-5
  162. Learning rate
  163. Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
  164. Lightning Network
  165. Limit roots of infinite Coxeter groups
  166. Linear discriminant analysis
  167. Linear least squares
  168. Long Short-Term Memory
  169. Lévy distribution
  170. MATLAB
  171. MD2
  172. MD4
  173. MD5
  174. MD6
  175. MNIST 데이터베이스
  176. Markov process
  177. Math Kernel Library
  178. Mathematical linguistics
  179. Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science by E.T.Bell
  180. Mathematics of climate change
  181. Matplotlib
  182. Matrix theory
  183. Maxima
  184. Maze solving algorithm
  185. Mean squared error
  186. Measure theory
  187. Model theory
  188. Monte Carlo integration
  189. Motion control
  190. Multidimensional scaling
  191. Multilayer perceptron
  192. Multisum
  193. MySQL
  194. NAND 게이트
  195. NIST hash function competition
  196. NOR 게이트
  197. Natural Language Toolkit
  198. Nested radicals
  199. No free lunch theorem
  200. Node.js
  201. Noetherian module
  202. Non-fungible token
  203. NumPy
  204. Numba
  205. OTP
  206. OpenCV
  207. OpenGL
  208. OpenSSL
  209. P-NP 문제
  210. P2P
  211. PHP
  212. PSLQ 알고리즘
  213. PageRank Algorithm
  214. Parameterized complexity
  215. Peano arithmetic
  216. Periodicity of Y-systems
  217. Persistent homology
  218. Phyllotaxis
  219. Picard–Vessiot theory
  220. Pip
  221. Pooling
  222. Preprocessing
  223. Probabilistic programming language
  224. Pulsed laser
  225. PyMC
  226. PyTorch
  227. Pygame
  228. P진 로그감마함수(p-adic log gamma function)
  229. P진 해석학(p-adic analysis)
  230. QR 분해
  231. Q sharp
  232. Qiskit
  233. Quantitative analyst
  234. Quantized universal enveloping algebra
  235. Quantum Byzantine agreement
  236. Quantum Fourier transform
  237. Quantum algorithm
  238. Quantum annealing
  239. Quantum bit flip channel
  240. Quantum counting algorithm
  241. Quantum decoherence
  242. Quantum gate
  243. Quantum image processing
  244. Quantum phase estimation algorithm
  245. Quantum phase kickback
  246. Quantum simulator
  247. Quantum teleportation
  248. Quantum toroidal algebra
  249. R
  250. RC4

(이전 250개 | 다음 250개) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) 보기